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Hi Juniper, please positively react to the following post…. 250 words-double space~~~its just like the case you did for me

Today in my office, I will be meeting with a new client. Juan is a 51-year-old Hispanic man who has recently had a medical scare, 8 months ago Juan was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The cancer was detected early enough before it began to progress, Juan’s doctor suggested he have his prostate removed. Juan, with the support from his new wife Lydia, elected to have the surgery. Three months after his prostatectomy, Juan began experiencing post-surgery symptoms such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Before being diagnosed with prostate cancer, Juan and Lydia were recently married, they had been married only 2 months and were enjoying life as newlyweds. Juan expresses that his embarrassment of his incontinence has greatly impacted his and Lydia’s sex life and maybe a contributing factor to his erectile dysfunction. Juan fears that if he cannot satisfy Lydia sexually, she will want a divorce.

Impact on Sexual Functioning

The client, Juan has experienced an event that is negatively impacting his sexual functioning, Juan had had prostate cancer which has resulted in him seeking help to save his marriage with his wife Lydia. Juan has been having issues with erectile dysfunction after his prostatectomy, after a prostatectomy it is not uncommon for the individual to experience a decrease in ejaculate and there is also the possibility of the surgery resulting in nerve damage to the penis (Hyde & DeLamater, 2016). Additionally, research has indicated that it can take approximately a year post surgery for incontinence to resolve and erectile and sexual issues can continue for 2 years post-surgery (Wittmann, Foley, & Balon, 2011). This could be very impactful on Juan’s situation, Juan is struggling with erectile dysfunction which has caused him anxiety within his marriage, Juan has put a great deal of stress on himself to sexually perform for his new wife. Satisfaction with sexual functioning can be greatly related to whether a man has issues with erectile disfunction (Hyde & DeLamater, 2016).

Discussing Sexual Developmental Issues with the Client

During my session with Juan, I would want to discuss with him that after experiencing prostate cancer and undergoing surgery that it is common for men to experience issues with erectile dysfunction. I would want to reassure Juan that erectile dysfunction can be temporary and possible options for him, potentially considering taking medication. Additionally, I would want to discuss with him how his sexual functioning is impacting his self-esteem, especially how it is influencing his thoughts that his wife Lydia would want to leave him if he cannot perform sexually.