Homelessness in the United States

Write a well develop conclusion for the following
research paper.

To write a strong conclusion
Bring out the significance of your research paper.
Make the significance brought out in the conclusion
Bring closure to the entire paper
Use key terms, concepts and phrases
Make the tone of the conclusion match the tone of the rest of the paper
In a thesis or dissertation,This is the rest of the paper, for the conclusion reference
Don’t introduce any new information into the conclusion Homelessness in the United States



Impacted by Discriminatory Economics to Racial Disparities & Healthcare Disparities

The United States has one of the world’s highest per capita in homelessness.
Homelessness has increased in the United States over the past few decades. The increase in
homelessness is contrasted by the improving living standards and average per capita in the nation
Average income levels have increased over the last decade. Homelessness may not necessarily
mean that one does not have a home but poor-quality houses such as tents show homelessness
(O’Flatherty, 2019). Particular aspects that contribute to the increase in the homelessness,

therefore, includes access to finance and rising cost of housing. Such an increase is in line with
the global trends of inflation. There is potentially poor planning in the implementation of the
building of houses. Most of the homeless persons live in the urban areas. A significant but
minority section lives in the rural areas. The need to balance between the interest of each of the
two communities is critical in understanding homelessness.  The core aspect of
homeless reflects poverty. It shows that one is unable to build a house for himself or his family
(Solmonsen, 2017). Contextually, the discourse above shows that there is an increase in the gap
between the poor and the rich in the United States. An increase in the number of homelessness
also shows that income levels among the poorest are not rising as fast as the cost of housing in
the country (Braiterman., et all, 2017). Other factors such as drug abuse have appeared as the
cause of an increase in homelessness. Thesis Answer: Factors that have increased homelessness
in the united states over the past twenty years include, (1) eroding work opportunities, (2) lack of
competitive living wages, the (3) disparity between housing cost, minimum wage or earned
benefits, as well as (4) the inadequate support for mental health and substance use challenges, (5)
racial inequality, (6) domestic violence, and (7) lack of affordable health care.
Falling or stagnant incomes and less secure employment opportunities with fewer
benefits have increased. The rate of homelessness in the United States has increased in the last
few decades. Most cases of homelessness have been seen in urban areas. Most of the urban areas
in the eastern, southern, and western parts of the country are notorious for increasing rates of
homelessness. Though there has been a major economic growth over the last decade, for
instance, the cost of housing has increased at a far greater rate than the average increase in
income levels. To put such into context, cities such as New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles have
realized an increase in rent rates (Valle, 2018). Such increases have caused a massive increase in

homeless persons. Average renters in New York, for instance, spend more than 10% of their
income on rent. The figure is rising, which causes most people to fight for a few affordable
housings available (Webster, 2020). Such an aspect further accelerates the cost of housing.
However, there is a critical observation that there are fewer working opportunities in the United
States. Globalization has shifted most of the manual jobs to other parts of the world. Most of the
work opportunities in the manufacturing industry are technical, and globalization has played a
critical part in taking away American jobs (Munthe‐Kaas Berg & Blaasvær, 2018). Though
America benefits from the low cost of goods, most of the tedious jobs were transferred to China
or Korea. Digitization also took up some of the jobs of the American people. Equally, inflation
meant that some of the available tasks are not productive enough to sustain the workers. On
average, low-income Americans must alter between several jobs to pay their budgets. Inflation in
the country over the last decade from 2010 has been 20% (Webster, 2020). The average increase
in wages has been 10% in the same period. However, the average charges for rent in the same
period has increased at a higher rate than the average inflation rate. Such aspects directly
contribute to an increase in the rate of homelessness.

A decline in manufacturing jobs, globalization, and increased unusual work, including
part-time and temporary employment, has reduced employment opportunities.
The impact of globalization has been the decline in the cost of goods in the United States.
However, most of the manufacturing jobs are now in China and Southeast Asian countries. The
focus of firms has been low production costs through lower wages paid to employees. Trade
agreements such as NAFTA have further worsened the joblessness in the United States. There

are international trade agreements which bind the United States to accept goods or produce into
the country from various countries of origin (Bhowmik, 2020). The discussion of economic
interdependence is often applied to justify the move. Local firms prefer not to offer jobs to
Americans but to resale such products to the American people after they have been manufactured
outside the world. Equally, the real value of the dollar has decreased over the last decade. Thus,
the people who earned the same money as they did a decade ago are at a more disadvantaged
position than their peers ten years ago (Bhowmik, 2020). The context is that the need for
multiple jobs becomes a necessity which creates disguised unemployment. Equally, most of the
jobs are shifted to countries with lower wage requirements and low cost of production. Contexts
of unusual work such as part-time engagements mean that Americans can still live, and disguise
as employed despite performing different tasks (Bhowmik, 2020). The government interprets
such instances as full employment, which worsens the shortfalls in employment levels. Such
elements mean that there are far lesser jobs to the American people than at any other time in the
recent history of the United States.

Over the past few decades, the number of individuals with mental health issues and
abuse drugs has rapidly increased, making it harder to get the help they need.
The increase has caused an overwhelming burden on healthcare provision for the different
portions of the population. Contextually, drug abuse, and mental health issues are interconnected.
Most researchers address the issue of drug abuse and mental health issues as “double diagnosis.”
Further research reflects that “Roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental disorders
are affected by substance abuse” (Robinson et al., 2020). Thus, the challenge of drug abuse and
mental health issues are joined.

The discourse above reflects the problem of alcohol abuse and the related health
challenges that it may cause. Contextually, alcohol abuse can accelerate the underlying mental
health disorders (Robinson et al., 2020). The common trends show that drug abuse has a high
onset rate in teenagers when people transition to adult life (“National Institute on Drug Abuse,”
2020). Such challenges experienced during the transition affect the mental health of the
individuals later in life.
Equally, research has identified that alcohol abuse is the most prevalent drug abuse
challenge that faces the American young population (Robinson et al., 2020). Such a challenge is
responsible for triggering mental health problems or worsening the already existent ones in an
individual. Such context further enlightens on the connection between drug abuse and alcohol
abuse trends among the youths. There are other cases when youths are already aware of their
mental health problems. However, research has identified that alcohol and drugs are used as a
means of “self-medication” to alleviate mental health challenges (“National Institute on Drug
Abuse,” 2020). Such a reflection creates a duality context of the mental health and drug abuse
issue in society.
Homelessness is a core aspect that is associated with a decline in mental health.
Financial challenges are a common threat to persons with mental health issues.
The prevalent poverty rates for persons with mental health challenges are associated with
“disaffiliation, poverty, and personal vulnerability” (Patten, 2017). Persons with mental health
challenges have low capacities to sustain employment. Thus, they are more likely to lose jobs
and end up homeless. They have a low probability of getting hired too.
Such factors exacerbate the economic welfare of persons with mental health issues.

Equally, the challenge of homelessness directly impacts the mental health of an individual.
Research indicates that “homelessness amplifies mental health issues” (Patten, 2017). These
factors mean that being homeless will worsen the mental health condition. Aspects such as stress
and anxiety will add weight to the already existent mental health challenges. Contextually, the
deteriorating mental health welfare will worsen the probability of a person with mental health
from getting a home.
Additionally, there is a decline in contact with families for persons with mental health
challenges. A decline in contact with families is a common trend for persons with mental health
challenges. Such a trend means that there is little likelihood of assistance or support. Such
conditions mean a consistent decline in affiliation, which lowers chances of employment,
support, or advice (Patten, 2018). Contextually, persons with mental health challenges separate
themselves from friends and families, which increases anxiety or stress. Such factors further
decline the potency of recovery and end the challenge of homelessness.
Those with disabilities, such as addiction and mental illness, are more likely to lose out
and find themselves on the streets. Such disabilities mean that the individuals in question are
likely to suffer from disaffiliation than any other section of society. Addiction may mean that the
individual uses the drug consistently and uncontrollably to the extent of ignoring the family or
social time (Habánik, 2018). Such factors lower the overall ability to get employment or to
sustain themselves in employed positions. Thus, persons with addiction and those with mental
health challenges are more likely to be on the streets than any other population section.
Some of the core elements of mental health challenges are core factors that contribute to being
out on the streets. Sleeplessness and substance abuse are intertwined. Most of the people who
experience the challenge of sleeplessness are also engaged in drug abuse (Habánik, 2018). In

most instances, drug abuse is the main cause of anxiety and sleeplessness in the population. Such
factors push one out to the streets since one cannot sustain a job or maintain the relevant social
connections necessary to engage in self-employment.
Contextually, low income or no income levels push the addicts to lower credit ratings
than an average individual in a society. Such factors mean that the addicts are less likely to have
a loan approved or qualify for a loan. Thus, the group has diminished chances of opening
businesses or earning livelihoods. Combining the factors above also means that the group has
low chances of being married (Habánik, 2018). Being out on the streets and suffering from
addiction makes it increasingly hard to maintain a relationship or find a spouse. The collective
impact of the factors exacerbates the emotional and social welfare of the persons who engage in
drug abuse.
Most victims lack economic resources to secure or maintain housing after leaving an
abusive home
Domestic violence is a core factor that contributes to homelessness in the United States.
For women, being the victim of DV is a leading cause of homelessness. Housing instability is
four times more likely for women who have experienced DV than other women, and
approximately 25% of homeless women have noted DV as a major contributor to their
homelessness. DV victimization has both direct and indirect pathways to homelessness. Many
abusers intentionally destroy their victims’ economic and housing stability by ruining their credit,
stealing their money, destroying their property, or preventing them from working, as a means of
trapping them in the relationship (Sullivan & Olsen, 2016, 183).
Most women who are victims of domestic violence end up homeless, as reflected above. Some
cases also reflect men as domestic violence victims, and such persons may end up homeless.

