Go to Wattle to download the 2017 financial year annual reports of Harris Technology Group Limited, and fill in the following table. Note: The annual reports as well as other information may be found on the DatAnalysis Premium on the university library website as below or other websites. You will need your student I.D. and password to access the database. http://datanalysis.morningstar.com.au.virtual.anu.edu.au/af/dathome?xtm-licensee=datpremium Information Required Harris Technology Group Limited ASX code (1 mark) Listing date (1 mark) Industry (1.5 marks) Number of subsidiaries (1.5 marks) Financial year end (0.5 mark) Audit firm (1 mark) Audit partner (1 mark) Audit opinion date (0.5 mark) Total financial report audit fees (1 mark) Total other auditor remuneration (1 mark) Question 2 (40 marks) Using the table provided below to prepare a memo for Harris Technology Group Limited: (a) Outline four factors that may have impact on business risks (with reference to your information source, and, if from the annual report, refer to the page number). (2*4=8 marks) (b) Identify four factors that may have impact on inherent risk or control risk (with reference to your information source, and, if from the annual report, refer to the page number). (3*4=12 marks) (c) For each factor identified from (b), comment on accounting issues identified and management assertions affected (5*4=20 marks) Client Harris Technology Group Limited Period-end Done by Business risks facing Harris Technology Group Limited (Bullet-point descriptions of individual risks here) Audit risk factors to be considered (Bullet-point descriptions of individual factors here) Accounting issues identified and related assertions affected For the bullet-point descriptions of each factor identified above, comment as below: Document Preview:

Harris Technology Group Limited Annual Report 2016/17 | 1Harris Technology Group Ltd (ASX: HT8) has the mission to be a leading ASX-listed online e-commerce destination in Australia. Contents Chairman and CEO Letter 4 FY17 Summary 7 FY18 Strategy 10 Directors’ Report including Remuneration Report 14 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 33 Corporate Governance Statement 34 Financial Statement 35 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 39 Directors’ Declaration 74 Independent Auditor’s Report 75 Additional Information 80 Harris Technology Group Limited Annual Report 2016/17 | 2Harris Technology Group Brands Harris Technology Group Growth Strategy Ensure all sites Focus on Sales Strategic are Mobile & Emphasis on and building partnership to Tablet-Systemisation the brands in strengethen Enabled to to reduce costs the market M2C strategy increase visibility Harris Technology Group Limited Annual Report 2016/17 | 3

