u s healthcare reform

Please use the following when doing this Week 2 assignment:

Please be sure to include the course number and your name in the title of the document. The outline should be about 1–2 pages in length and include the following.

  • Identify the topic you will be writing about.
  • Define the problem that you will be trying to suggest a solution for.
  • Identify possible solutions.
  • Describe the sources you will be using to conduct your research and analysis.
  • Problem Statement (Content Section 2)
    Identify and clearly state the problem that needs improvement or is not meeting expectations. Remember that what appears to be the healthcare problem or issue may actually be just a symptom of a bigger problem: Dig deep to be sure that you have identified the real problem or problems. If there appears to be more than one problem or issue, decide if they are separate or related issues. State the problem in the form of a single, clear problem statement (required). A problem statement contains and identifies the focus issue that the rest of the model addresses. It presents an existing adverse outcome or concern. For the Course Project, the problem statement can be a statement or a question. Please note, there should be no more than one paragraph in this section with a clear problem statement easily identified in that paragraph. The problem statement should be underlined and in bold letters. There will be a deduction if more than one paragraph is used.