The Portfolio (Total : 4000 words) The portfolio should include: • a Research Proposal (3000 words) • a completed research ethics form • a piece of reflective writing (approximately 500 words) that outlines what you have learnt from this module. • a brief critical overview of key research methods papers that you have read and what you learnt from them – 5 papers – two or three sentences on each- this is like a mini literature review. (500 words) The Research Proposal The proposal will be used as the basis of your dissertation/final project and as such must include: • a brief description of and justification for the area of study • the research questions/issues to be explored • a relevant literature review • a critical exploration of appropriate research methodologies for your study, including data collection instruments • an indication of the data analysis approach you will use • consideration of ethical issues associated with your study • approximate time line • any problems or issues your foresee Document Preview:

Order NoEHUK6027Word4000Deadline2015-12-09Allocation Date2015-12-06 17:41:00Order TypeProposalAcademic LevelMasterSubjectManagementOrder DeliveryTopic Determine the parameters involved in the logistic supply chain management to support a successful e-commerce environment. Admin Remark need a very high standard of work strict deadline

