powerpoint and responses

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply research on motivation and satisfaction to the analysis of their individual behavior and environment.

Assignment Steps

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation describing your Outer Game and Inner Game. See Ch. 3 of Mastering Leadership for these concepts.

Include the following:

  • Your leadership role and environment.
  • The leadership process in your Outer Game.
  • The leadership competencies in your Outer Game.
  • The leadership consciousness in your Inner Game.
  • Insights from this analysis.
  • Two actions you will take for growth and development.
  • Include detailed speaker notes, supporting citations, and references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

100-150 word response to the following in word document:

  • What is the relevance of the outer game and the inner game on your leadership behavior?
  • What points of leverage and strategies are given for increasing motivation and employee satisfaction?
  • What variables affect motivation and satisfaction? Why?
  • What impact do the different levels of leadership have on employee attitudes, emotions, and behavior?
  • Which level is closest to your present leadership style?
  • Which level is closest to your desired leadership style?
  • What are your thoughts regarding recognition programs that offer cash rewards?
  • . A manager who uses a more participative style of leadership will empower employees to perform at any level in which they are capable. What are your thoughts?