In this case study, your group assumes the role of a financial advisor to a firm. As a financial advisor you are required to prepare an executive-style report, in a manner consistent with what is expected in the real world by a typical Board of Directors: 1. Report title page: a. This is a distinctive title page prepared by your team. 2. Identify the cash flows for this project and perform a capital budgeting analysis: a. Produce a table of the cash flows for capital budgeting analysis clearly indicating the net cash flow for each year. 3. Executive summary (maximum 1000 words): a. Write an executive summary to the CEO and the board supported by your capital budgeting analysis from previous step. The executive summary should cover: i. Definition of the problem ii. Objectives iii. Methods iv. Key findings v. Conclusions vi. Recommendations 4. Other factors should the firm consider (maximum 500 words): a. Here you should be able to specify any further factors the company might overlooked or other factors that should have been taken into consideration.

