Discuss the opportunities and challenges for the Australian auditing profession in the 21st century. You also need to address the recent regulatory attempts to improve the audit quality in Australia.
You need to support your discussion with suitable examples and relevantcases – both recent and past.
Important: In developing your viewpoint, you need to examine the issues raised in the following material. These materials are a good starting point. They include:
• Your textbook.
• https://www.ey.com/en_gl/assurance/how-artificial-intelligence-will-transform-the-audit
• Sikka, P., Filling, S.,Liew, P. (2009) “The audit crunch: reforming auditing”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 24 No.2, pp.135 – 155.
• Sikka, P. (2009). Financial crisis and the silence of the auditors. Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34(6-7), pp. 868-873.
To appreciate the multiple pressures on accountants and auditors, see: Helliar, C., &Bebbington, K. J. (2004). Taking Ethics to Heart. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Please note: while the above reference is 15 years old and UK-based, the issues remain relevant in the Australian context.
Please note the following:
• Required format: Essay (Around 1200 words)
• The assignment is to comply with the University’s General Guide to Writing and Study Skills, General Guide to Referencing,and Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines.
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BUACC5935 Auditing and Assurance Services Semester 1, 2019 Discuss the opportunities and challenges for the Australian auditing profession in the 21st century. You also need to address the recent regulatory attempts to improve the audit quality in Australia. You need to support your discussion with suitable examples and relevantcases – both recent and past. Important: In developing your viewpoint, you need to examine the issues raised in the following material. These materials are a good starting point. They include: Your textbook. HYPERLINK “https://www.ey.com/en_gl/assurance/how-artificial-intelligence-will-transform-the-audit” https://www.ey.com/en_gl/assurance/how-artificial-intelligence-will-transform-the-audit Sikka, P., HYPERLINK “http://www.emeraldinsight.com/author/Filling%2C+Steven” Filling, S.,Liew, P. (2009) “The audit crunch: reforming auditing”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 24 No.2, pp.135 – 155. Sikka, P. (2009). Financial crisis and the silence of the auditors. HYPERLINK “http://econpapers.repec.org/article/eeeaosoci/” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34(6-7), pp. 868-873. To appreciate the multiple pressures on accountants and auditors, see: Helliar, C., &Bebbington, K. J. (2004). Taking Ethics to Heart. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Please note: while the above reference is 15 years old and UK-based, the issues remain relevant in the Australian context. Please note the following: Required format: Essay (Around 1200 words) The assignment is to comply with the University’s General Guide to Writing and Study Skills, General Guide to Referencing,and Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines. . ***** BUACC5935, Auditing and Assurance Services Semester 1 – 2019, Bases of assessmentFP HDContent – Identification of relevant issues. Research – Selection of relevant material. A demonstration of critical evaluation of the material. Expression of your…