Consider a program that generates a sequence of virtual address references that correspond to the following sequence of page references: 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,3,1,2,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6 (i.e., first it references an address in page #1, then an address in page #2, then an address in page #3, etc.) show how pages are populated in physical frames over time, and indicate where page faults occur, for each of the following cases: a) LRU page replacement, for each subcase of: i) one frame, ii) three frames, iii) 5 frames, iv) 7 frames b) FIFO page replacement, for each subcase of: i) one frame, ii) three frames, iii) 5 frames, iv) 7 frames c) Optimal page replacement, for each subcase of: i) one frame, ii) three frames, iii) 5 frames, iv) 7 frames Did you see an instance of Belady’s anomaly?