Lack of economic resources is contributed by factors such as destroyed property and prevention
from working. Such factors deny the female domestic violence victims opportunity to start up
new lives after the breakdown of their relationships.
Ending a relationship also means disconnection from social engagements around one’s former
spouse. Domestic violence breaks the social bonds necessary for women’s economic upkeep
(Sullivan and Olsen, 2016). Such cases mean that there is a progressive decline in the available
work-ing or business opportunities for women. Traditionally, men serve as providers for their
families, which means that they are more likely to be employed than women. Thus, if there is a
breakdown of a relationship due to domestic violence, it is highly likely that women will not
have employment.
The nexus between homelessness and low incomes is established.
“Counts of people experiencing homelessness in cities such as Seattle, Los Angeles, and
New York reveal alarming year-over-year increases in the raw numbers of enumerated
individuals. In addition to rising counts of homeless, rental costs in these cities are
significantly increasing as well. The relationship between housing costs and
homelessness is a topic of great public importance and has received considerable
attention” (Glynn and Fox, 2019, p 573).
The discourse above highlights that the average cost of rent is increasing. Domestic violence is a
factor that causes direct deprivation of the economic resources to women and men in some cases.
Progressively, a decline in the income rates is a direct threat to affording a house, which plunges
many domestic violence victims to homelessness. Relationships provide a platform where
couples can share the cost of housing and the cost of living. Thus, breaking down in a

relationship provides the context of the doubled cost of living, which may push many people to

Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive
relationships and homelessness.
Battered women living in poverty are often consigned to a choice between abusive relationships
and homelessness. The forced choice between the two elements above is a direct result of the
lack of sufficient means of income. “Research has found that when women decide to leave an
abusive partner, their available resources limit their options of where to stay. Several of the
mothers had previously experienced violence as children” (Milaney et al., 2019). The context is
that the choice between living with an abusive spouse and moving out to uncertainty on where to
stay represents a common choice among many battered women. Progressively, more women
choose to stay with their abusive spouses though some choose to move out to uncertainty. The
latter case is exposed to the dangers of homelessness.
Equally, the battered women who choose to leave their spouses face economic challenges
prevalent in the modern American context. “Inflation in the country over the last decade from
2010 has been 20%” (Webster, 2020). The increase in inflation means that battered women have

to cope with the challenge of finding a job and catering to the hiking cost of living. The balance
between the two pushes many battered women on the brink of homelessness. The cost of living
is not a burden that only affects women at the exclusion of men. However, the shock of leaving a
relationship means that most women are economically unprepared to move out of their homes,
even with abusive partners.
Additionally, there are employment opportunities in the current economy, which provide
a means of income. The income levels have risen by around 10% over the last decade (Statistics
and Index, 2020). Such a challenge means that securing a job does not guarantee that one will be
able to afford a house. Thus, most battered women choose to remain with their spouses rather
than fall into the current economic crisis, where they have to strive in poverty and face the
challenge of homelessness. Considerations such as the welfare of the children add another
dimension that many battered women interrogate prior to assessing to leave their abusive
spouses. The higher the number of young children that the couple has increasingly means that the
battered women may choose to live with their abusive spouses.
The double tragedy that awaits the battered women is a tough choice between living homeless or
living with their abusive spouses. In most cases, the challenge of homelessness is indirect but
imposed by the socioeconomic elements. Challenges in securing employment and an increase in
the cost of living are antecedents to homelessness. Most battered women choose to live with their
spouses rather than facing the world with poverty and potential homelessness.

Many individuals do not get proper care due to the lack of affordable health care, which
affects their work and community functionality.

Lack of affordable care is one of the factors that has increased homelessness in the United States.
There are many private health insurance firms in the United States. Other insurance options are
available through Medicare and Medicaid, as discussed in the contexts below. However,
affordability of healthcare is a common element contributing to homelessness, functionality at
work, and community among many individuals, as reflected in the contexts below. Homeless
persons are exposed to the challenge of poor healthcare. Research highlights that homeless
individuals are four times less likely to afford healthcare in comparison to the general population
(Fryling, Mazanec, and Rodriguez, 2015).
Homeless persons report 1) having less knowledge of the ACA than their housed
counterparts, 2) poor understanding of (Affordable Care Act) ACA qualification criteria,
and 3) limited access to phone and internet. Emergency Department (ED) based outreach
and education regarding ACA eligibility may increase their enrollment (Fryling,
Mazanec, and Rodriguez, 2015).
Functionality at work and in the community is based on the health status of an individual.
Further research cites that health costs are the leading causes of bankruptcies in the United States
(Dobkin et al., 2018). Functionality at work and in society is largely influenced by the
environment. The worst context of impaired functionality is seen in the case of homelessness.
The following discussion highlights the impact of affordability of healthcare and homelessness.
The context of homelessness as detailed above reflects on the reversed role of homelessness.
Thus, homeless individuals are less likely to afford healthcare. Equally, the lack of affordable
healthcare can equally lead to homelessness. Contextually, mental health care is a critical
element to improving overall healthcare. Persons who cannot afford healthcare, such as drug
addicts and patients of trauma, do not access affordable healthcare. Some of the people in the

society do not understand that they need to register for ACA to reap the benefits therein. In such
contexts, such individuals are exposed to the challenges of accessing healthcare through their
personal payments. Inappropriate or inadequate healthcare exposes many individuals to the risk
of chronic mental illnesses. Such factors critically raise the potency of homelessness.
Contextually, the application of the ACA and Medicaid alongside Medicare has not led to
holistic and affordable healthcare for all.
Policymakers’ beliefs about the frequency of medical bankruptcies are based primarily on
two high-profile articles that claim that medical events cause approximately 60% of all
bankruptcies in the United States. In these studies, people who had gone bankrupt were
asked whether they’d experienced health-related financial stress such as substantial
medical bills or income loss due to illness. People were also asked whether they went
bankrupt due to medical bills. People who reported any of these events were described as
having experienced a medical bankruptcy (Dobkin et al., 2018).
Lack of adequate healthcare is a common challenge among many Americans. Such a challenge
renders many people unable to access further healthcare in cases of need. Progressively, the
decline in health due to unaffordability renders many individuals homeless. Excessive medical
bills cause common cases of bankruptcy, which furthers the challenges of homelessness.
The inability to work efficiently leads to job loss and health complications, keeping

people from being able to afford proper housing.
Equally, the inability to work efficiently is another cause of job loss and health complications in
the United States. The cycle of inability to work efficiently is tied to the context of drug abuse.
Inability to work inefficiently leads to a decrease in income levels and employability. Persons

who live in low-income neighborhoods are increasingly exposed to the challenge of drug abuse
than their counterparts in high-income neighborhoods (Tompsett, Domoff, and Toro, 2015). The
following excerpt details the context of drug abuse and homelessness.
Substantial evidence suggests that homeless youth are at a higher risk for engaging in a
number of risky behaviors, including substance abuse, likely as a result of some of the
stressors they encounter before and during episodes of homelessness. Many homeless
youths will experience recurrent episodes of homelessness, repeatedly exposing them to
the stressors associated with being homeless, which may impact their involvement in
substance abuse over time. As substance abuse is itself a risk factor for a variety of other
problems in the transition to adulthood, it is important to try to understand the ways in
which experiences of homelessness can interact with more common risks for substance
abuse (Tompsett, Domoff, and Toro, 2015).
The excerpt above cites that inefficiency in the workplace leads to loss of productivity. In a
globally competitive world, the decline in productivity levels leads to a decline in the overall
income levels. Progressively, the inability to work efficiently leads to massive losses of jobs or
working at lower pay than average. Contextually, reduced earnings mean that there is a further
reduction in the affordability of healthcare. There is less disposable income, which means that
there is less available finance for other expenses.
There is another element of drug abuse that is closely linked to the context of the inability to
work efficiently. Reduced income levels mean that one has to live in low-income neighborhoods.
Such factors increase the potency of drug abuse. Consequently, there is the challenge of adverse
health outcomes associated with the practice of drug abuse. All these factors predispose one to
the challenge of homelessness. The rise in the potency of homelessness is the apex of the cycle

of poverty where the individuals who have lower income levels suffer from declining health
status due to the unaffordability of quality healthcare. Progressively, there is a decline in mental
health status. The declining mental health status can be caused by elements such as stress and
related adverse health outcomes such as anxiety. In the long-run, the potency of homelessness is
higher among the persons who work inefficiently than any other section of the population.


The United States of America has the highest per capita in homelessness globally.
However, the nation also reported improved living standards and increased per capita income.
This contrast occurs due to various factors such as eroding work opportunities, inadequate
competitive wages, inconsistency between housing cost, minimum wage or earned benefits, lack
of support for mental health and substance abuse problems, racial inequality, domestic violence,
and lack of affordable health care.
Reducing or stagnant wages and minimal employment opportunities has increased the
rate of homelessness in America. Most individuals residing in urban centers cannot afford decent
housing due to low incomes and unemployment. Besides, most states' housing rates have
surpassed average income levels forcing many citizens to reside in tents. Inadequate support for
mentally ill citizens and substance abuse addicts also causes homelessness. These people cannot
engage in any active employment and earn adequate income for housing. Therefore, most of
them reside in streets and highways. Homelessness also stimulates mental health, forcing the
victims exposed to other illnesses or economic problems.
Moreover, domestic violence is also a critical factor in homelessness, particularly for
women. Domestic violence victims face a high probability of housing instability since
perpetrators damaged properties, steal money, ruin credit, and prevent work. Therefore, most
women end up homeless. Besides, violence leaves women exposed to homelessness and
economic instability since they separate from critical providers. Lastly, expensive care consumes
a larger portion of people's income, hindering their capability to acquire decent homes.
Alternatively, expensive health hinders from seeking vital health check-up causing increased

mental health cases. Therefore, homelessness in America is a cycle problem that links numerous
factors and requires immediate intervention.

