essay question about advertising

For this INDIVIDUAL assignment, simply reflect on what you think the role of advertising is in society.

Tell me a little about what you have learned over the course and if you view advertising differently than you may have at the beginning of the class.

This is not your course evaluation. In other words, this is not about me or the course, but rather it is about you and what you have learned. You can express comments about the course anonymously in the course evaluation.


Written assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurposePaper should be written with focus, organization, style, and content that fully elucidate the purpose and keep the purpose at the center of the piece. Fully responds to the question and expands on the topic. Uses material to support answer.

60.0 pts


30.0 pts


0.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLogic & Organization, References and CitationDevelop ideas coherently, organize them logically with paragraphs and connects them with effective transitions. Clear and specific introduction and conclusion. Meets page requirements if there are any. Uses proper references and APA citations for graduate-level work. Cite 2-3 references in addition to any organizational websites.

20.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, Grammar, FormatDevelop concise standard English sentences, balan ces a variety of sentence structures effectively. No errors should be present.

20.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts



I want you to write about social media ads and how they are helpful for the business

as well as how ads sometimes could be annoying for the customer

also a little about media planning and media scheduling

and how to be creative in a marketing campaign

and the difference between corporate advertising and product advertising

keep the wording easy cause English is my second language

I want you to pretend that you were me and tell the prof what you understood from the overall course