Health Benefit of Vitamins

Research paper. 6 sources of investigations. (2017-2019). APA style. Third person. First page title, second abstract 250, then the body 8 pages(support what is telling and cite others person word to do not get plagiarism), outline and last page references.
My topic is about Vitamins ,,,focus on how they are beneficial to our bodies


Vitamins are organic compounds that support a sustainable life. The organic
compounds are essential in supporting life when taken in small quantities. Most of the
vitamins are provided by the food consumed as most of the bodies of the organisms do not
produce them in the right quantities. Studies have established that the essential compounds
are required in different quantities among different organism. For example, the dogs do not
require ascorbic acid “vitamin C” while the organic compound is very crucial to the human
body. The vitamins that the body requires for growth and development are 13. The vitamins
include Vitamin A, C, D, E, K and Vitamin B which has a which has six elements, thiamine,
riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-12, biotin, and folate. The study will establish
the sources and the benefits of vitamins in the human body.
Forms of Vitamins

The vitamins that are needed in the human body are in two forms. The first type of
vitamins is water-soluble vitamins, which comprises of Vitamin B complex and C. The
water-soluble vitamin are classified according to their soluble. The water-soluble Vitamins
unlike the fat-soluble are not stored in the body hence the humans need to acquire them
regularly. The second class of vitamin is the fat-soluble vitamins that usually stored in the
body (Bari Shozib, 2017). The fat-soluble fats include Vitamin A, D, E and K. unlike the
water-soluble vitamins, the fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body and they do not
require to be consumed regularly. The vitamins are not excreted through the kidney. The
vitamins are stored in the body tissue such as a kidney where Vitamin B12 only water-
soluble vitamin is stored.

Benefits of Vitamins

The study will establish the benefits of both water-soluble (vitamin B complex and C)
and fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) vitamins.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is also referred to as Retinol or Carotenoid. The human body has
three active Vitamin A which includes retinal, retinol and retinoic acid. The human body can
convert the retinal and retinol element to other active forms of vitamin A required in the
body. According to Bari Shozib (2017), the compound is functional in two different levels in
the body; the first one is in the body tissues, and the second is the visual cycle of the eye in
the retina. The vitamin plays a crucial part in the development and growth of cells. Also,
Vitamins prevent diseases such as lung cancer and also prevent night blindness. Also, the
vitamin is beneficial to the body in the differentiation and growth of epithelial cells.
An adequate supply of the vitamin ensures that goblet cells are maintained in the
body. The regeneration and differentiation of most of the body tissues is facilitated by the
vitamin A. Research by Schwalfenberg, (2017), indicates that the vitamin plays an important
role in promoting health skins, nails, gums, bones, hair, and teeth. Besides, Vitamin A also
ensures that the mucous membranes, teeth, and bones are healthy. The development of the
embryo in the early stage is also supported by the vitamin. Lastly, the immune system of an
individual is boosted by the consumption of the right quantity of Vitamin A. The most
common sources of the Vitamin include, cold-water fish, salmon, fortified dairy products and
egg yolks. the infants require about 100 ugs of the vitamin to support their body growth. The
newborns acquire their retinol from the mothers' milk.
Vitamin D
According to Al-Araji, Mashkour & Al-Mulla (2017) Vitamin D contains
cholecalciferol chemicals that are essential to bones formation. Vitamin D, on the other
hand, plays a crucial role in the absorption of calcium. Also, Vitamin is essential in the
build-up and maintenance of strong teeth and bones. A human with adequate intake of the
vitamin has the benefit of reduced chances of infection by conditions such a softening of

bones, osteomalacia, and rickets. Vitamin D, in addition, modulates the transcription of the
proteins. Cell modulation reduces the proliferation of cells. Besides, the vitamin also
increases the differentiation of cells for some specialized cells. Lastly, the vitamin provides
the human body with the immunomodulatory property that assists in increasing response.
The infants are at risk of infection of deficiencies associated with lack of vitamin D. The
vitamin is essential in the growth and development of the newborn's skeleton. The infants
during birth usually have vitamin D stored in their body that is required to run them for the
first few months before they start acquiring from the external sources.