TED Talk summary

①Summarize what we learned in the week 8 recording, don’t reference, paraphrase any outside and lecture article!②Should also show how you are processing the material and that you understand the readings as well.



The lecturer began by giving us tips on how to make an excellent presentation. She likened a
presentation to a TED Talk, a comprehensive, short talk about a topic of particular interest and
importance. Therefore, just like the TED Talk, a research presentation should entail all the vital
details. Additionally, the lecturer told us that a research presentation aims to share and learn
about everyone's research and interest. Also, the presentation helps one to cultivate oral
presentation skills. The research presentation allows for a final opportunity for peer review
feedback before turning in the paper. Lastly, the research paper advances our collective
understanding of how the various issues we have studied interplay. Therefore, to accomplish all
the goals of a presentation, firstly, one must have a catchy introduction that explains the
importance of the work. The introduction should serve to give an understanding of the
fundamental research. Secondly, the research should have a thesis statement that supports the
content. Further, the lecturer emphasized the importance of maintaining eye contact during a
presentation. And lastly, while delivering a presentation, one must show passion and interest in
the study topic.
We then entered into the lesson of the day, which was "an in-depth examination of refugee issues
under the Trump administration." The class's starting point was how Trump has made it
impossible for people fleeing persecution to gain humanitarian protection in the United States.
Some of the policies that drew outrage include; separating children from their families, putting
children in cages, and imposing a Muslim ban on specific countries regardless of their needs for
protection. Notably, Trump's administration had enacted four hundred policy changes in the
immigration context that have significantly impacted refugee and asylum policies. The lecturer

informed us that some of Trump's immigration policies could get overturned by the incoming
government. Still, some policies are irreversible or may take a very long time to reverse.
Further, we took a recap of the refugee protection process in the U.S. We understood that the
refugee who come under this program meet the legal definition of a refugee. The refugees are
most at risk of harm in their mother countries. They have to get vetted before getting resettled in
the U.S. Unfortunately; the Trump administration had instated great changes in how refugee
asylum works, making it hard for refugees to get admission. Firstly, he instituted travel ban EO
13769, which aims at protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the U.S. Notably, the
ban stopped Muslims from certain countries from the Middle East and Africa from entering the
U.S for ninety days. Also, the ban suspended refugees' admission from whichever country to the
refugee resettlement program for a period of one hundred and twenty days. Initially, Trump had
completely banned refugees' entry from Syria only to change his mind, later stating that
admission of Syrian refugees was in the public interest.
Additionally, the Trump administration's argument that America would only admit refugees from
countries with proper security features was faulted for being anti-asylum. The underlying
argument is that refugees flee insecure countries where they face persecution; thus, the
requirement that the countries be secure was absurd. Consequently, the lecturer played an
episode of the "Daily Show" by Trevor Noah, showing the absurdity of imposing a Muslim ban
since it affected the asylum seekers and other people with Green Cards. Fortunately, the travel
got blocked by the Ninth Circuit Court. The Trump administration could have appealed to the
Supreme Court, but instead, it created a new version of the ban known as Travel Ban 2.0.
However, under this new ban, the Trump administration officially lifted the ban on Syrian

Nevertheless, Trump went ahead to issue Travel Ban 3.0, which removed Iraq from the list of
prohibited countries following an outcry that the ban had locked out the friendly person who had
helped U.S troops with translation during the Iraq war. However, Travel Ban 3.0, in a bid to
avoid looking Muslim targeted, added Venezuela and North Korea into the listed prohibited
countries. If the Muslim ban was to protect the U.S from terrorist attacks, it seemed to have
missed the point. Notably, from 1975-2017 only one hundred and ninety terrorism acts had
gotten carried by foreign-born terrorists, while native-born terrorists committed seven hundred
and eighty-eight acts of terrorism. Around 98.1% of all U.S citizens killed by terrorists died
through September 11, 2001 bombing. However, all these deaths were caused by foreign-born
terrorists; no native-born terrorist was involved. Consequently. Cato, a non-governmental
organization that deals with refugee issues, calculated that the chances of being killed by an
American refugee were one in 3.86 billion per year.
The Trump administration also created several barriers to asylum. Firstly, there was the
implementation of turn-backs and monitoring, limiting the number of asylum seekers who claim
asylum at the port of entry. Notably, the Trump administration ordered Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) to say that they can't process more asylum seekers while they had the capacity.
The lecturer likened the denial of entry for asylum seekers to the period during the Holocaust
when the U.S at St. Louis turned away refugees of Jewish origin escaping persecution in
Germany. The lecturer also reminded us that although the U.S has taken in a significant number
of refugees, the number is still small given our wealth and diversity. After all, millions of
refugees are hosted by developing countries that don't have resources like the U.S.
The lecturer also showed us a video of a policy f zero tolerance to asylum seekers where Texas
had held mass trials for children who had come to seek asylum in America. Regrettably, most of

these children had no prior criminal records, yet they were treated like criminals and separated
from their parents. For instance, a woman who had passed the credible fear interview had her son
taken away for two and a half months. Existing data show that the Trump administration's
asylum standards were so high that even when people expressed credible fear, they were still sent
back to their countries. There were a mother and her daughter who were kidnapped shortly after
being returned to Mexico. Unfortunately, even after hearing their case, they were still taken back
to Mexico despite expressing credible fear. Lastly, the lecturer played a recording from John
Oliver's show "Last Week Tonight," where the host questions the logic behind asylum seekers'
return in the countries where they are seeking persecution. It is like watching someone about to
drown asking for help, but instead of helping them, you leave them to drown.

La lutte pour les droits des Afro-Américains


Write a text about 4 questions about 2 audios (23mins each) In french https://ici.radio-canada.ca/premiere/emissions/aujourd-hui-l-histoire/segments/entrevue/65524/luther-king-segregation-droits-civiques-etats-unis https://ici.radio-canada.ca/premiere/emissions/aujourd-hui-l-histoire/segments/entrevue/53826/noirs-afro-americains-black-panthers-brutalite-policiere






Question 1

Martin Luther King Jr est connu de beaucoup comme un leader charismatique qui a dirigé
le mouvement contre la ségrégation des Afro-Américains. Le pasteur connu a été qualifié
d'homme modéré qui n'a jamais appliqué de tactiques militantes en luttant pour les droits des
Afro-Américains. Beaucoup le croient car Luther a utilisé des tactiques non violentes pour
s'opposer aux lois sur la ségrégation raciale (Société Radio ‑ Canada, 2016). Grâce à ses grands
discours, il a changé la façon de penser de beaucoup, noirs et blancs, sur le racisme. Ceux qui ont
rejoint son cours leur ont dit que la résistance devait se faire par le chant et la marche, mais pas
en prenant les armes et en allant à la guerre.

Pour les autorités américaines, la vision de Luther comme un homme modéré et pacifique
est fausse quant à elles ; c'était un leader militant. Une chose qui a fait de lui un leader militant,
c'est qu'il a défié les lois de l'époque. Comme on le sait, les lois visent à établir et à maintenir la
loi et l'ordre (Société Radio ‑ Canada, 2016). Par conséquent, lorsque Luther est allé à l'encontre
des lois, telles que les lois contre les manifestations, les autorités l'ont pris pour un leader
militant. Étant un ecclésiastique, ses actions de désobéissance à la loi ont été dénoncées par des
collègues ecclésiastiques bien que blancs. Les ecclésiastiques l'ont qualifié d'agitateur qui
conduisait les gens à la désobéissance civile.

Luther a utilisé des moyens non violents pour appeler à des actions violentes de la part de
la police, ce que l'administration considérait comme une distraction de l'ordre de la société. Par
exemple, en 1963, Luther et d'autres derrière lui ont décidé de manifester en Alabama (Société
Radio ‑ Canada, 2016). L'opinion publique américaine a changé car la police utilise des chiens
et des lances d'incendie pour remettre de l'ordre. Cela semblait extrême, mais au départ, c'est ce
que Luther prévoyait. En d'autres termes, la stratégie de Luther était d'agir illégalement, ce qui
déclencherait la violence de la police, les faisant paraître mal.

Question 2

Le mouvement Martin Luther a précédé le Black Panther Party. Luther avait sa façon de
se battre pour les droits des Afro-Américains, qui, selon lui, devait se soustraire à l'usage de la
violence par tous les moyens. Luther a favorisé la résistance sous forme de manifestations où les
gens marchaient et chantaient pour sensibiliser à la ségrégation raciale (Société Radio ‑ Canada,
2016). Dans la stratégie de Luther, il voulait que ses manifestants soient les victimes comme ils
l'étaient sous le système de ségrégation raciale afin que les États-Unis et le monde en général
résonnent avec leur sort et rejoignent leur cours. Ils ont fonctionné dans certains cas, et certaines
lois ont été modifiées en faveur de la communauté afro-américaine. Par ses discours, il a appelé
les gens à agir contre la discrimination raciale car il croyait que tous les gens étaient égaux
devant Dieu. Certains de ses discours, comme I have a Dream, ont continué d'être cruciaux dans
la lutte contre les inégalités raciales jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

Le parti Black Panther, pour sa part, n'a pas suivi les traces de Martin Luther et d'autres
dirigeants afro-américains avant eux. Même s'ils sont venus pour continuer le combat que
Luther, Rosa Parks et d'autres avaient initié, ils ont opté pour un changement de tactique. Selon

Bobby Seale et Huey Newton, cofondateurs du parti des panthères noires, «la non-violence
professée par leurs prédécesseurs a atteint sa limite ». (Société Radio-Canada, 2018). Dans cette
ligne, les dirigeants du BPP ont noté que même si certaines réalisations notables avaient été
réalisées, comme le droit de vote pour les Afro-Américains, les dirigeants de ces mouvements
non radicaux avaient été assassinés, dont Luther et Malcolm X. La réduction de la pauvreté, qui
est l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles Luther et d'autres s'étaient battus et sont
finalement morts, était encore le double de celle des Blancs, ce qui a donné à BPP une raison
d'essayer une autre voie. Ils ont également déploré la brutalité policière, et en réponse, ils ont
formé des patrouilles armées pour contrôler les actions de la police.

