Week 7 Class Summary homework help


Week 7 Class Summary


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Week 7 Class Summary

Week 7 class entailed the long-awaited writing workshop, which began with the INL 190 Research paper’s writing. From the class discussions, research was defined as the systematic investigation and study of materials around a certain subject. One finds facts from which he/she concludes. A research paper, therefore, involves research written in an academic format. Therefore, during the class discussions, it came out that when writing the paper, one should provide some informed arguments. Informed arguments come from what is known about a topic and what the paper’s writer thinks of the issue.  It was clear that evidence was one of the key building blocks of writing research evidence. 

The grading rubric also came out as a crucial tool that was meant to help someone develop the paper properly and in a manner that would give him/her the most points. One of the key things that a writer ought to do when coming up with the paper is integrating international refugee law and policy knowledge that was learned in the topic. In doing so, someone ought to apply terms learned in class and offer analysis and conclusion of the relevant issues. Topic focus and depth of discussion are also key to writing a good paper. In this line, one should focus on the relevant issues, and a thesis statement should help guide the direction that the paper will take. The discussions done in the paper should then be deep so that to cover all required areas. Cohesiveness ties all material obtained from the research together. In this case, the research will entail various sources that will not discuss the same thing and relevant to the topic. However, they will be used in one paper, and thus they will have to be linked to show the flow of ideas. Good grammar, spelling, and proper referencing are also crucial elements of developing a good paper.

The language used in the paper needs to be definite and not vague so that it leads the readers in the right direction. The paper also needs to be specifically pointing out specific issues and not general topics about international refugee law and policy. As the paper will be developed from credible and valid sources, it needs to be concrete by giving concrete information on the topic. Being concrete will ensure that the facts established on the paper are well-grounded and not abstract.

Concision is also a requirement of the paper, which means driving the relevant ideas in a small number of words that are just right and enough for the paper. One will need to reduce any unnecessary words from the paper. Besides, one will also keep off unnecessary sentences from the paper.   The paper also needs to use an active voice while conveying its ideas. This will require that the basics be considered as a person writes through asking some simple but important questions, which include: “Who or what? • Does what or needs to do what? • And why?”

The paper’s structure also came out as an important aspect of a paper as it offers the outlook of the paper. On the paper’s structure, there are key elements that were identified, and they are: what the writer wants the readers to understand, the reasons behind the issues, and three reasons why the readers should believe that what the writer is saying is the truth. The three elements should be the structure of the paper. The papers should then be arranged into a paragraph, with each paragraph discussing a specific issue. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence. The sentences that follow within that paragraph should prove the validity of the topic sentence. When moving from one sentence to the other or between paragraphs, one should use transition words or phrases. Section and section headings should also be applied appropriately. 

The paper should also be organized logically. The logical organization of a paper entails the meaning of each sentence, paragraph, and section. Each should tell the reader something about the discussion of the paper. The thought and ideas communicated in the paper should flow from one to the other. Each statement explains or illuminates the previous thought. A citation or an argument should support the statements that are nonobvious. When the paper is done, one should revise the paper, and with the help of someone who does not know about the topic, one should check for clarity, consistency, and logic. Reading the paper several times helps someone correct avoidable errors. Someone should also read the paper aloud to hear if the paper flows and detect where the grammar is off.

As was noted before, at the beginning of the class, a thesis statement is an important part of a research paper as it offers the direction that the paper will take. Therefore, it needs to be analytical and argumentative to convey the general argument of the paper. The thesis statement should be debatable so that it provides the writer with the space to argue out his/her case on the topic. It should not be an obvious statement of fact. A thesis statement should also be focused, significant, and directed. It should be situated at the end of the paper’s introduction. The class ended by revisiting the process of asylum.