Stages of Interpersonal Relationship

Stages of Interpersonal Relationship

Section 1: Introduction: (5 points) Briefly introduce your topic (the film or TV show) and the ONE relationship you will focus on

Dyadic relationships refer to any committed and intimate relationships. In essence, dyadic relationships involve two interactive parties who can collaborate to attain certain goals. Different films and television shows illustrate different types of relationships, including dyadic relationships. One of these movies is The Break Up. The Break Up refers to an American romantic comedy-drama movie directed by Peyton Reed, released in 2006. Vince Vaughn starred in the movie as Gary Grobowski and Jennifer Aniston as Brookie Meyers. The movie was written by Jay Lavender and Jay Garelick and then produced by Universal Pictures. The movie depicts the theme of romance and relationships between different characters. More precisely, this report focuses on the dyadic relationship between Gary and Brooke, focusing on three stages in interpersonal relationships, including initiating, integrating, and terminating. ____________

Section 2: The Stages (5 points) List the ten stages of interpersonal relationships in Table


The ten phases of interpersonal relationships include initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, bonding, differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, and terminating. ______________

Section 3: Application of the stage model to the selected relationship:  (5 pts for this label)

Although there are ten stages, in the sections below, you will focus ONLY on these three stages: Initiating, Integrating, Terminating. Be sure to select a relationship that goes through these stages. 

*INITIATING (5 pts for this label)

In the sections below, include each number and label. Put your response to each one next to it.

  1. (10 points) Definition:  Define Initiating in your own words based on what it says in the textbook.__


Initiating is the first stage in an interpersonal relationship. Initiating refers to a stage where individuals size up each other up and attempt to present themselves favorably to the other. For instance, when an individual meets another person in any setting, they try to scan them and consider their knowledge and expectations of them or the general situation. _______

  1. (35 points) Application: Describe what happens at the Initiating stage in the selected relationship in the film/TV show (100 word minimum) 

Different factors influence the initiation stage. In this case, how individuals initiate a relationship with a stranger is not how they do with someone they known and had seen a few months ago. Thus, time constraints also greatly affect the initiation stage. Colleagues who had just met a few minutes ago, maybe at work or school, can skip the initiation communication and directly talk about issues in their lives or the activities they are currently doing at work. In the movie The Break Up, viewers can see the initiating stage of the relationship between Gary and Brookes. More precisely, Gary and Brookes first meet at Wrigley Field during a Chicago Cubs game. The two become interested in each other, and they try to learn and know more about each other. In this process, they eventually come to date. A short time into the relationship, they decided to buy a condominium together. This was the beginning of their intimate yet challenging relationship as depicted in the film. _______________

  1. (10 points) Connecting #1 and #2: Explain how what happens in the relationship fits the definition of Initiating. Start by restating the definition of Initiating and then describe how this plays out in the selected relationship: 

The initiating defines the first step in which individuals meet, size up each other, and try to show their most favorable characters to the other. How well the initiation stage goes highly influences individuals’ dyadic relationships. The film The Break Up represents the initiating stage by showing the relationship between Gary and Brookes clearly. Any individual watching the movie can tell that Gary and Brookes met as strangers who later came to know each other and start dating. In essence, the meeting between the two characters represents the most critical characteristics of the initiating stage. Two individuals living separate lives get to meet and start to learn more about each other. _____________________


*INTEGRATING (5 pts for this label)

In the sections below, include each number and label. Put your response to each one next to it.

  1. (10 points) Definition: Define Integrating in your own words based on what it says in the textbook._

Integrating is the fourth stage in interpersonal relationships. The integrating stage defines a phase when two individuals’ personalities merge or combine, and they develop a sense of interdependence. This stage is mostly experienced in romantic or intimate relationships, but it is also present in other types of relationships, including between friends and employees, and managers. ____________

  1. (35 points) Application: Describe what happens at the Integrating stage in the selected relationship in the film/TV show (100 word minimum) 