Vitamin D is also important to the adolescents as during the time most of the
vitamins are required for the rapid growth of the skeleton. During puberty, the human body
utilizes the active forms of (OH) 2 D (Schwalfenberg, 2017). The availability of vitamin D in
adolescents unlike in the infant is abundant as most of them spend most of their time in the
sun. lastly, the vitamin is important to elderly people. Vitamin D is important in ensuring
that the skin of the old people is maintained. Besides, the elderly also get blood regeneration
through increased blood cells and plasma formation. Pregnant and lactating women also
benefit from the vitamin. Pregnant mothers require a high level of vitamin to supply it to the
foetus through the placenta. The vitamin supplied by the mother ensure the growth of the
neonate. During the process of lactating, the mothers benefit from the vitamin as it facilitates
the formation of calcium that is drained from the mother. Lastly, the vitamin assists in
maintaining the mass of the bones and boosting the hip features. The main sources of
Vitamin A include liver, fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified margarine, and milk. Moreover,
Vitamin D can also be obtained by exposing the skin to the sunlight.
Vitamin E
The vitamin contains tocotrienols and tocopherols chemical which is beneficial to the
human body. The vitamin is beneficial for human bodies as it protects fatty acids in the

tissues. Also, the vitamin ensures that the body can maintain red blood cells and muscles.
The vitamin is beneficial to newborns as it prevents the infection of hemolytic anemia. The
hemolytic anemia results in the removal or damage of the blood cells in an early stage.
Moreover, vitamins assist in the prevention of diseases such as cancers and heart diseases.
Vitamin E assists in the prevention of the damage of the biological molecules that may
damage the proper functioning of the human body. Besides, vitamin E benefits the body in
the donation of hydrogen that assists the inactivation of most of the chemical processes in
tissues. The phospholipid bilayer that stores the vitamin E in the body plays a major role in
the protection of PUFAs, the low-density lipoprotein and other components of the cell
According to Huang, Cai & Xu (2017), the vitamin is beneficial to the human body as
it reduces the chances of contracting heart diseases. The same report indicates that vitamin E
reduces the ex vivo plasma oxidization. Besides, the supplements of vitamin E moderates
degeneration of diseases such as Parkinson's illness. Lastly, vitamin E acts as a crucial
antioxidant for most of the processes occurring in the body. The major sources of the
vitamin include, vegetable oils, eggs, margarine, mayonnaise nuts and seeds, and fortified
Vitamin K
Vitamin K contains menaquinones and phylloquinone chemicals that are fat-
soluble. Vitamin K is generated by both plants and bacterias. The most important molecule
in the plant vitamin K 1 which is referred to as phylloquinone which acts as carboxylation
reactor. According to Kazimov & Kazimova (2019), the bacteria generate vitamin K 2 which
is referred to as menaquinones which transform selective glutamate to carboxyglutamate.
Vitamin K 2 is generated in the interest where most of the organisms deliver the compound
directly from the distal colon. In addition, the vitamin is crucial in the formation of

membrane enzymes. The benefit of the vitamin ranges from proper blood clotting to the
formation of red blood cells. Infants benefit from the vitamin as it reduces the bleeding
disorders which result in blood loss. According to Wagner (2019), infants of between 0-6
months who acquire Vitamin K get protection against the disorder called VKDB. Lastly, the
vitamin reduces the chances of infection of bleeding diathesis condition which may be
accompanied by unusual bleeding. The major sources of the vitamin include broccoli,
spinach, liver, and green leafy vegetation.
Vitamin C
The vitamin is crucial in most of the body functioning. First, vitamin C
strengthens blood vessels by increasing the lining of the cells. Besides, due to the ability of
the vitamin to promote clotting, Vitamin C assists in wound healing. Thirdly, iron
absorption is also facilitated the adequate intake of vitamin C. Humans who have the intake
of the right quality of the vitamin also have the advantage of reduced atherosclerosis and
also improved immunity. Children who acquire the vitamin is prevented from the condition
of scorbutic while the elderly people are provided with energy metabolism activities.
Lastly, the vitamin-like some of the other vitamins act as a key antioxidant. The main
sources of vitamin C include juices, citrus fruits, melons, broccoli, berries, potatoes, and
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine. The vitamin is important in the process
of metabolism. The vitamin ensures that the whole process of metabolism is maintained. The
intake of the vitamin is also beneficial in maintaining normal appetite, digestion, and proper
nerve functioning. The major sources of the vitamin include legumes, pork, seeds, nuts,
grains, and fortified cereals.
Vitamin B2

