• Discuss when the Gay Liberation did and did not conform to the definition of a ‘new social movement’.
  • Compare and contrast the social roles of the Indian Hijras and the North American Two Spirit People.

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Assignment 3: Major Essay Weight: 45% Word Count: 1500 words (Includes in-text references & reference list) TASK Choose ANY one (1) of the following TOPICS: Discuss when the Gay Liberation did and did not conform to the definition of a ‘new social movement’. Compare and contrast the social roles of the Indian Hijras and the North American Two Spirit People. References ( APA 6th format) : SIX (6) references from Academic Source are given below (Please use these as the main source and add other book references.): Social Movements Power, Governance & Social Movements (Ch 16 p. 563-573) Olofsson, G. (1988) After the Working-Class Movement? Acta Sociologica 31(1) pp. 15-34 Retrieved from HYPERLINK “http://www.jstor.org/stable/4200682” http://www.jstor.org/stable/4200682 Third Genders The Gender Order & Sexualities (Ch 12 p. 390-397) Nanda, S. (1993) Hijras (Ch. 8 p. 373 – 417) in Third Sex. Third Gender. [https://ereadings.cdu.edu.au/view/cdu:61505] Feminism The Gender Order & Sexualities (Ch 12 p. 398-410 and p. 377) Hooks, B. (1991). Sisterhood (Ch. 4 p.27-41) in Gunew, S. (Ed.) A Reader in Feminist Knowledge [https://ereadings.cdu.edu.au/view/cdu:61504] Globalised Sexuality The Gender Order & Sexualities (Ch 12 p. 389, p. 410-420) Altman, D. (2004). Sexuality and Globalisation. Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, (62), 22-28. Retrieved from HYPERLINK “http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.cdu.edu.au/stable/4066674” http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.cdu.edu.au/stable/4066674 Global Sociology Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally (Ch 2 p. 33-48) [https://ereadings.cdu.edu.au/view/cdu:39076] FOUR (4) references from Primary source list given below: Government Reports NGO websites Documentaries Newspaper Articles Government Policy (X) N.B: NON-citable Sources which cannot be used in this essay are: Encyclopaedia Google Google Scholar Wikipedia Youtube clips Student’s Dissertations Dictionary Book reviews Conference papers Magazine articles Essay Format