Question 3

Malgré leur différence dans la lutte pour leur cours, le mouvement Martin Luther et les
Black Panther se sont battus pour les problèmes qui affectaient les Noirs américains. La brutalité
policière était l'une des Dans cette ligne, le mouvement de Luther a joué les victimes de la
brutalité policière pour attirer l'attention et la miséricorde de la population américaine et du
monde en général (Société Radio ‑ Canada, 2016). Le BPP organisé des patrouilles pour
examiner les actions de la police sur les Afro-Américains. Les deux mouvements recherchaient
l'égalité des chances d'emploi pour les Afro-Américains. Martin Luther a dénoncé l'état du
capitalisme dans le pays, qui a conduit à des inégalités importantes. Les Afro-Américains
souffrent de la pauvreté sans emploi tandis que les Blancs gravissent les échelons de la classe
sociale. Lors de son assassinat, le BPP a repris la lutte contre le chômage des Afro-Américains
(Société Radio-Canada, 2018).

Question 4

Liberté est un moyen pour une fin et non une fin en soi. À cette fin, il n'y aura pas une
seule fois pour affirmer que les Afro-Américains ont atteint la liberté totale. Les mouvements de
liberté qui ont agité pour leurs droits ont apporté des changements importants dans la façon dont
les Afro-Américains étaient traités. Désormais, ils ont le droit de voter, d'aller à l'école et de
trouver un emploi, entre autres. Ce sont des réalisations formidables qui ne peuvent passer
inaperçues. Cependant, la vision que Martin Luther a donnée dans son discours I have a dream
n'a pas encore été réalisée. Des traces de racisme peuvent être vues aux États-Unis, et il est grand
temps que la société les arrache pour créer un meilleur cadre de vie pour tous. Les changements
nécessaires doivent être apportés pour que l'égalité soit la voie à suivre au 21 e siècle.



Société Radio ‑ Canada. (2016, 21 décembre). La Vie Militante De Martin Luther King.
Radio-Canada. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/premiere/emissions/aujourd-hui-l-
Société Radio-Canada. (2018). Droits des Noirs américains : L'importance mésestimée
des Black panthers. Radio-Canada. https://ici.radio-

Business and Entrepreneurship    

This paper should summarize your helping & advising philosophy through self-examination, course assignments, projects and readings. You will articulate your helping & advising philosophy, beginning with your initial perceptions, followed by how you were able to build your philosophy throughout the course and you will support how those perceptions have either remained the same or changed through your experience. Support your experience with research when possible, as it relates to helping and advising. The paper should include a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, conclusion, and references. Each student will conduct a 20 minute presentation to complement paper. Final paper and presentation should include: a. Literature and research on the development of your philosophy. Consider syllabus classroom topics as possible subsections. b. At least one engaging activity that promotes learning about your philosophy. c. Conclusion: Summary comparison of student personal experiences and literature on topic. Changes that have occurred within yourself in reflection of your experience. Implications in the field



An advising philosophy can help in creating more committed and thoughtful practice.
Also, it assists in articulating the core values and purposes that make the student interaction
intentional. As an essential part of professional development, advising philosophy can be
challenging to enact from grassroots levels. Theories of helping and advising philosophies are so
uncommon; hence, advisors are more articulated daily in these fields. It is necessary to have a
foundational theory use for advising to professionalize and unify the advising philosophies. I
have stated various articulated methods for student learning and their solutions. My advising
philosophy has equally undergone transition resulting from experiences and studies. I have
mentioned a few ways in which the transition has occurred. This work provides an advisor with
elaborate and straightforward ways for explaining to students how this technique works.
Advising philosophy (Dyer, 2007) is a guiding statement on decisions, goal
determination, and objectives, forming an advertisement strategy foundation and delivery. An
advising philosophy considers the typical structure of the advising sessions, developed theories,
and professional values. An advising philosophy seeks to clarify the business structure and assist
in focusing on advising sessions. Articulating advising approaches (Dyer, 2007) assist in
advising conversations; explain advisory roles to workmates, what one may expect from the
advisor, and what an advisor expects from his advisee.
In my professional career, students have always been the top priority. Academic advising
is essential to all learners. My work fosters student degree course and career growth, advocates
for learners, and supports the student’s community. As a professional, I have sought to assist

students in deciding on the right academic track. I have encountered struggling students and low
and poorly performing ones too. I have also engaged academic learners with unique needs who
required support to focus on their studies. I was committed to assisting them in meeting their
Literature Review
As a new academic and professional advisor, my advising philosophy has enabled me to
learn a lot in my advising methods and philosophy. It is based on my reflections on practices and
assumptions that I have developed in my educational journey, moreso through my interactions
with other students. Each student is a unique advising philosophy depending on the learning
environments and interactions with other students. As an academic advisor and a new
professional, my advising philosophy has enabled me to commit to issues such as:
1. Welcoming environment and embracing diversity
Here, my philosophy through the aid of course work, experience, and learning materials
has enabled me to define diversity as engaging myself in honoring and respecting every learning
community member. In my philosophy, I have been made to believe that healthier communities
are those in which the community, staff, and advisors represent different cultural ethnicities,
religions, races, economic backgrounds, and origin of geographical backgrounds. The diversified
views of others enabled me to learn promptly concerning the advising philosophy. Each student I
interacted with felt safer, and all of them were warm and welcoming to me.
2. Comprehend and embrace transitions
Whenever learners are engaged in their activities, life continues hence the likelihood of
facing numerous challenges without their learning environments. The reason why young and

older adults choose to return to school is that they are facing a marriage challenge,
unemployment, or simply expanding their knowledge to achieve a certain academic level. For
traditional learners, the reasons why such ages toss in academics are because they have
something that is the matter at home or with their relationships, how I should assist such old
learners when their lives are happening as such lingered so much in my mind. I truly understand
what students are going through, the transition process, and I entirely embrace them.
3. Integrity development
Looking back at my student conduct, I realized that enhancing my integrity is crucial to
me and all students as well as the staff. I learned that it is not profitable for students and
academic staff to involve them in doing something they are forced to do by friends, relatives, or
family members, but they should learn to decide for themselves.
4. Purpose development
My advising philosophy has enabled me to build on a purpose which entails scrutiny of
students and why they each choose the learning institutions and the specific degree they are
currently pursuing. I will also use resources to help students determine a significant course if
they are unsure which one to choose(NACADA, 2017). Upon starting a learning process, it is
crucial to ask questions like, what do the students want to achieve in their degree? Over what
duration do they intend to achieve their targets? Are they in any clubs, welfare, or organizations?
(Meyer, 1980). Students tend to perform best whenever they have a definite purpose in their
learning activities. I have witnessed many learners quit school due to a lack of substantive
purpose or target timeline.
5. Value of students

Every student that I have met knows that they are essential to the learning community.
They deserve to be known by their names and identification numbers in the learning community.
It is never my desire to see a student go down or quit learning due to marginalization. I will,
therefore, take all the time they need to meet with me.
A professional advisor's role was to assist learners through various requirements touching
on the most efficient and beneficial ways and ensuring that their training and career were in line
with their career goals. The role included advising and helping students define their workforces
to make their skills more appropriate in the activity. However, these skills changed concerning
the individual learners’ environmental setup, confusing my role as the advisor. Moreover, this
confusion proceeded for some time because I laid an inadequate definition of myself. My
experience changed from then henceforth. I became an advisor who could tell the students more
than just putting up good learning objectives and setting targets. The questions asked, and the
answers given went beyond deciding on a degree to pursue. For students entering the learning
institution for the first time, professional advising is crucial not from a career advisor but a
professional in student orientation.



Dyer, A. N. (2007). Advisement Philosophy. In Folsom, P. (Ed.). The New Advisor Guidebook:
Mastering the Art of Advising through the First Year and Beyond. Manhattan, KS:
National Academic Advising Association.
Meyer, M. (1980). Dialectic and Questioning: Socrates and Plato. American Philosophical
Quarterly, 17281-289.
NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. (, 2017). NACADA core values of
Academic Advising. Retrieved from

History Slavery in America

For this assignment, you will be required to read The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass alongside the documents attached (″Twelve Years a Slave Excerpt,″ ″Father Henson′s Story of His Own Life,″ ″George Fitzhugh Document″). Also, please watch the film 12 Years a Slave (2013). In your essay, relate Douglass’s experiences specifically with with those of Henson and Northup. What do these primary sources tell us about slave life? How were slaves controlled? How did they manage to maintain their humanity? Does the film 12 Years a Slave ring true to the documents you′ve read? Finally, consider how do these experiences contradict George Fitzhugh’s assertions? Why do you think some slave owners felt compelled to write such defenses? Feel free to incorporate other information from Foner to support your points. You may also bring in other secondary sources as you see fit, though additional sources are not required. Requirements—Your essay should be 4-6 pages long, double spaced. You may cite the sources parenthetically. The essay must use 12-point Times New Roman font, regular margins, and page numbers. You needn’t worry about a title page.



Racial discrimination is among the controversial issues in America today. There are still
prevalent cases of minority discrimination, mainly African Americans. Most of them suffer in
silence, while others reject white superiority through activist groups such as Black Lives Matter.
However, slavery is the foundation of increased racial discrimination among the minority. Proper
understanding of prevalent slavery issues in America needs an assessment of Douglass, Henson,
and Northup’s slavery narrations. It also entails comparisons with works of slavery supporters
such as George Fitzhugh.

