Design a ?le-encrypting program named fileencr using ordinary pipes. This program will be passed two parameters: the name of the ?le to be copied and the name of the ?le which will end up having the content (plain text) of the source file in encrypted form. The program will then create an ordinary pipe and write the contents of the ?le to be encrypted, to the pipe. The child process will read this ?le from the pipe, encrypt it, and then write it to the destination ?le. For example, if we invoke the program as follows:
fileencr input.txt encr.txt
the ?le input.txt will be written to the pipe. The child process will read the contents of this ?le, encrypt it and write it to the destination ?le encr.txt. You must write this program using UNIX pipes. For encryption use the Caesar cypher algorithm where each character of text is substituted by a character Document Preview:

Problem statement: Design a ?le-encrypting program named fileencr using ordinary pipes. This program will be passed two parameters: the name of the ?le to be copied and the name of the ?le which will end up having the content (plain text) of the source file in encrypted form. The program will then create an ordinary pipe and write the contents of the ?le to be encrypted, to the pipe. The child process will read this ?le from the pipe, encrypt it, and then write it to the destination ?le. For example, if we invoke the program as follows:  fileencr input.txt encr.txt  the ?le input.txt will be written to the pipe. The child process will read the contents of this ?le, encrypt it and write it to the destination ?le encr.txt. You must write this program using UNIX pipes. For encryption use the Caesar cypher algorithm where each character of text is substituted by a character that follows one place later in the ASCII code. NOTE: assume that all characters in the file are alphabets (mix of upper & lower case).

