discussion board 442

Clarifying terms & ideas from Module Two Readings – Please answer any SEVEN of the following eleven prompts:

  • What is privilege & how does it exist even in people who may not feel that they are privileged?
  • What is intersectionality?
  • What is the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, & bias? Explain each type with the use of specific examples.
  • What is implicit/unconscious bias & how is it harmful?
  • What does it mean to “check your privilege”?
  • Pick one level of Allport’s Scale of Prejudice & one of Young’s Faces of Oppression & explain/describe them, using real-life examples.
  • What is systemic (or institutional) racism/oppression?
  • What is the difference between covert & overt forms of oppression?
  • Why is “reverse racism” not really a thing?
  • Compare Structural Oppression to Aversive Racism/Oppression
  • What’s the difference between bias/prejudice & racism?

Please answer the following two prompts:

  • What, in your opinion, is the most important part of the LEARN model & why?
  • Do the “Sorting People” game found in the Race & Ethnicity Lecture PDF. Write about your results & compare it to how you felt doing the Implicit Bias Test.

Digging Deeper – Please answer any FIVE of the following eight prompts:

  • Can a person be prejudiced/biased and NOT be racist/sexist/homophobic, etc.? How?
  • How are we supposed to prevent ourselves from falling prey to bias/prejudice?
  • We often consider overt forms of oppression (such as violence) to be “worse” than covert forms, like microaggressions. How does this view of some forms of oppression as not being as bad as others make it even harder to work for equality?
  • How does the case of the case of Amadu Diallo (from the Malcolm Gladwell video) illustrate the harm of acting on biases that you don’t realize you have?
  • Why does equality feel like oppression to someone with privilege?
  • How does Allport’s Scale of Prejudice & Young’s Faces of Oppression work together?
  • Race is a biological marker, but how is it also a social construct?
  • Using specific examples (either from the news, personal experience, or the course materials), explain how racism, sexism, OR another type of oppression can affect the relationship between patients & healthcare professionals.

As the final part of this discussion board, I want you to respond to two classmates with responses of 75 words or more. Your responses should use at least one of the following patterns & may address any aspect of their discussion board posts:

  • Affirmations (i.e. “I really like that,” “I wouldn’t have thought of that,” “That helps me see the text in a new way,” etc.)
  • Elaborations (i.e. “You know what that makes me think of is . . .” “Another thing that goes along with that is . . .” “This additional passage also ties into that . . .” etc.)
  • Connections (i.e. “We noticed that too,” “That connects to something our group was asking,” “We came at something similar from a little different angle,” etc.)
  • Questions (i.e. “Why do you think ___?” “Can you say more about ___?” “How is that related to ___?” “Did your group consider ___?” etc.)
  • Divergences (“I see your point, but . . .” “A different perspective on that is . . .” “A passage in the text that might contradict that is . . .” etc.)