What do these primary sources tell us about slave life?

According to Douglass’ narrative, being a slave is brutal and severe. Slaves are often
regarded as an object rather than humans. Douglass refutes this perception by declaring that he
was born. He further states that slaves are repeatedly denied humanity and treated like animals.
Therefore, slave life entails being generated from your family and helpless (Douglass, 1845). For
instance, Douglass narrates that the system of slavery attempted to deny him humanity and
treated him like an animal. The system kept him ignorant of his birthdate, separated him from the
family, left him naked, and determined his worth alongside animals. According to Douglass,
slavery reduces people to an animal. It destroys the slaves and slave owner’s humanity.
Furthermore, Northup's narration presents slavery as a dehumanizing practice that
damaged people's humanity. As Douglas was denied his identity and separated from family,
Northup suffered severe labor through working in large plantations. According to Northup,
slaves had no rights, and they were forced to work. In his narration, Northup portrays the
overseer's qualification, including being heartless, brutal, and cruel (Northup, 1853). All these

attributes depict the harsh life slaves endured. These overseers ensured the production of large
yields and work accomplishment irrespective of the suffering they might cost the slaves. These
practices and pressure depict slaves as animals rather than humans. They are guarded with
powerful weapons such as pistols, and even dogs had decent lifestyles. Northup states that black
drivers dragged tired slaves and poured water upon them as a way of making them sweat. This
indicates the brutal lifestyle of slaves. They were never offered proper treatment, even tricky
conditions such as sickness and fatigue.
Father Henson's narration also depicts painful experiences of slavery, particularly its
effects on the family. Although Henson does not narrate his personal slavery stories like Douglas
and Northup, his father's experienced depict how slavery makes fathers helpless while attempting
to safeguard their families (Henson, 1858). It also shows that slaves do not have any power to
control their families. The master has full control and determines how fathers manage their
families. According to Henson, the overseers were obligated to transfer slaves from one farm to
another. Slaves had to follow the commands and any refusal resulted in severe punishment. He
also argues that slavery allowed the master to revenge easily.
How were slaves controlled?

According to Douglas, slaves were controlled by denying an opportunity to understand
themselves. For instance, Douglas has never known his birthdate. He was separated from his
family and treated like an animal. The slave owners attempt to make slaves accept their animal
identity (Douglass, 1845). Besides, slaves were controlled by being kept illiterate. This is
evident when Sophia's husband discouraged her from teaching Douglas. Being illiterate makes
slaves entirely dependent on their masters. And Douglas compares slaves who remain illiterate as
those residing in a darkened world where they only understand suffering. He illustrates how

slave owners keep slaves enslaved but unhappy based on their experiences (Douglass, 1845). In
this context, Douglas underscores how work, discipline, mental and emotional manipulation, and
violence breaks down severe slaves. He was broken in body, soul, and spirit. His natural
elasticity was damaged, his intellect disappeared, and the urge to read died. He also lost his
bright spark, and the darkness of slavery engulfed him.
Similarly, Northup experienced resembled Douglass’ brutality. However, Northup's
experiences are extreme. He claims that slaves were controlled through backbreaking work in
large estates that employed more than 100 slaves. The principal supervisors in these plantations
included white overseers and black drivers. Overseers were armed with pistols, bowie knives,
whips, and numerous dogs. Northup notes that overseers used these tools to maintain sharp
supervision of all the slaves. They used the dogs to overhaul an escaping slave (Northup, 1853).
The pistols were reserved for severe emergencies, mainly when a slave attacks the overseer.
Besides, the black drivers controlled slaves using whips. These were meant to force slave
workers to keep working no matter their conditions.
According to Henson, slaves were controlled through threats, force, and executions.
Henson's dad was murdered while attempting to safeguard his wife from the overseer's brutality.
These executions were done publicly to scare other slaves from attacking masters (Henson,
1858). Cruelty and severe punishment seem to be tools of control, similar to Douglas and
Northup's narrations. Henson states that he once saw his father with a bloody head and lacerated
bark. Furthermore, slavery rules supported punishment accorded to slaves, such as execution.
The rules were the foundation of revenge when a slave attacked any master.


How did they manage to maintain their humanity?

According to Douglass, slaves can present their humanity by focusing on literacy. For
instance, he illustrates the significance of literacy while formulating his desire for freedom and
the real escape from slavery (Douglass, 1845). He further narrates how Sophia attempted to teach
him the alphabet, but her husband considered the process dangerous and worthless. Douglass
further recounts how he used poor white boys within the neighborhood to teach him and how he
accessed an old copy of The Columbian Orator. While describing the book's impact, Douglas
notes that the book prompted good thoughts that have regularly flashed across his mind but died
away for lack of utterance (Douglass, 1845). Therefore. Douglas suggests that literacy creates
lasting desire for freedom.
Douglass further emphasizes the importance of the personal ability to overcome
dehumanization and reject and rebuild one's humanity violently. This occurred when he resisted
to be Covey’s slave. Irrespective of all slavery deprivations, Douglas notes that some intrinsic
urge for freedom often remains (Douglass, 1845). In the context of Northup, slaves maintained
their humanity by following commands and accomplishing the plantation work. However,
Northup described two situations that could allow slaves to regain their humanity or freedom.
First, a slave could escape from brutal treatment similar to Douglas (Northup, 1853).
Alternatively, the slave could attack the overseer and face execution. Nevertheless, some slaves
might consider death than facing brutal punishment.
According to Henson, the dad played a crucial role in ensuring the family remained
intact. He was ready to die rather than watch his family suffer from brutal punishment and harsh
labor. In this narrative, purchasing one's freedom was the preferred way to acquire space and
gain humanity (Henson, 1858). Like Douglas and Northup's narratives, Henson's family faced

severe brutality, and the day paid the ultimate price of death to gain humanity. However, Henson
was focused and remained hopeful until he regained his freedom. As Douglas noted about the
inner urge of freedom, Henson is proof of a committed slave who pursued freedom irrespective
of the challenging situations. Therefore, endurance and hope assisted slaves in managing their

12 years of Slave Film

The film invokes anger and sadness. The sufferings of the slaves as portrayed by the
movie surpasses the written documents. The film detailed Northup's sufferings for 12 years and
the portraits of slavery that have never been screened. The raw brutality of Epps' men reveals the
real picture of slave life. For instance, Epps forces Solomon to whip Patsey until blood and flesh
flew. He further beats until and the movie portrays several blows. Similarly, the film exposes the
unity of slaves as they attempted to help each other in challenging situations.

George Fitzhugh Assertions.

George Fitzhugh is among the key supporters of slavery. He argued that the slave trade
was the only trade with following. He further stated that Black-Americans are grown-up children
who must be governed as children (Fitzhugh, 1850). Fitzhugh supported the experiences of
Douglas, Northup, and Henson. Besides, Fitzhugh argues that slavery was a channel to save
Blacks from being a societal burden. Therefore, society has the right to prevent responsibility by
subjecting blacks to domestic slavery. Lastly, Fitzhugh regarded the Negro race as inferior to the
white race (Fitzhugh, 1850). These assertions are the foundation of the challenging situations
that Douglas, Northup, and Henson experience. These experiences were severe, dehumanized
their humanity, and resulted in the loss of loved ones. They were able to take care of their
families, as proved by Henson to purchase his freedom. This nullifies Fitzhugh's argument that

African Americans cannot operate without slavery. Their commitment to fight slavery also
cancels the perception that African-Americans will be extinct without whites. Although Fitzhugh
regards African Americans as weak, the three former slaves' endurance indicates their resilience,
determination, and urge to attain freedom.
Slave Owners wrote these defenses to continue oppressing African Americans. They
needed to create false accusations against them to invoke discrimination and differences between
blacks and whites. These differences allowed slave owners to recruit more slaves since the focus
changed from slavery to racism. These defenses created tensions between blacks and whites that
created a conducive environment for slavery.

Slavery in America dehumanized many African Americans, such as Douglass, Northup,
and Henson. They faced severe punishments and brutality supported by Fitzhugh's false
assertions. Besides, these three narrations illustrated the difficult slavery life, the humiliation of
slaves, and their treatment as animals. The slaves had no rights and entirely depended on the
masters. However, the suffering of three slaves, among many others, and resilience to eliminate
slavery changed society. The constitution safeguards people's rights, and slavery was abolished
in America.



Douglass, F. (1845). Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Elegant
Books. https://www.ibiblio.org/ebooks/Douglass/Narrative/Douglass_Narrative.pdf
Fitzhugh, G. (1850). The Universal Law of Slavery.
Henson, J. (1858). Father Henson's Story of His Own Life. Gutenberg.org.
Northup, S. (1853). Twelve Years a Slave. Gutenberg. Org.

Electronic Health Record Systems

(a) the topic title; Effects of Electronic Health Record Systems to Patient Safety and Quality
(b) an outline that begins with an introduction, background or overview;
(c) significance or purpose of the paper;
(d) major and sub-headings to organize the development of the topic;
(e) a section on how technology or concept in NI factor into your topic;
(f) your role as a nurse practitioner
(g) descriptors (or thesis) for each heading and sub-heading, with appropriately written in-text
citations that include page numbers, and;
(h) an annotated bibliography (reference listing following correct APA style) of 5 relevant scholarly
articles written in a synthesized format. Articles must be current, from peer-reviewed journals, and
published within the last five (5) years. Submit this as one file via Moodle. This is a graded exercise and
the professor will critique and offer suggestions to improve your work, if necessary.