The vitamin is also known as Riboflavin. The vitamin is important mostly for
energy metabolism. In addition, vitamin aids in the maintenance of healthy skin, support
the normal vision and lastly increase adrenal function. The main sources of vitamin B2
include grains, fortified cereals, poultry, fortified cereals, lean meat, raw mushrooms, and
rice beverages.
Vitamin B3
The vitamin is also known as Niacin and is mostly obtain from proteinous meals. The
vitamin contains niacinamide and niacin which are essential to stabilization of mental
disturbance. Human beings with the right amount of the intake of the vitamin have many
benefits. The benefits include metabolizing energy required to promote growth (Kazimov &
Kazimova, 2019). The vitamin also assists in the promotion of normal growth of the body
tissues. The availability of the vitamin reduces the chances of getting the condition od
pellagra which is characterized by dermatitis and diarrhea. The availability of vitamin B3
reduces the chances of the occurrence of pellagra which is categorized as chronic wasting
diseases. Also, the vitamin assists in the dementia stability that occurs after the mental
change (Schwalfenberg, 2017). The combination of vitamin B3 with Vitamin B6 to convert
tryptophan to niacin. The traces of narcotic acid in the blood lipids activities most of the
non-active metabolic activities. The activation process ensures that the human body is
supplied with essential elements that provide for the growth of many tissues. The human
beings who have the right intake of vitamin B3 enjoy intracellular respiration. Moreover, the
vitamin ensures that the body enzymes easily oxides the fuel substance. The vitamin is
acquired from poultry, lean meats, seafood, legumes, milk, cereals, and eggs.
Vitamin B5

The vitamin is also referred to as Pantothenic Acid. The vitamin assists in the
normalization of blood sugar levels. In addition, vitamin B5 assists in energy metabolism

for most of the body tissues. The vitamin breaks down into compounds that provide energy
for most of the daily activities. Moreover, the vitamin assists the human body to resist the
condition of paresthesia. The vitamin is available in most of the foods consumed.

Vitamin B6
The vitamin is also known as Pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 also contains chemicals
such as pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 is one of the compounds that
is not suffered by the challenge of deficiency. The main reason as to why most of the
people do not undergo deficiency is that the vitamin is present in other complex forms of
vitamin Bs (Al-Araji, Mashkour & Al-Mulla, 2017). The vitamin benefits the human body
in ensuring protein metabolism. The vitamin is also essential in the provision of energy as it
supports the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Besides, the vitamin provides the human
body with increased energy which is beneficial for proper nerve function. Lastly, the
protein assists in the improved synthesis of red blood cells. The vitamins also reduce the
chances of an individual getting infected with deficiency diseases such as anemia,
peripheral neuropathy or even nerve damages on parts of the body such as spinal cord and
brain. The major sources of the vitamin include fish, meat, poultry, grains, bananas, cereals,
soybeans, vegetables, potatoes, and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B7
The vitamin is also referred to as Biotin. Vitamin B7 increase the immune system of
the body. The availability of the vitamin in the body reduces the chances of infection of
dermatitis or enteritis (Wagner, 2019). In addition, the vitamin is essential n the prevention
of inflammation of both the small and large intestine. The main sources of the vitamin
include liver, egg yolk, and some vegetables.

Vitamin B9
The vitamin is also known as folic acid vitamin B9 contains folinic acid and folic
acid chemicals. The vitamin is essential in ensuring that there is stability during pregnancy
and the complications associated with the process are reduced (Huang, Cai & Xu, 2017).
The main sources of the vitamin include legumes, livers, leafy vegetables, fortified grains,
liver and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B12
The vitamin contains hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin
chemicals. The presence of the vitamin in the body reduces the chances of an individual
getting infected with megaloblastic anemia. The vitamin also assists one to produce normal,
mature and adequate red blood cells. In addition, the vitamin results in the maturity of the
bone marrow and provides chemicals used in the production of blood cells.


The literature review establishes the importance of all the 13 essential vitamins.
The consumption of the right quantity of vitamins reduces the chances of condition that
reduces the growth or development of some tissues. Despite, the two forms which include
water-soluble and fat-soluble one should ensure that both are available in their diet.
Different stages of people should establish their vitamin requirements based on the age
group. The benefits of the vitamins in the human body ranges from visible to non-visible
output. The research lastly indicated that proper intake of the vitamins has the benefit of cost
reduction that would be used to treat diseases that would be prevented through consumption
of the vitamin.



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