Goal setting using SMART Analysis
Goal setting using SMART Analysis
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Goal setting using SMART Analysis
Setting up goals and starting the journey to accomplish them is relatively an easy task for many people. However, attaining these goals successfully is the major challenge as it requires a lot of dedication and planning to ensure that you overcome every challenge on the way (Wayne, 2020). Whether it is a company launching a new product or a person beginning a new career path, developing the best appropriate method to meet the goals set can increase the chances of success. One of the best methods is SMART; a goal-reaching-oriented approach meant to help people achieve their goals. It is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, achievable or attainable, relevant, and time-bound (Tardif, 2020). Having started my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, the SMART approach will help me complete my degree as I remain goal-oriented.
Being specific on what you want to attain is the first step to success (Wayne, 2020). Having vague goals such as ‘I want to attain a degree’ can lead to straying away and fail to achieve anything. It is important to have a clear goal. As for me, I want to attain a first-class honor degree in Business Administration by working hard and closer with the help of my lecturers and fellow students. After setting a clear goal, it is important to answer the question, “what is to be done?” “How will I know it is done?” and the results of the goals (Gregory, 2020). It is essential to make a goal observable in the same way when read by different people.
Measurable refers to the extent to which a goal and objective can be evaluated compared to a given standard (Gregory, 2020). It is important to track the progress made toward attaining the main goal. Some goals are not measurable such as becoming better in public speaking. However, stating that I want to be able to conduct a two-hour lecture without stammering is measurable and specific. Having completed a full lecture class without stammering, then I can say that I have achieved that measurable goal. Sometimes people tend to set too high goals that are beyond their attainment capabilities (Tardif, 2020). For instance, “I will attain my degree within one year.” This is not practical and attainable as the workload is immense, and the learning program set cannot allow it. It is necessary to set goals that are achievable in relation to a person’s capability, knowledge, and experience. I will be able to work and integrate with employees as a trainee after the initial two years of my education.
When setting a goal, it is necessary to determine whether it is important to you at that moment in your life. If it does not align with what you are doing, then it is likely to fail. Your goal relevance ensures that you understand how it helps or hinders your life (Wayne, 2020). At the moment, I am an aspiring senior sales manager, and having attained a degree in Business Administration is the beginning of it. Every goal requires to have a given timeframe for completion. It is necessary to be realistic on the normal completion time for the goal to a majority of the people in the same field. Having set the completion time helps you to remain focused to ensure that you minimize time wastage (Tardif, 2020). My goal is to finish a bachelor’s degree within four years successfully.
Gregory, A. (2020). Here are some business goals that follow the SMART criteria. The Balance Small Business. https://www.thebalancesmb.com/smart-goal-examples-2951827
Tardif, L. (2020). Examples of SMART goals and objectives. LoveToKnow. https://business.lovetoknow.com/business-operations-corporate-management/examples-smart-goals-objectives
Wayne, L. (2020). S.M.A.R.T. Objectives. Wayne leads. https://hr.wayne.edu/leads/phase1/smart-objectives