Research Project
Assignment 1: Literature review
Total marks: 100
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Instructions to students
• This assignment covers Topics 1 to 3 and accounts for 30% of your final grade.
• There is one (1) question in this assignment. You should answer all parts of the question.
• Marks are awarded for research effort and referencing.
• The overall word limit for the assignment is 2,600 words. Marks will only be awarded for answers up to the word limit (plus 10%) for each question. Any material written after this will not be counted towards your mark for the question. Headings, quotes and references within the body of the answer are included in the word count. Numerical tables, calculations and reference lists are not included. For more information on word counts and their rationale, go to Assessment ? Assignment ? General assessment information.
• Please use double spacing, set line spacing at 1.5 lines, use 12-point spacing after each paragraph and use a font size of 12.
• The ‘General assessment information’ section in KapLearn contains information about word limits, citations and referencing, collusion, plagiarism and other policies, useful resources, submitting your assignment and accessing your results.
• Answers should be in your own words. Reference and cite all your sources (within the text of your answer) when quoting or using material from external sources. Include a reference list at the end of your assignment. Refer to the ‘Referencing and Citations Guide’ available from the Library in KapLearn for further information on referencing.
• Requests for special consideration or information pertaining to special consideration written in the body of the assignment will not be considered by the marker. Refer to the ‘Special consideration’ section of the Assessment Policy on Kaplan’s website for more information.
Learning outcomes (LOs) mapping Marks
1. Engage in research environments, critically appraising the research of others. 40
2. Perform a literature review in a specific area. 40
3. Evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Assignment 2
4. Plan a qualitative or quantitative research design. Assignment 2
5. Develop, present and defend a research proposal as a possible basis for a research project. Assignment 2
6. Outline the major ethical issues involved in business research. Assignment 2
7. Report and communicate analytical findings and recommendations in a manner conducive to the profession or discipline. Assignment 2
Structure and referencing 20
Total marks 100
Literature review (100 marks)
Instructions to students
It is essential that you go beyond your subject material to research your answers. Your research effort will be rewarded.
Managers and professionals are required to write business strategies, business cases, information reports and whitepapers. The comprehensiveness of these types of documents depends on the author’s skills in identifying and reviewing issues and trends that are published in professional journals.
Question 1 (100 marks | Word limit: 2,600 words)
Use the topic selected in Task 1 and complete a literature review.
Critically analyse a minimum of ten (10) research papers published in national and international academic journals. These ten (10) research papers may include all or some of your research papers you have chosen for Task 1, if they are relevant.
Present your analysis as a literature review on the selected topic, which must include the following:
• an introduction:
A modified version of the Task 1 introduction, including a brief overview of the topic; a clear statement of the research problem (i.e. interest) with no more than three research questions; a brief summary of knowledge gap(s) in the literature and a brief overview of the structure of the proceeding literature review.
• a literature review:
The literature review includes a diversity in the journals and papers selected.
A thorough review and analysis of at least ten (10) research papers is undertaken, which demonstrates an understanding of the chosen topic and the student’s own analysis and interpretations.
The literature review identifies key knowledge gaps, which informs a set of three (3) research questions to explore in Assignment 2.
Headings and subheadings are used appropriately.
• a conclusion:
A valid conclusion based on arguments set out in the review of literature. No additional arguments are introduced.
• a reference list:
The Harvard referencing style is used correctly for in-text citations and the reference list. The Harvard referencing guide is available at: https://www.kaplearn.com/pluginfile.php/129950/mod_resource/content/2/ReferencingCitationsGuide.pdf.
Criteria-based Marking Guide for Question 1
The Criteria-based Marking Guide provided below is designed to assist students in understanding what is expected of them in the assignment and to let them know how their performance will be assessed. It provides advice about the criteria used in the marking of the assignment and the maximum marks awarded for each criterion.
Excellent (Mark range: 75–100 marks) Satisfactory (Mark range: 50–74.5 marks) Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–49.5 marks)
• A well-articulated and logically structured introduction is provided, clearly summarising the background of the topic; research problem; three research questions; knowledge gap(s) and the structure of the proceeding literature review.
• The literature review is clearly and logically structured and flows from one section to another as a coherent body of work with a sound essay and sentence structure and no errors in the grammar and spelling.
• A diversity in the academic journals and papers are selected, which provide different perspectives on knowledge gaps relevant to the student’s research problem/interest.
• The findings and observations in each of the ten (10) papers are justified for relevance to the student’s research problem/interest and three (3) research questions. The explanations are concisely elaborated with the student’s own analysis and interpretation.
• It includes a valid conclusion based on arguments set out in the body of work.
• The Harvard referencing style is used correctly.
• The assignment adheres to the question’s word limit. • An introduction is provided summarising the background of the topic; research problem; three research questions; knowledge gap(s) and the structure of the proceeding literature review.
• The literature review is well structured as a coherent body of work with a sound essay and sentence structure and few errors in grammar and spelling.
• A limited number of academic journals and papers are selected, which provide similar perspectives on knowledge gaps relevant to the student’s research problem/interest.
• The findings and observations in each of the ten (10) papers are analysed without clear relevance to the student’s research problem/interest and three (3) research questions. The explanations describe the analyses and interpretations from the author of the paper.
• A conclusion is provided.
• The Harvard referencing style is used with minor errors or inconsistencies.
• The assignment adheres to the question’s word limit.
• An introduction is not provided, confusing or poorly summarises the background of the topic; research problem with one or no research questions and knowledge gap(s).
• The literature review is not well structured with poor sentence structure and multiple errors in grammar and spelling.
• Non-scholarly journals and papers are selected, which provide few knowledge gaps that may or may not be relevant to the student’s research problem/interest.
• The findings and observations are summarised for each of the ten (10) papers, which weakly support the student’s research problem/interest and some research questions. The analyses and interpretations from the author of the paper are summarised.
• A conclusion is not provided or confusing.
• Referencing is not used or the Harvard referencing style is not used.
• The assignment is significantly under or over the word limit.
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End of answers to Question 1

