This assignment consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Assignment is completed in groups of 3
students. Part A requires each member to select one type of flip-flop and write a report about its
operation. Part B requires the group to design seven segment display and implement it in Logisim
software. Write a report explaining your design and its implementation.
Part A: Report on the operation of the various Flip-flop [15 Marks]
Flip-flops, also known as latch or multivibrator, are arrangements of logic gates. These gates are used
in various electronic devices. There are three types of flip-flops. The various flip-flops are SR, JK and
D flip-flops. Each group member is required to select one type of flip-flop and write a 1-page report
describing the main concepts with appropriate diagrams regarding its operation. Cite the references
used in the report. The report must include description of the concepts, the schematic diagrams, the
truth tables, clocks used, explanation of outcome of the waveforms due to the clock and any other
relevant information. Contribution of each member must be included in the report.
Part B: Designing Seven-Segment Display [35 Marks]
Design and implement a typical combinational circuit that converts Binary Number to Decimal
Number system. The system consists of logic gates. A 4-bit binary number is entered through DIP
switches, converted to a 1-digit equivalent decimal number and displayed on LEDs using a sevensegment
display. The range of numbers that can be displayed are 0-9 since the circuit is designed for
only one digit.
Your submission should include the following steps:
a. All truth tables and expressions for combinational logic, wherever appropriate
[5 marks]
b. Karnaugh maps and minimizations [10 marks]
c. Implementation using Logisim [10 marks]
d. Demonstration (Operations) [10 marks] Document Preview:
BE102 Digital Systems Page 2 of 3 Description of the assessment This assignment consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Assignment is completed in groups of 3 students. Part A requires each member to select one type of flip-flop and write a report about its operation. Part B requires the group to design seven segment display and implement it in Logisim software. Write a report explaining your design and its implementation. Part A: Report on the operation of the various Flip-flop [15 Marks] Flip-flops, also known as latch or multivibrator, are arrangements of logic gates. These gates are used in various electronic devices. There are three types of flip-flops. The various flip-flops are SR, JK and D flip-flops. Each group member is required to select one type of flip-flop and write a 1-page report describing the main concepts with appropriate diagrams regarding its operation. Cite the references used in the report. The report must include description of the concepts, the schematic diagrams, the truth tables, clocks used, explanation of outcome of the waveforms due to the clock and any other relevant information. Contribution of each member must be included in the report. Part B: Designing Seven-Segment Display [35 Marks] Design and implement a typical combinational circuit that converts Binary Number to Decimal Number system. The system consists of logic gates. A 4-bit binary number is entered through DIP switches, converted to a 1-digit equivalent decimal number and displayed on LEDs using a seven-segment display. The range of numbers that can be displayed are 0-9 since the circuit is designed for only one digit. Your submission should include the following steps: a. All truth tables and expressions for combinational logic, wherever appropriate [5 marks] b. Karnaugh maps and minimizations [10 marks] c. Implementation using Logisim [10 marks] d. Demonstration (Operations) [10 marks]BE102 Digital Systems Page 2 of…