Forensic accounting is a special area of accounting, which deals with the investigation of fraudulent activities within financial systems of any country. The services associated with this type of accounting are designed to enable attorneys and their clients to resolve financial disputes and be able to clearly and concisely communicate financial information in the courtroom (Alabdullah, Alfadhl, Alfadhl& Rabi, 2013). Therefore, forensic accounting is one of the critical areas of accounting, which are fundamental in enhancing the success of corporate firms (Williams, 2014). Many international financial institutions have been facing financial challenges in the 21st century due to mismanaged planning that has resulted in further financial crises (Dada, Owolabi &Okwu, 2013). Some of these financial institutions have experienced various forms of corruption and other fraudulent activities that have gone unnoticed.

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Master of Science in Accounting (MAcc)Accounting DepartmentCourse No: ACCT 632Course Name: Forensic AccountingResearch ProposalAcademic Year: 2-1438-1439Instructure: Dr. Ahmad AlsalmanStudent. No:381224146Student Name:Reef Mohammad Alsheail Points earned from 10Points earned from 100Maximum points TraitsObjectiveNo220Identify and summarize the research problem and state the research questionStudents will demonstrate that they are critical thinkers1110Identify the purpose of your research2110Identify the importance of your research3110Identify the accounting issue of your research4220Identify and summarizes the literature review5220Identify the research hypothesis6220Identify the research model and the variables7110Identify the data and sample812120Total Identify and summarize the research problem and state the research question Identify the purpose of your research Identify the importance of your research Identify the accounting issue of your research Identify and summarizes the literature review Identify the research hypothesis Identify the research model and the variables Identify the data collection and Sample. Identify the references. The problems facing the Forensic accountants and its impact on their performance in Saudi court Supervisor: Dr. Ahmad Alsalman Submitted by: Reef Mohammad Alsheail 381224146 The problems facing the Forensic accountants in Saudi Arabia and its impact on their performance Introduction: Forensic accounting is a special area of accounting, which deals with the investigation of fraudulent activities within financial systems of any country. The services associated with this type of accounting are designed to enable attorneys and their clients to resolve financial disputes and be able to clearly and concisely communicate financial information in the courtroom…

