project 3 culture climate and ethical decisions of the department of veterans affairs

NB: I will do the narration myself after I get the power point section of the assignment.

Start Here

Step 1 is a planning step, where you address the 4 bullets. Also, S2-3 are also research, reflection and planning. Don’t forget that you must have academic research (generally they are articles in academic journals) for all four projects.

Step 1: Organize Your Work

Step 2: Collect and Analyze Resources

Step 3: Conduct Independent Research

Step 4: Create an Annotated Resource List

Project 3 Final Deliverable: Culture, Climate, and Ethical Decisions

Create a seven- to eight-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation. Include a cover page and reference section (these are not included in the length requirement) and write a two- to three-page memo to the COO (CAO, CEO, or comparable leader) that highlights the main points of your project’s findings. Include your notes for each slide in the note section of your presentation for each slide. The presentation and memo must both include proper in-text citations and a references section in APA format. In designing your presentation, refer to the guide on creating a narrated PowerPoint presentation. The memo and narrated PowerPoint are submitted in the last step.

Consider the following among the key things your presentation will need to address:

  • Define concepts—Define organizational culture, climate, and ethical decisions and practices. Use the academic sources embedded in the steps or other resources of like quality, written by authoritative sources.
  • Identify consequences—Describe the likely consequences of these concepts for an organization’s operations. See sample questions below.
  • Describe culture and climate—Describe and differentiate between the current organizational culture and climate of your organization. See sample questions below.
  • Describe approach to ethical decisions and practices—Think about the meaning of ethics and how they are applied in your organization. Does your leadership model them? Are employees placed in uncomfortable situations? How are ethics communicated?
  • Assess implications for organization—Assess the implications of the above issues for your organization. For example, what does it mean to your organization’s practices that the organization has the type of culture, climate, and ethics you identified?
  • Recommend actions—Recommend actions your COO (CAO, CEO, or comparable leader) should consider implementing to facilitate a shift in the organization’s culture, climate, and ethics to ensure desired or improved outcomes for your organization such as meeting its mission and values. If you don’t see a need for any changes, why?

Use these sample questions to guide your work:

  • What is organizational culture? How do authorities on culture define it? How does it relate to my organization? How would I describe the culture of my organization? Does the culture need to be changed? How can that be accomplished? If not, why not?
  • What is organizational climate? How do authorities define climate? Do people enjoy working here? If so, why? If not, why not? Are our motivation, evaluation and reward system perceived as fair and equitable? What effect do such measures have on climate? Do we do climate surveys? What do they indicate as key concerns? Should we measure climate? How?
  • What are organizational ethics? How do authorities define ethics? How does my organization enforce ethics? Do we have fair employment practices? Are we provided clear ethical guidelines? Do we receive ethics training? How do we measure compliance? Do our leaders shape ethical decision making or not? Do we ask or imply certain marginal practices are okay? Any past scandals? How were they dealt with? What steps have been or need to be taken to eliminate recurrences?