Make certain to utilize an outline for your paper that includes: (1) significance of the paper, (2) major
headings, and (3) sub-headings, as appropriate. Utilize the APA form. The paper should be 6 pages in
length that do not include the title page, abstract, references, and appendices



An Electronic Health Record refers to a modern version of keeping a record of a patient's
medical history electronically. It includes record keeping of clinical data relevant to each patient,
such as medications, vital signs, laboratory results, and patient's medical history (Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2017). The Electronic Health Record System is, therefore, a
system in which health-related information is stored electronically for the safety of clinical data
and easy access to provide patients with the best care. The system allows authorized staff within
a healthcare organization to create, gather, and manage electronic records (Guise et al., 2020).
Through these systems, the quality of patient care and patient safety is improved. Such an
approach, therefore, plays a vital role in modern healthcare. This paper aims to analyze the
Electronic Health Record (EHR) system's effects on patient safety and quality.
Positive Effects of Electronic Health Record Systems to Patient Safety and Quality
First and foremost, the advanced methods of recording health-related information
compared to traditional meals of keeping hardcopy records allow physicians to easily access
patient information, such as diagnoses, allergies, lab results, and medications (Guise et al., 2020).
According to Wang & Wright (2020), many health institutions recorded complaints from their
clinical staff concerning the burden of data entry of health-related information. Such pressing
issues in health care systems resulted in increased burnouts and lower job satisfaction among the
clinical team. Physicians observed a decreased face-to-face time with the patients, and as a
result, the quality of care given to patients was poor. Most patients' medical history also was
scattered because of the numerous clinical notes stored for references. However, with the
introduction of electronic means of maintaining health records, the quality of care service and

safety recorded a significant improvement (Wang & Wright, 2020). Clinicians can easily access
each patient's health-related information, thus improving the quality of care.
Electronic Health Record Systems allow easy access to new and past test results among
providers in various health care institutions. Again, the system proves to be beneficial to
healthcare providers by improving how they access patients' test results irrespective of how they
obtained the results. The ease of access to new and past test results by providers is due to the
improved documentation of data brought about by the system (Tubaishat, 2019). The enhanced
accessibility of patient test results leads to improved quality of care given to patients.
In the case of computerized provider order entry in clinical work, EHRs have eased the
process of entering and sending treatment instructions. Such instructions include radiology
orders, laboratory results, and medication (Guise et al., 2020). As compared to conveying health-
related information through paper or telephone, medical staff can produce standardized and
complete orders through the use of computerized provider order entry. The automated provider
entry reduces errors and improves patient safety. Submitting health records through electronic
means enhances efficiency by allowing hospitals to save on time and give better services.
Computerized systems provide secure communications among providers and patients.
Sensitive information between patients and care providers becomes protected through the use of
EHRs. A patient can communicate with their health providers from the comfort of their home
concerning any health-related issue that needs are urgent such as questions asked in the case of a
developing condition. Patients can also discuss the progress concerning their health, and at the
same time, the provider can monitor the patient's progress. The communication carried out
electronically is considered secure compared to information transcribed on hard copies easily lost

or stolen. At the same time, patients can access disease management tools as well as health
information resources.
Moreover, health providers can easily schedule appointments with their patients
electronically. The system allows them to organize consultations with their patients, which saves
on time electronically. Patients can order tests through electronic means and receive their test
results without necessarily going to the hospital. The data obtained is stored in an electronic
manner, which increases patient information safety in the healthcare organization database.
Accessing patients' medical history by the caregivers becomes an easy task that allows them to
assess each patient's needs.
Adverse Effects of Electronic Health Record Systems to Patient Safety and Quality
Healthcare providers using EHR may suffer from poor navigation. While using the
system, poor navigation results from physicians not taking part in appropriate training on how to
go about it. In such a case, the hospital's quality of care reduces because the person handling a
patient may fail to enter data as required. As a result of inappropriate records of data, then the
patient's safety is at risk as cases such as wrong medical prescription may arise. Attempts to sign
the treatment plans for patients may also fail due to healthcare providers' failure to use the
Electronic Health Record System properly. Despite having taken part in training, some clinicians
may have difficulty procedural knowledge (Blijleven et al., 2017). In such a case, the health
official must ask for assistance to review their draft order before administering any form of
treatment to improve patient safety.
Another challenge associated with EHRs is difficulty in finding the right information in
the system. Data options that exist in the system may not be the desired results required by
physicians, such as the type of medication they intend to administer to their patients. According

to Blijleven et al. (2017), EHRs also make it challenging to enter symptoms into a patient's
problem list and alter a patient's current regimen. Blijleven et al. (2017) give an example of a
physician who wanted to administer a 3.75mg tablet, but the system made it difficult because it
only recorded 2.5mg. The researchers concluded that the system could not predict certain
medication types needed to break down into half. According to the hospital policy, the drug
ordering functionality of EHR is programmed to list medicines according to its pharmacy
EHRs restricts the presentation of data because it does not support all clinical work.
Clinical data presentation may be in the form of graphs or charts. There are various types of data
that clinicians cannot present without the aid of charts and graphs. In such a case, EHRs restrict
how health-providers present data in hospitals, for example, showing a patient's blood test results
over a specific period. Such a situation may require the clinician to present results in the desired
form, for instance, on a piece of paper, which reduces the quality of data.
Disrupted workflows due to the sequence of work practices is another effect of Electronic
Health Record Systems. In most healthcare institutions, numerous tasks are performed
simultaneously due to the frequent flow of patients daily. Task interference hinders the quality of
data recorded. According to Blijleven et al. (2017), HER users might find themselves writing
down a patient's data on paper to transfer the data to the computer but ends up missing to enter
the data in the correct fields. Some physicians will argue that it is due to their profession's nature,
whereby they find it difficult to simultaneously examine patients while entering data on the
computer screen (Blijleven et al., 2017). The result is reduced quality of the care given to


Impacts of Technology on Patient Safety
Improved patient safety is a result of technological advancements, especially in the
healthcare industry. Some of the technological advances in healthcare organizations include
Remote patient monitoring, Electronic incident reporting, Patient electronic portals, and
Automated medical dispensary technology. According to Alotaibi & Federico (2017), health
information technology plays a vital role in reducing medical errors, and improving compliance
to practice guidelines, improving patient safety. However, they believe that some technologies
are insignificant in enhancing patient safety and therefore recommend that healthcare
organizations select the most appropriate type of technology to invest in adopting. Electronic
Health Record Systems relate to modern technologies that are highly used in healthcare
organizations to improve patient safety. Furthermore, the system's use proves to have many
positive impacts on patient safety and quality as compared to the adverse effects. With the
technological advancements, the chances of medical errors become minimal, and also the quality
of care given to patients improved.
Role as A Nurse Practitioner
As a nurse practitioner, my role would be to ensure that I use the Electronic Health
Record Systems as per the requirements effectively. For instance, in areas where I feel I may fail
to understand some features in the system, I would request further training. The next step would
be to ensure that I record the correct data when transferring the information to the computer. If
possible, I would seek a second reading on my noted draft from another nurse practitioner before
recording the data electronically. The possibility of medical errors would be reduced, thus
promoting patient safety and quality.

In addition, I would note down the issues or challenges that I might be facing while using
the system, such as system failure for necessary enhancements to ensure smooth access to the
data in the system. Another issue that might occur due to the system is the failure to present data
in formats such as graphs and charts. In such a case, I will ensure to look for the best alternatives
to ensure that I deliver data in the desired format that is efficient. To meet the desired objective
of improved medical care, I would also ensure that my patients are well equipped with the
technology to communicate effectively with them concerning their test results and follow up on
the health records and progress.
Electronic Health Record Systems proves to be an improvement in healthcare
organizations. The modern technology of creating, recording, and electronically storing medical
information ensures positive healthcare results compared to producing negative results. The
quality of care given to patients has significantly improved with a minimal reduced number of
cases such as medical errors. Patients are now able to do consultations electronically and book
appointments with their doctors with much ease. They are also able to get their test results faster
in a more convenient manner. The Electronic Health Record Systems has created a platform for
storing vast amounts of data that can easily be accessed at any time regardless of whether the
data is new or from records. However, the system has demonstrated negative results, but with the
correct advancements, they can be addressed and improve patient care and safety quality.



Alotaibi, Y., K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient
safety. Saudi medical journal, 38(12), 1173.
Blijleven, V., Koelemeijer, K., Wetzels, M., & Jaspers, M. (2017). Workarounds emerging from
electronic health record system usage: Consequences for patient safety, the effectiveness
of care, and care efficiency. JMIR human factors, 4(4), e27.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. (, 2017). Medicare Program; Hospital
Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term
Care Hospital Prospective Payment System and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2018
Rates; Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers; Medicare and Medicaid
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program Requirements for Eligible Hospitals,
Critical Access Hospitals, and Eligible Professionals; Provider-Based Status of Indian
Health Service and Tribal Facilities and Organizations; Costs …. Federal
register, 82(155), 37990.
Guise, J. M., Reid, E., Fiordalisi, C. V., Borsky, A., & Chang, S. (2020). AHRQ Series on
Improving Translation of Evidence: Progress and Promise in Supporting Learning Health
Systems. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 46(1), 51-52.
Tubaishat, A. (2019). The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: a qualitative
exploratory study. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 44(1), 79-91.
Wang, E. C. H., & Wright, A. (2020). Characterizing outpatient problem list completeness and
duplications in the electronic health record. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association, 27(8), 1190-1197.

