instructions are in the section below 1

Assignment: Part 2: (Create a logic model based on your program proposal): A logic model for the program that includes resources or inputs, activities, outputs, and short term and long term outcomes. In the narrative for Part 2, the student should also include the research background that supports the program as evidence-based practice, an analysis of how this program serves vulnerable or at risk groups, stakeholder analysis, and goals and objectives for program.

I am uploading my Part 1 (Operation Elevate) that I have completed already. I have objectives that can be used in Part 2 but the goals would need to be created and if anymore objectives need to be added please do. I am also uploading 2 examples on what the logic model should look like and information on how it is suppose to be completed. Please read the instructions to Part 2 assignment and make sure all information is put into it including the logic model of the program and the research background that supports the program as evidence-based practice, an analysis of how this program serves vulnerable or at risk groups, stakeholder analysis, and goals and objectives for program.

Here are some of my objectives from my Part 1:

Strategic Objective:

This event aims to showcase the beneficial practices or prevent the homelessness of the veterans. The stakeholders plan to participate in the events that will support this cause by contributing, collecting, and distributing furniture and other essentials that are most needed by the Veterans who are moving into their new house and make it a home.

Moreover, this also intends to educate the community of the organization’s aspirations behind the services rendered in helping the homeless Veterans promoting the societal interest and the awareness on the Housing Urban Development and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program ethics which is based in the constitution of the country.

The organization can only render the services by means of the supports from different charitable institutions, private donors in both international or local. We are responsible for 25 beneficiaries whom we currently help to provide home and other necessities that they need to live a better and meaningful life in their dawning remaining years.