Marx criticism on Watchmen Adrian Veidt

Watchmen Outline

Marx criticism on Watchmen Adrian Veidt (Ozmandias)
Ozymandas s a great Greek character who is depicted as the smartest man on the planet owing
to the ability to use the intelligence bestowed in him. He was a brilliant student who as a student
had excellent grades and this made many admire him. However, he did not show this to his
peers and many thought he was just an ordinary learner who did not have extra knowledge.
After the death of his parents at seventeen years of age he decided to donate all the property he
had inherited to charitable organization. He believed that he had all that it takes for him to make
his own wealth. His birth name was Adrian Veidt but he was later to adopt the name
Ozymandias at the age of nineteen years to mean Ramesssee II. In characterization, Adrian
was painted as a costumed vigilante who intervened in scenarios that went beyond the ordinary
solution. Veidt was on the mission of fulfilling his childhood mission as he was greatly influenced
by Alexander the Great. All his actions were geared towards greatness and he was one man
who could not settle for less. For him to visualize the visions of the past he decided to consume
a ball of hashish and soon after travelled to Egypt. He spent most of his time in training at the
In the watchmen series which is the work of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Adrian Veidt is
depicted as the main character. He is shown as the main antagonist in the flow of the story. The
story features Adrian as a past member of the Watchmen team who is a popular billionaire and
has effluence in terms of IQ and has extra intelligence. In the Watchmen team he plays the role
of the smartest member owing to his special attributes shown in the story. His first appearance
in the Watchmen series is at the time when he gets a vist from Rosarch who inquires the
opinion from him regarding the serial killer who was on the mission of eliminating the
superheroes. However, the response that Rosarch gets does not convince him enough and
requests for more information regarding the ongoing killings. Of concern being Blake who had
been assassinated in an earlier event and Veidt was among those who attended the burial. In a
later scene Veidt is involved in assassination attempt which leaves him surviving but his
assistant is killed instantly.
Through the series of activities that Veidt is involved in a number of theories can be formulated
towards making an argument on how he shapes the flow of the story in the Watchmen series.
The theories with the main one being Marxist claim that Veidt is either a villain or a legendary
hero. However, as it would later emerge Veidt is a legendary hero who conquers what few
thought he would conquer. In similar way, the theory of utilitarian is used to give an explanation
of the characterization of Veidt. Additionally, the critical analysis theory supports the shaping of
Veidt in the Watchmen series regarding his character. Though it may be implicated by the
conflict of the main plot line that Adrian Veidt (Ozmandias) is the villain of this tale. Upon
analysis of his motives and the motives of the other character however, it becomes apparent
that this is not the case. It could be argued that there is no definite villain in this story but rather
the villain is contrived within the mind of the reader determined by the ethical predispositions of said reader. It is apparent that his cations are more inclined on being a legendary hero as
opposed on being a villain.
In an attempt to showcase his good deeds Veidt goes an extra mile when he tries to save the
society in general. He does this by exposing Manhattans lover colleagues and those who
introduced cancer on the planet. This can be seen as a legendary action which earns him the
title of a hero as he does what none had attempted to do. When approached by both Nite Owl
and Rosach Veidt engages in brilliant entangle and he explains to them the plains that he has
put in place in a bid to save the entire humanity from the engineered bacteria that was
engineered to kill mullions in the universe. This in itself shows how Veidt is a selfless giving
individual who is determined to save the humanity in the capacity that he had. This scenario
paints him as someone who moves beyond the description of individualism connoted in
Marxism theory and embraces the aspect of socialism as he believes that this was the most
appropriate way through which the world would be liberated. United states together with the
aliens had joined in hands in ensuring that their plan succeeded. If Veidt was a villain by any
chance then he would have partnered with them. However, he did not partner with them at any
The theory of utilitarianism also plays part in the discussion regarding Veidt characterization. By
length utilitarianism advocates dong that action which will cause happiness to great people and
mimnimse suffering amongst people. The actions that Veidt engage in usually depict this theory
as he gears his actions towards acting in a manner that majority will embrace. In the Trolley
dilemma Ozmandias would act as a utilitarian and move the lever to ensure the greatest number
of lives are saved. On the contrary The Comedian would not pull the lever as his cynical
philosophy dictates that mankind’s problems are caused by mankind therefore justice entails
eliminating mankind. Dr Manhattan would likely do the same however not for the same reason.
His lack of emotional bias frees him from the predisposition that multiple lives are more valuable
than one life. We see this when he stands still allowing The Comedian to gun down a woman
right in front of him. Utilitarain principle here plays role as vey few individuals will undergo the
suffering that Us and other allies had intended on the planet/