Fundamentally, individuals reach the integrating stage when their personalities merge and complement each other. In essence, some nonverbal and verbal signs of the integrating stage are seen when the two individuals’ social perceptions merge. People outside of that relationship start to treat them as partners as if they are one individual. Individuals in a dyadic relationship are referred to together as a unit. In the film, the audience sees Gary and Brooke enter into a dyadic or intimate relationship, where they even lived together in the condominium they had bought. The two work in different professions where Gary work as an official tour guide in a well-known family business with his brothers, Dennis and Lupus Grobowski (Cole Hauser). Brooke is a manager at an art gallery which is owned by Marilyn Dean, an eccentric artist. After meeting and knowing each other, their personalities and identities integrated, enabling them to be in a normal intimate relationship and live as a well-known couple. _______________

  1. (10 points) Connecting #1 and #2: Explain how what happens in the relationship fits the definition of Integrating. Start by restating the definition of Integrating and then describe how this plays out in the selected relationship:

The integrating stage refers to a phase when two individuals’ personalities merge to complement each other, and they come to depend more on the other. The integrating stage is most evident and critical in romantic relationships as individuals have to integrate into their lives to enhance their relationship. To an extent, a successful integration stage means an improved relationship as individuals know their partners’ personality, which also improves their relationship and collaboration as partners. The Break Up film illustrates the integrating stage by showing Gary and Brooke act as a couple or partners. More specifically, for a while, they act as a loving couple whose lives and personalities have integrated to the extent that they live together and made critical decisions about their lives. ____________

*TERMINATING (5 pts for this label)

In the sections below, include each number and label. Put your response to each one next to it.

  1. (10 points) Definition:  Define Terminating in your own words based on what it says in the textbook._

Terminating is the last stage in interpersonal relationships. The terminating stage defines a step in which individuals come to an end in a relationship. The termination stage can occur a little while after initiation or even after years of a relationship.  ____________

  1. (35 points) Application: Describe what happens at the Terminating stage in the selected relationship in the film/TV show (100 word minimum) 

Termination of a relationship can occur for various reasons, including geographical separation or geographic factors such as change of values or personalities that lead to weakening a bond or a relationship. Individuals can terminate a relationship amicably, but sometimes there are endless conflicts and arguments. In Gary and Brookes’s case, the termination of their relationship was because of the latter cause. More precisely, their relationship experienced the termination stage after they engaged in a series of arguments. Brooke felt unappreciated for the efforts she put into the relationship and continuously criticized Gary’s perceived immaturity and unwillingness to improve their relationship. At the same time, Gary is frustrated by Brooke’s controlling and perfectionistic attitude. He expresses his desire to have more independence, especially after arriving from work, wanting to sit down and relax. Brooke’s anger exacerbates when Gary fails to offer to clean up after a dinner party at their house. She breaks up with him, even though she still loved him. Both try to seek relationship advice from their friends, and each tries different methods to mend their relationship, but it was too late.  They officially end their relationship, and Brooke goes to Europe while Gary takes on a more active business role. _______________

  1. (10 points) Connecting #1 and #2: Explain how what happens in the relationship fits the definition of Terminating. Start by restating the definition of Terminating and then describe how this plays out in the selected relationship:

The termination stage refers to the stage when individuals end or terminate their relationships for various relationships. The movie depicts the termination stage by clearly showing how Gary and Brooke started arguing and irritating each other, which eventually led to their break-up. The two characters experienced a long and painful termination stage before they officially broke up. Regardless of their eventful and loving relationship, the two could not agree on some issues, which eventually led to their break up, as the title suggests. ____________


 Section 4: Concluding Remarks: (5 points) Be brief.

Dyadic relationships are crucial in people’s lives as it helps individuals meet, integrate, love, and improve their social lives. Interpersonal relationships experience ten stages, but this report only focused on the initiation, integration, and termination stage. These three stages are clearly depicted in the movie The Break Up, where Gary and Brooke meet and initiate their relationship and integrate into each other’s lives to the extent that they lived together. Nonetheless, their relationship reached the termination stage, and they had to break up after finding that they could not be partners any longer. From the movie, viewers learn that dyadic relationships are crucial for an individual’s social life. Regardless of their outcomes, they help individuals understand more about relationships and how to deal with different individuals.