Self-Esteem and Body Language

Self Esteem and Body Language
PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-4 pages— MLA FORMAT The writing and researching involved in this paper will give you a better sense of what research is and how and why it is done. The assignment will orient you to the FNU libraries and their various resources, and help you gain a better understanding of different types of writing and publications. Audience: Students new to your major who have a curiosity or research interest in this particular topic but no prior specialized knowledge of the topic; your English 3311 teacher Length: at least 3- 4 pages with at LEAST SIX references There are two basic tasks to fulfill in this paper: – to describe this topic or development as clearly and concisely as possible for the specified audience; in other words, to educate your audience about this topic as thoroughly as possible given the space constraints. – to make a compelling, specific, and explicit case explaining obvious and not-so-obvious reasons this development is important to the world.

“Self-Esteem and Body Language”

Self-esteem refers to the overall sense of value or worth of a person. Besides, self-
esteem is also the measure of the approves, likes, and appreciation that one puts on him or
herself. Self-esteem is also considered to be the simple attitude that one employs in all the
activities that one undertakes. On the other hand, the concept of body language refers to the
introduction of nonverbal signals used in sending a message. Body language use ranges from
the use of body movement to facial expression. Moreover, body language involves the use of
things that we do without conveying volume but making some communication. Research has
established that the use of body language accounts for over 60% of all the communication
made dairy.

Ways of Establishing Self-Esteem using Body Language
The use of body language projects confidence in all what one is saying. Many have
been using the body language to provide certain communication while minimizing the use of
words. The body language acts as an instrument for conveying self-esteem in seven ways.
The first impression that one provides when he or she gets to a room is very crucial. During
any communication its important to bring out trustworthy air and confidence face to draw in
people positively. To attain the self-esteem one has to do the following. First, maintain an

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assertive posture, according to Bąk-Sosnowska, and Shala (pg 16) one needs to maintain a
good posture during any communication. The act is characterized by ensuring that the
shoulder and the legs are aligned together. Self-esteem is also shown by ensuring that the
feet are positioned approximately four to six inches apart during a presentation.
Moreover one needs to distribute the body weight on both the legs equally. During the
presentation, there is also a need for keeping the shoulders back and turning the body
towards the audience. The assertive posture projects self-esteem and eliminates the
insecurity one shows when starting in front of people. The posture usually indicates that one
stands tall and is open to the people one is talking to. Self-esteem and body language
concepts insure that the individual expresses confidence in all that is done. The second thing
that one has to do to ensure that self-esteem is maintained is to consider using power poses.
The inclusion of at least power poses after every two minutes makes one confident. During
the poses, the body sends signals to the brain that one has self-esteem and the signal is sent
back to the brain triggering the brain to produce many testosterones. The testosterone
produced lower levels of cortisol levels which is the stress hormone (Seekis et al.). Thirdly,
to ensure self-esteem using the body language, one needs to watch the movement of hands.
According to Seekis et al. (pg 210), one should master the movement of the hand to
understand what communication the body language is making. For example, pointing to the
audience with a finger according to one may be a sign of self-esteem to the person using the
body language but it seems arrogant to others. To mitigate the wrong body language, one
can use the gesture of open hand with palm facing up. Moreover, the gesture of placing the
hands on the hips that is common to many ladies portrays a sign of arrogance and
impatience. On the other hand, crossing the arms indicates the felling of defensiveness, lack
of comfortableness and closed off. According to Kim (pg 273) the act of twirling your hair
while communication indicates a lack of self-esteem and one should resist it. In addition, the

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body language of tapping the table with your finger or jiggling of the coins in the pocket
during communication indicates the lack of confidence.
The other thing that one should do to ensure self-esteem using body language is
paying attention to facial movement. The standard face look is important to an individual
and one should consider how they express themselves. The standard face looks that one
poses is the expression that most of the people see when they are looking at you. During the
time, the audiences are just observing you and you are generally not talking. According to
Barnier, and Collison (pg 152), the standard face mostly communicates what one is feeling
on the inside. People who express a standard facial look are dangerous and are not easy to
predict what the individual thinks. The people with standard facial expression are mostly
avoided by men because one cannot predict what they are thinking. Most people take the
individual with standard facial expression to have low self-esteem, mad, or aggressive. The
individuals with low self-esteem sometimes make it hand for others to freely interact with
them as their outcome is unpredictable. To overcome the situation on can pay attention to
what others are saying. Paying attention to what colleagues and friends are commenting
eliminates the standard facial look that put others off from you.
Moreover, one can ensure he or she maintains appropriate eye contact with the
audience to ensure self-esteem. When one is maintaining appropriate eye contact with the
audience, he or she communicates a sign of confidence and honesty (Hachadoorian pg 20).
The process of breaking eye contact with the audiences indicates that one lacks self-esteem.
The lack of self-esteem, in this case, indicates that one is hiding something, project lower
status, feel uncomfortable or they are submissive to the people they are talking to. Also, the
act of aggressiveness, through the eye looks reduces the self-esteem of an individual. The
sixth thing that one can do to ensure self-esteem through body language is mirroring the
body movement of others. During communication, one should observe the body's movement

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of others to build on self-esteem. The mirroring of the body language of others builds
acceptance and understanding, and one can establish where to come in. however, mirroring
of others does not mean mimic their body language. Well, understanding of when to mimic
assist one in understand where to come in and make a contribution in a way that cannot
irritate the others.
Lastly, one has to stop fidgeting to boost self-esteem. The act of fidgeting involves
tapping of foot repeatedly on the ground, jingling coins in the pocket and twirling of hair.
The acts of fidgeting express a lack of self-esteem and also a betrayal of confidence.
According to Modica (pg 20), fidgeting actions are a good sign of nervousness which is a
result of lack of self-esteem. The fidgeting action in many cases takes away the message one
tries to communicate with the audiences. To increase, self-esteem one should pay attention
to the body language that introduces fidgeting habit and find a way to replace the triggers
that causes the habits.

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Work Cited

Bąk-Sosnowska, Monika, and Dominika Shala. "Psychological Gender, Self-Esteem, Body-
Esteem, And The Use Of Wellness Treatments In Women With Excessive Body
Weight". Nutrition, Obesity & Metabolic Surgery, vol 1, 2017, pp. 12-17. Termedia
Sp. Z.O.O., doi:10.5114/noms.2017.69834.
Barnier, Ellise M., and James Collison. "Experimental Induction Of Self-Focused Attention
Via Mirror Gazing: Effects On Body Image, Appraisals, Body-Focused Shame, And
Self-Esteem". Body Image, vol 30, 2019, pp. 150-158. Elsevier BV,
Hachadoorian, Lee. "SQL Languages For GIS". Geographic Information Science &
Technology Body Of Knowledge, vol 2019, no. Q1, 2019. University Consortium For
Geographic Information Science (UCGIS), doi:10.22224/gistbok/2019.1.7.
Kim, Bum-Jun. "The Effect Of Body Image Recognition On Self Esteem And Body Esteem
Among Female College Students". Journal Of The Korean Society For Wellness, vol
12, no. 1, 2017, p. 273. The Korea Society For Wellness,
Modica, Christopher. "Facebook, Body Esteem, And Body Surveillance In Adult Women:
The Moderating Role Of Self-Compassion And Appearance-Contingent Self-
Worth". Body Image, vol 29, 2019, pp. 17-30. Elsevier BV,
Seekis, Veya et al. "The Effectiveness Of Self-Compassion And Self-Esteem Writing Tasks
In Reducing Body Image Concerns". Body Image, vol 23, 2017, pp. 206-213. Elsevier
BV, doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2017.09.003.