Article review Financial Strategy

Review Article:
Thaler, Richard H. 2018. "From Cashews to Nudges: The Evolution of
Behavioural Economics." American Economic Review, 108 (6):
Please provide a brief review of the paper and state your own opinion
about the following question with supporting theories, research, or
“In March 2020, global equity markets including FTSE100 and S&P500
showed significant crash due to increasing concern about COVID-19
pandemic. While some investors think this drop was a rational reflection of
increasing systematic risk of economy, the others regard it as an irrational
over-reaction due to amplified fear about the disease. Which one do you
think is more compelling?”
The suggested proportion of the paper, review part is 1/3 of the assignment, and
2/3 for your own view part. Referring to relevant literature to explain your
viewpoint is a very important part of this coursework (Harvard Referencing)



People have different behaviors that lead them to make irrational and rational decisions.
These decisions confirm them in acting in specific ways. Behavioral economics is a diverse topic
on why people behave in particular ways. Behavioral economics assesses why individual
decisions or choices are different from what other people opt. Economists have embarked on
extensive research projects on this topic as times have shown that people are changing by the
day, and previous economist's theories being ratified to their amusement (Pendleton et al., 2019).
Different scenarios or cases call for individual decisions. However, there are two types of
decisions that can be made. The rational and irrational decision approaches. People are generally
rational and make decisions based on what outcomes they have in their lives. People opt on
maximizing utility and thus make confident decisions based on the utility it achieves. People
always want to bring a positive change in their lives, making decisions having a close watch on
their lives.
A rational decision is a decision made after critical consideration and assessment of a particular
event to achieve utmost satisfaction. An irrational decision is a decision made in haste. These
decisions are generally impulsive and lead to adverse outcomes in the end. These decisions are
not analyzed, considered all aspects, and not goal-oriented (Pendleton et al., 2019). They are
risky decisions that have a chance of causing harm instead of positive results. Such choices have
less opportunity and are usually dangerous. People also make decisions from emotional
perspectives. Emotions influence a lot on decisions made. Economists have previously
determined that decisions are made from personal views.


Article Review

This article surveys the advancement of conduct financial aspects. Conduct financial matters
have been under gigantic investigation as individuals attempt to contend why individuals have
various sentiments on things and wind up creating such choices. The articles consider a gathering
of companions at a meeting (Thaler et al., 2018). These visitors have alternate points of view and
assessments on explicit issues. A case situation is as they trusted that supper will be prepared, the
inviter considered serving cashews nuts with drinks. When the nuts were on the table, the visitors
welcomed had just eaten a giant piece. The inviter decided to move the nuts from the table, and
to his satisfaction, all the visitors had a similar appraisal.t. Such has impelled the conceptualizing
of what occurred. The boggling point was, "the clarification did they all concede to that choice."
such is a condition that individuals are gone facing dependably. In as much as the nuts stayed at
the table, the guests would have continued eating them; regardless, they were glad that the nuts
had been moved from the table. A severe fan choice isn't typical (Thaler et al., 2018).
Many of these guests considered that they would not have the hunger to have the supper arranged
had they kept eating. Such is a reasonable choice that they made. An unreasonable individual
would have kept eating, not aware that his/her craving would be lost, consequently not having
supper. A sound leader, for example, the guests considered that the fundamental objective was to
have supper and not the nuts; in this manner, the nuts filled in as starters or a fair by the path as
they sat tight for food (Pendleton et al., 2019).

A comparable case has been a wine sweetheart who sold wine. The wine cellar had a selling cost
of 30 dollars for a container and had 100 dollar bottles in his bureau. In any case, he never sold

the 100 dollar bottles as he named them as deviation from his business approach. These 100
dollar bottles were kept in his bureau that he devoured during significant events. These two cases
portrayed peculiar conduct among individuals. This further raised why individuals, for example,
the wine darling pick not to make benefits but rather have his fulfillment from the wine (Thaler
et al., 2018).
These situations and many more stories drove the article essayist to leave on a progression of
examination and past financial analysts' speculations to have an away from social, economic

Judgment under Uncertainty

People are uncertain, as so are events in the world. Certain circumstances happen or occur,
calling for instant decisions to be made. These decisions impact the outcome of the event or the
extent to which the event is handled. People often love predicting future event outcomes. These
predictions about certain events in the future are the judgments under uncertainty. This entails
making a judgment, yet one is uncertain about an event or occurrence. These predictions lead to
people either having a rational and irrational approach. The outcomes from these predictions
made depict those willing to take risks or don't care about the risks involved or those that
critically consider their chances before deciding about something.
These different predictions portray economists' theory that people exhibit bounded
rationality. People make predictions about events or issues based on a lot of factors. These
factors serve as a measure of what the decision made will have in output and how the decision
benefit them (Thaler et al., 2018). These integral factors lead to decisions that might not look
substantial, whereas they are significant.


Understanding Cashews: The Planner and the Doer.

In economics, there exist two kinds of people. There are the planner and the doer. The planner is
the person that analyses all components before making any decision. He/she plans before doing
anything, thus ensuring that his plans act as the basis or measurement tool of the analyzed
decision. Usually, the planner always ends up with positive results. A doer, on the other hand, is
a person who does things with planning or consideration. The doer is a high-risk taker who has
no care attitude or is very optimistic about the future outcome.
Humans suffer from self-control issues. Self-control is a critical component in decision making,
as seen in the story of friends being invited for dinner and was served with cashew nuts as dinner
was yet to be cooked. The planner thought of giving his visitors a bowl of nuts to keep them busy
as they waited for dinner. As later seen, the planner envisaged a self-control issue as a reason for
moving the bowl of nuts away from the table (Thaler et al., 2017). The visitors felt indebted not
to continue eating the nuts and instead wait for dinner. Similarly, a scenario whereby the planner
decides on taking a particular decision that implants a guilt sense in the doer. This sense of guilt
causes the doer to halt or consider his decision again.
Naturally, doers enact decisions that are giving positive yields in the shortest possible time.
However, these decisions are costly and can finish all resources available. Imputing a guilt sense
in the doers' planners can monitor and stop doers from completing all available resources.
Planners yearn to maximize results in the long run. Long run, positive results are sustainable and
maximize utility. As people indulge in making decisions, they should be conscious of the self-
control aspect. The limitations of this strategy are the costs involved. This guilt incense aspect
consists of many expenses as it takes a lot of time to enact.


Mental Accounting

Mental accounting is the aspect of having accounting systems that help record and analyze
transactions and data collected. Organizations face enormous challenges and hurdles in choosing
accounting system structures compatible with the organization's business ideal (DellaVigna.,
2018). The accounting system allows the managers to monitor the spending activities of his/her
employees and offer incentives where applicable. Another case example is Individuals and
households that adopt a similar approach to handle their financial affairs. Mental accounting
systems in such a home has mental budgets on different entities such as foodstuffs and
expenditures. The family might opt for a savings and retirement account. This is where they keep
some funds that will be used in the future or emergency instances.
Behavioral Aspects and Finance.

Humans are strange and difficult to understand. They make decisions that may look absurd and
uncalled for. However, these decisions are motivated by many factors and behaviors. Behaviors
of peoples are different naturally. This indifference in actions is catalysts of rational and
irrational decisions. From the planner and doer scenario, these two people may have other
behaviors and take different approaches to issues (Kahneman et al., 2003). The planner might
have a particular action that calls for him to analyze and plan before undertaking any case. In
contrast, the doer has a behavior that calls for him to take risks or make impromptu decisions
without consideration.
Finance is another aspect of behavioral economics (Thaler et al., 2016). People are financially
abled differently; thus, the wealthy, middle class, and inferior norm. These three classes depict
the financial capabilities of people. It has been outplayed that people with financial stability are

usually associated with good behavior. In contrast, financially unstable people are deemed
immoral in behaviors/.finances outlays people's living standards and capabilities.

Question Scenario

Global equities markets are decreasing as covid 19 approaches. This has been coupled with the
increasing concern of the covid 19 pandemics. Investors have had different opinions as to why
the markets are behaving so. Some have had a rational outlook of the issue, whereas others have
adopted an irrational view in making their arguments against the decrease in equity stock
markets. The analytical perspective is that the occurrence of the equity markets' crashing was a
predicted outcome, thus not an emergency due to the health pandemic looming. The irrational
outlook is that the crashing of global equity markets is attributed to the world's impending health
pandemic (Kahneman et al., 2003).
I will take the rational reflection as the correct explanation or reason for the crash in the global
equity markets. The world has been experiencing a fall in the stock markets. The recent stock
market reports have depicted the situation as dropping. The leading cause for the current unstable
world stock markets is that the world has been marred with many challenges, including elections
and political instability issues. Political instability has hit hard the global equity markets as the
trade players are engulfed in battles in their countries, thus not participatory in the markets'
growth. Political instability has led to the withdrawal of significant trade entities and the lockout
of many products being sold in the global markets (Sunstein., 2013). Similarly, many companies
have had to shut down or change the location for security reasons in different countries such as
Mali, whereby rivaling groups or pacts have turned the country into a warzone.

Another major cause of the crashing of global equity markets is poor strategic and uncertain
decision making. In recent times, the major world trade players have enacted unconsidered
decisions that significantly hurt the world economy. A case example is the tax cuts policy
enacted in the USA. The tax cuts policy was uncalled for and unconsidered as they were made to
maximize utility. America wanted to grow its economy through enacting strict sanctions on
products that can be produced in America. This tax cut policy has led to a drop in sales of
products in the world markets. This predicament has gone to the extent of disrupting peace over
the globe. This is just an indication that the health pandemic is not the root cause of the crash in
global equity markets. These scenarios show a reflection of events happening simultaneously.
These events have disrupted the world market. The health pandemic is just but a tip of the
iceberg on an already dying world stock market (Bhargava et al., 2015).
Covid 19 has dealt an enormous blow to the world markets. However, the many hits on the needs
show unprepared people. People did not view covid 19 as a pandemic but just as a flu wave that
will not humble the world to its knees. This led to no predictions on future events. Covid 19 has
swept the world by storm. Businesses have been shut down promptly as investments have been
collapsed and destroyed. These atrocities have hit the world on all corners showing a world that
was not analytical on making to safeguard their investments from the looming health pandemic
(Bhargava et al., 2015).
Rational prediction depicts an accurate analysis of the global equity markets state. Many
investors who were critical analysts withdrew their investments or cautioned their investments.
They had already seen how the global market was performing. Upon the occurrence of the health
pandemic, they had already safeguarded their assets. The irrational thinkers took a major on their

investments as they enjoyed short-lived pleasures in the world market, not cognizant of the long-
run impact to be seen (Posner et al., 1998).
The norm that people are different is denoted clearly. People exhibit a further understanding of
situations and offer other causes and solutions. This indifference in decision making is seen in
the planner and doer situation.


