COIT 20248: Information Systems Analysis & Design- Systems Development Assignment Help


This assessment relates to course learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 stated in the e-course profile. Assessment 1 is an individual assessment. In assessment 1, you are assigned tasks which assess your course knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 5 about different facets of systems development. All students will have to write a report showing the answers to the questions in tasks 1-5 below.

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The tasks
For the purpose of this assignment, you are assumed to be one of the software consultants appointed to shoulder the system analysis responsibilities in, Global Business Systems in the project outlined in the case study.

You will plan and manage the project as well as investigate and document its system requirements. For your Assignment 1 submission, you will produce a report that discusses this project based on your understanding of it and the related investigation results through the tasks below.

Task 1:
Approaches to Systems Development
• How would UNICEF Child Care go about developing its information systems?
• Justify your choice of your selected approach tosystems development.

Task 2:
Systems Requirements
• What are the primary functional requirements for the system in the case study?
• What are the non-functional requirements for the system in the case study?

Task 3:
Project Cost Benefit Analysis
• Discuss your Project Cost Benefit Analysis.
• Provide an excel spread sheet with details in a Project Cost Benefit Analysis.

Task 4:
Project Schedule
• Show a work breakdown structure and a project schedule as a Gantt Chart. Explain bothof them and discuss how they relate to each other.
• Given the system goals, requirements, and scope as they are currently understood, is the project schedule reasonable? Why or why not?

Task 5:
System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques
• Who are the stakeholders involved?
• Explain your choice of the 3 most useful investigation techniques.
•Justify the usefulness of these 3 investigation techniques.

The Case: UNICEF Child Care

“UNICEF Child Care” (UCC) is an organisation run by a group of people and the chairman of the organisation is John Smith. UNICEF Child Care provides caring and supervision of a child or children, ranging from age six weeks to age thirteen. UNICEF child care provides facilities for food, nannies, babysitter, teachers or other providers. Parents pay for the services they get from UNICEF child care.

John along with other people started the first center in Sydney. The Children Care gained huge popularity in a short period of time and due to its increased number of children, the organisation decided to open additional centers in Melbourne, Brisbane, Rockhampton and Gold Coast. Collectively all the sites serve over 2,500 people per day.

When the initial Children care was opened in Sydney, it had two Learning and Growing Child Care staff, 1 admin staff and one cleaner and a small army of volunteers.

However due to opening additional sites in quick session, the number of staff increased exponentially. The organisation now employs 15 Learning and Growing Child Care staff, 20 admin staff, 5 cleaners, 1 handyman and an accountant. The organisation also appointed a chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and a public officer.

Current Manual Process

Parents go online to the website and look up bank details of UNICEF child care. They then go and make a payment via bank transfer to the UNICEF child care trust account. Some parents decide to go to a branch and deposit money directly into the UNICEF child care account. After that parents either call the UNICEF trust or email the UNICEF trust to leave their details and get a receipt / invoice. Once the funds are received at the end of each week the accountant generate tax invoices / receipts for each parents and either emails them the receipt or sends it out to them via Australia post.

Each week supplies such as food, nappies, tissues, toys etc…are ordered by the admin staff of UNICEF child care and delivered at the Sydney center. Admin staff at Sydney center then prepares the packages for other centers to be distributed. The packages are being delivered by TNT courier services to other centers. Prior to ordering the supplies the admin staff in Sydney rings around each center to determine the existing stock levels and estimated number
of supplies required each week.