Communication Within Nursing: Communication Framework- Nursing Communication Tools- Essay Writing Assignment


Communication within nursing practice is often challenging and nurses need to be equipped with concepts and strategies to respond effectively in these situations.

Select one of the two communication scenarios presented below and write a 1200 word essay that analyses the scenario in relation to nursing communication. In your assignment, you need to draw on:

1. On supporting literature or concepts taught this semester (for example person centred care, family centred care, nursing governances, etc.) to strengthen and support your assignment.

2. These concepts in turn reinforce your choice of a Communication Framework that can be applied to overcome the ineffective communication displayed in the scenario (for example: managing aggression, assertive communication, managing conflict, de-escalating conflict, self-awareness, resilience and self-care).

3. The concepts and the communication framework work together to enhance the effectiveness of nursing communication tools to be improved in the scenario (for example SOAP, SOAPIE, ISBAR, ISOBAR, hand over, etc.)

Scenario 1
You are commencing your evening shift as a Registered Nurse in the local emergency department. You have just received patient handover from the morning shift. One of your patients is a woman who has had a fall outside the local supermarket and has sustained a serious head injury. She is presently unconscious and being prepared for transfer to the intensive care unit. As you approach the family to introduce yourself, you are confronted with a very unhappy and concerned family. One of the family stands really close to you, and in a loud voice says:

“What’s going on? We received a phone call saying Mum has been taken to hospital and then we are left sitting here for hours with no information from anyone! What is going on?”

In the handover, you did not receive any information informing you that the family were here.

Scenario 2
You are on clinical placement as a first year nursing student. The nurse you are working with today has requested that you attend a simple wound dressing on one of your patients. As you are completing the dressing and communicating with the patient, the nurse you have been working with arrives and challenges your technique with the dressing. The nurse states:

“You’ve got it all wrong; just stop what you’re doing!

The nurse then comments:

“Having a student is such a pain and I really don’t have time to deal with your incompetence!”

The nurse then leaves you alone in the room with the patient, who is very upset with the outburst of the nurse. You try to calm down, complete the dressing, and clear away the dressing trolley. As you leave the room, you try to find the nurse you have been working with to discuss what has just happened

Please structure the essay in the following way :

Introduction: State the chosen scenario and the concepts and framework you will use in your essay. This first paragraph should provide the thesis statement in the first sentence and the overview of main points or brief plan for what will be included in your essay.

Identification of the concepts, communication framework and nursing tools: Selectthe concepts, communication framework and nursing communication tool/s to be applied to the scenario. Explain how they are relevant to your chosen scenario. Discuss why they are suitable, including the relevant positive or negative aspects of the concepts, framework and nursing tools that are important considerations for nurses). Write one paragraph here with the first sentence of the paragraph providing the main point – the concepts and the communication framework – and their relationship to the scenario. In the rest of the paragraph, discuss their suitability and their positive and negative aspects for nurses, using evidence from the literature.

Analysis of the Communication Scenario): Analyse the communication scenario and identify the nursing concepts and governances that have impacted onthe interpersonal communication displayed in the scenario. Draw upon some literature to support your analysis of the communication scenario. Use two paragraphs here with each paragraph’s main point relating to a reason why the communication in the scenario is not effective. The rest of each paragraph will explain and support the main point by referring to the evidence and relating it to the scenario using examples.

A pplication of the chosen concepts, communication framework and nursing communication tools: Discuss how the use of the concepts, framework and tools can improve communication within the chosen scenario and support your discussion with reference to evidence based literature. Use at least 2 paragraphs here, with each paragraph’s main point explaining an area of effective communication. The rest of each paragraph will explain and support the main points by referring to the evidence and relating it to the scenario using examples.

Conclusion: Briefly restate the case scenario and your chosen nursing concepts, communication framework and nursing communication tools, and summarise how they were relevant. Summarise the main ways you applied them to enhance the communication within the chosen scenario. Use one paragraph for this conclusion, restating your thesis statement, providing an overview of main points and providing a concluding sentence or two, that rounds out your learning from the assignment.