one and half page summary about five videos 1

  • Listen to/read/watch all of the following links.
  • Write a one-half page, (typed, double spaced, 12pt font) summary of the topic.
  • Reference these links. Summarize all the links combined in a half-page.

    1 .What kind of intelligent is your artificial intelligence?MPR podcast, Oct. 22, 2018 (11:34)

    2.Artificial Intelligence, Employee Recruiting and Potential Job Bias, MPR, Jan. 17, 2019 (2:37),

    3.Will Robots Take Our Children’s Jobs, NYT article, A. Williams, Dec. 11, 2017,

    4.CNBC, Will Robots Take Our Jobs, Feb. 22, 2018, (3:25),

    5.New Initiative, Feb. 11, 2019 Pres. Trump’s executive order, American Artificial Intelligence Initiative, read the story National Geographic,