week 2 response 1 1

i need to respond to this is 200-300 words in A.P.A. format with at least 3 sources

Jesus commands us to love one another as, He loves us (John 13:34, KJV). If God is impartial and loves us with impartiality, then we

need to love others with others with that same high standards. Jesus teaches in (Matthew 25:40, KJV), Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as

ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

To an extent we are prejudice, including myself. I am prejudice of old and young people who forefathers have pave the for them while in

poverty, some wouldn’t work and sold drugs out of their parents house. According to (Schmalleger, 2017) The discretionary power of the

police is great. That power can be and has been abused. Accusations of police brutality, both psychological and physical, abound, although

not all accusations are founded on fact. It is, however, necessary that some controls be placed on police discretion (Schmalleger, p. 261).

The courts have attempted to control the police. For example, evidence which the police secure through improper methods will be

excluded from court. The purpose of the rule is to prevent police from engaging in such illegal searches, but in many cases they are able to

continue doing so because the victims are believed (Schmalleger, 2017). The result is that many of the rights of individuals, guaranteed to

them by the Constitution, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court, may effect be nullified by the police, leaving the court with

little or no power to enforce its holdings. Some have argued, therefore, that the courts are not well equipped to control police misconduct.

(Schmalleger, p. 265) mentioned decades ago, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) released a detailed report titled “Racially

Biased Policing.” A Principal Response. PERF researchers surveyed more than 1,000 police executives, analyzed material from more than

250 law enforcement agencies, and sought input from law enforcement agency personnel, community activist, and civil rights leaders

about racial bias in policing. Researches concluded that “the vast majority of law enforcement officers—of all ranks, nationwide —are

dedicated men and women committed to serving all citizens with fairness and dignity.” (Schmalleger, p.265)


Schmalleger, F. Criminal Justice Today, (2017), 14th Edition: Pearson, New York

(John 13:34, KJV)

(Matthew 25:40, KJV)