Anchoring Change management homework help

Anchoring Change

The end result of a successful change process should include a change in an organization’s culture. This change in culture ensures that the vision is permanently entrenched in the organization. Kotter warns against change visions that begin with a cultural change—he maintains that the roots have not been established to sustain the long and often exhausting change process. Rather, Kotter suggests, if you adhere to his eight-stage process, cultural change will occur naturally, creating an organizational culture that encourages future opportunities, empowerment, and continual renewal.

As you review the resources this week, continue your research, and contemplate the following:

What are the forces that push back toward the former status quo, and how do you overcome them? What are the dangers of trying to move forward too rapidly?

What are the consequences of not anchoring change within the organizational culture?

Note: You do not need to answer these points directly in your Discussion post, since they serve primarily to begin your thinking process. However, you must explain your reasoning as you formulate your formal response.

Now answer and addresses the following:

  • Analyze the differences between changing an organization’s culture first vs. organizational culture change being a natural occurrence as a result of change (Kotter’s view).
  • Make a case for each side of this argument as being the best approach to changing the culture—as the first step or as a consequence of moving through the outlined steps. Be specific and cite examples that support the respective sides of the debate from at least two scholarly resources.


Kotter, J. P., & Cohen, D. S. (2002). The heart of change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Step 7 highlights the importance of continually planning for additional changes until the overall organizational goals have been realized.

Sirkin, H. L., Keenan, P., & Jackson, A. (2005). The hard side of change management. Harvard Business Review, 83(10), 108–118.

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Chapter 10, “Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture”