Some Lessons from the Assembly Line


Discuss the context of your selected article, the author’s purpose, and the style and tone. What
have you learned from this early analysis?


Braaksma’s essay titled ”Some Lessons from the Assembly Line” sheds light on his
perceptions and experiences while he worked a temporary job in an automobile factory located in
his hometown during a college break in the summer. He seems to depict the economic and social
woes of blue-collar jobs while blending that with his appreciation for receiving higher education.
He acknowledges that there is a difference between on and off-campus life. The author adopts a
conversational style entry in expressing his insights on how young people nowadays do not value
the significance of education. For instance, in the second paragraph, he states how he has worked
in the factory since high school and how the back and forth from school and the job during
college breaks have not been any easier. Andrew employs a casual tone to persuade his target
audience to view the matter from his perspective on the benefits of higher education. Reflecting
on the author’s life experiences aids the reader in immersing themselves in a student’s “shoes”
and how it feels like working in a factory. The first-person point of view from which Braaksma
tells his tale helps the audience relate to the content. It also aids the author to drive his agenda
home that education leads to a better and secure future.

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How will a closer analysis of the author’s claim and the structure of the writing help you learn
more about your selected reading?
Critical analysis of the author’s content aids one in seeing the world through the author’s
eyes. In this context, one can relate more to the author and his content. An in-depth analysis of
the literary piece helps one understand that the author was a determined individual. He was
willing to put in the work in his education to have a better life after school. We, as the audience,
can perceive him as a mature individual as he is willing to work hard for his money and
education. The article also reveals how the author struggle with the reality of a blue-collar
occupation and the life offered as a professional with a degree. Going through the text once more
tells of Andrew’s guilty conscience as he leaves the other factory workers to resume school yet
while they are left in the same environment for a long time. This is depicted when he describes
himself as a tourist dropping in on individuals’ places of work (Newsweek Staff, 1).
Now that you have discussed the author’s purpose for writing the selected reading, do you
think the author’s writing is effective in achieving their purpose? What led you to this
I cannot help but strongly agree that Andrew Braaksma has done a commendable job in
delivering his intended message. The article has helped serve its purpose and has used every
avenue available to drive its point home. Despite how well paying the factory job was, this did
not deter the author from fulfilling his educational dreams. He would find a way to do some
reading while on the job. One of his co-workers sees this and encourages him to push on and
study hard. This indirectly puts across the message that without education, life is hard and
unfavorable. He does not downplay how hard menial jobs take a toll on the fittest of bodies. He

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acknowledges how the experiences in the factory have had an impact on his life, making him
make the most of his school days and has inspired the same in me.

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Works cited

Newsweek Staff. "Some Lessons From The Assembly Line." Newsweek, 13 Mar. 2010, Accessed 23 Sept. 2019.