help with simple lab idea for science

Next week we will be submitting our first lab. I would like you to submit an IDEA for your lab project this week. Find something online, or come up with your own.

The purpose of this submission is to give me the opportunity to make sure that you are planning something feasible and help you iron out any problems.

Please do one of the following:

1. Describe an idea that you have for a lab activity in a few sentences

2. Send a link to a site/video that shows what you want to do

3. If you are having trouble coming up with an idea, tell me what subject you would like to work on and I will help you find something appropriate

Please submit your project idea/questions no later than Sunday at midnight. If you can submit earlier, there is a better likelihood that I will be able to help you in time.

This submission is worth 25 points of extra credit.