People will always exhibit different opinions and have a further understanding of events. This
indifference is the primary catalyst to rational and irrational decision making. Behavioral
economics depicts a study of why people make decisions and what influences the decision-
making process. As seen, people make decisions, either rationally or irrationally. These decisions
are influenced by society. Cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral factors. These factors
play a significant role in influencing how people view things and the decisions they make.
People are driven by what happens or is affecting their lives either at the moment, the past, or the
People are predictive (Altman., 2016). Most people want to know what a situation they are in
now will be in the future. People are known to maximize utility. With this in mind, people tend
to predict or make a forecast of events. They do so to have an overview of how this situation will
pun out. Predictions are not real happenings but assumptions that can either happen or fail to
occur. This means that these predictions and beliefs might fail and, in turn, causes losses or harm
to the people. It's essential to have a critical approach to prediction or forecasts. These forecasts
need clear assessment and analysis and a plan on how to undertake the situation in question.

Conclusively people exhibit self-control as a significant limitation on people's choices and
decisions. Self-control entails having the inner attribute of controlling events happening to
oneself. People tend to make individual decisions when not in the right state (Baran et al., 2017).
Having self-control is a colossal challenge amongst people. Decisions made when not in control
are usually risky and most likely to fail or end up hurting others.



Altman, M., 2016. A bounded rationality assessment of the new behavioral economics. In
Routledge handbook of behavioral economics (pp. 179-193). Taylor & Francis.
Baran, P. and Markowicz, I., 2017, November. Behavioral Economics and Rationality of Certain
Economic Activities: The Case of Intra-Community Supplies. In International
Conference on Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (pp. 285-299).
Springer, Cham.
Bhargava, S., and Loewenstein, G., 2015. Behavioral economics and public policy 102: Beyond
nudging. American Economic Review, 105(5), pp.396-401.
DellaVigna, S., 2018. Structural, behavioral economics. In Handbook of Behavioral Economics:
Applications and Foundations 1 (Vol. 1, pp. 613-723). North-Holland.
Kahneman, D., 2003. Maps of bounded rationality: Psychology for behavioral economics.
American economic review, 93(5), pp.1449-1475.
Pendleton, A., Lupton, B., Rowe, A., and Whittle, R., 2019. Back to the Shop Floor: Behavioural
Insights from Workplace Sociology. Work, Employment and Society, 33(6), pp.1039-
Posner, R.A., 1998. Rational choice, behavioral economics, and the law. Stanford Law Review,
pp., 1551-1575.
Sunstein, C.R., 2013. Nudges. Gov: Behavioral economics and regulation. Forthcoming, Oxford
Handbook of Behavioral Economics and the Law (Eyal Zamir and Doron Teichman

Thaler, R.H., 2017. Behavioral economics. Journal of Political Economy, 125(6), pp.1799-1805.
Thaler, R.H., 2016. Behavioral economics: Past, present, and future. American Economic
Review, 106(7), pp.1577-1600.
Thaler, R.H., 2018. From cashews to nudges: The evolution of behavioral economics. American
Economic Review, 108(6), pp.1265-87.


Local Authority Investment

 Presentation on ‘Factors that a local authority should consider when setting an Investment Strategy’
Hi I would need the presentation to be aimed towards local council is that something you could do? On a word document will be fine I can transfer to a PowerPoint


Factors Influencing Local Authority Investment

Setting an investment strategy is a challenging task for local authorities, as there are
factors that influence the decision to be made. The government's current affairs are becoming
complex each day, leading to demand for the public administration to have the necessary skills to
manage their budget (Kemp, 2014). Before choosing an investment, a proper budget has to be
planned and enough resources set aside to invest. The process of budgeting can take plenty of
time as recurrent expenditure has to be catered for before allocating investment any money. After
allocating money to investments, planning is essential (Bogui, 2008). There are four major
factors to consider as they influence the decision to be made on the choice of investment. These
factors include political involvement, social and demographic changes, economic factors, and
intergovernmental and legal affairs. These factors impact directly on the investment and cannot
be ignored during planning.

Political Involvement

During budget planning and allocation of resources, city authorities, county managers,
and their legislative boards are highly involved. The political class is used to seek information
from their people on allocating the budget and the investments they need to be carried out
(Bogui, 2008). They have the power from their people to oppose a budget, and therefore, they
must be involved in the planning process. Understanding how citizens see their government is
given high priority, and more of the budget is being used for this purpose (Kemp, 2014). The
involvement of citizens is achieved through various ways such as surveys, forums, interactions
on websites, and town hall meetings (Bahl & Bird, 2018). The political status of a country also
determines the growth of any investment to be established. When there is political chaos within a

city or county, the local authorities cannot plan for any investments. However, the existence of
peace and harmony investments can be initiated and thrive well.
Economic Factors

The economic environment of an area significantly influences the budgeting priorities for
the local governments. There are economic cycles within any given economy which dictates the
position of the economy (International City/County Management Association, 2012). During
economic downturns, there is a decline in revenue collected from sales and income taxes.
Therefore, this is not the best time for the local authority to invest. Recessions also impact all the
levels of government as the economy is hit hard. There is little or no aid for the local government
during a recession, and therefore no investments should be carried out. Another economic factor
is inflation, which creates uncertainty and, therefore, difficult to plan for investments (Bahl &
Bird, 2018). Local governments have to ensure that inflation is at the lowest and there are
minimal chances of it going up soon. Interest rates are economic factors to consider as any
changes may affect the budget for the investment. When the interest rates are high, the budget
must be adjusted, and more funding be added (Kemp, 2014). The last economic factor is a
competition between the local governments, and this leads to changes in taxation, and it can
negatively impact the budget for the investment.

Social and Demographic Changes

There are three social and demographic aspects that impact the budget when they are
changed. These include age distribution, personal income, and population (Bogui, 2008). Any
investment that the local government wishes to undertake must be in consideration of the
population it is going to impact on. The size of the investment, such as a school or a hospital, is
determined by the population it is going to assist. Therefore, the size of the population

significantly influences the investment to be carried out by the authorities (International
City/County Management Association, 2012). Local governments are supposed to analyze their
population to determine the distribution of age. This helps to determine the size of each age
group and its needs. This influences the budgeting for investments such as recreational facilities,
public schools, public health, and the safety of the public (Bahl & Bird, 2018). Personal income
determines the demands of the people from the local government. The high income earning
neighborhood will demand more quality services and thus influence the budgeting of resources
(Kemp, 2014). Therefore, the local authorities' budgeting for investment depends on the income
of the people within a community.

Intergovernmental and Legal Affairs

There are three major ways that local budgets are influenced, and they include a
combined effect, budgetary balance, and mandates. For the combined effect, there are regulations
that forbid the local government from obtaining revenue for budgeting from some sources. Also,
local authorities are forbidden from increasing taxes to a particular level. There are services that
are required while others are forbidden (Bogui, 2008). All these restrictions result in hindrances
when budgeting for any investments. The authorities must ensure that they adhere to the laws so
that there are no complications when implementing their local jurisdictions' investments. The
local government must have a budgetary balance. This means that the current revenue must be
equal to the current expenditure. Therefore, when budgeting for an investment, it should not go
beyond the current revenue (International City/County Management Association, 2012). If it is
above the revenue, there is a possibility of the investment not being completed and thus lead to
waste of public finances unless aid from external sources is available. There are different levels
of government which follow specific procedures in requiring that a service is carried out. The

federal and state government enforces mandates on local governments, and this could influence
investments (Bahl & Bird, 2018). Therefore, local governments must consider the mandates
given before executing any budgets.


Local authorities are involved in developing investment strategies. However, the planning
is influenced by four major factors, which include economic aspects, social and demographic
changes, political involvement, and intergovernmental and legal issues. All these factors must be
put into consideration as they may impact the planning and execution of an investment



Bahl, R., & Bird, R. M. (2018). Fiscal decentralization and local finance in developing
countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bogui, F. (2008). Handbook of governmental accounting. CRC Press.
International City/County Management Association. (2012). Management policies in local
government finance. International City County Management Assn.
Kemp, R. L. (2014). Managing America's cities: A handbook for local government productivity.

Critical Response Paper Gender and Culture 

 C‌‌‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‌‌ompose a 5-page paper in response to the following prompt: Explain how through cross-cultural study, like anthropology, we understand that gender is a sociocultural construction. Focus on one or maybe two aspects of gender, for example, gender roles and ideology, gender socialization, sexuality, femininity/masculinity, intersectionality, and so forth. While you should consult your notes (you can cite course content and the films), your paper must primarily be based on the assigned readings. (I will attach the reading journals we have done throughout the semester so you can use those for notes, they include quotes as well.) The required examples you include to support your claims must come from the assigned reading, not personal anecdotes or outside readings. Be sure to think through your argument to ensure sure that it is analytical and not reactionary. You need a thesis statement in your introduction. Your Critical Response Paper is worth 100 points. Please submit it by Nov. 4 if you would like feedback. The last day to submit work is Dec. 2. Submit your paper as a MS Word document to Canvas. Please note that Turnitin will scan your paper for plagiarism, so ensure you are submitting your own writing and that you cite any material you reference or paraphrase from the readings, including quotes. Formatting Please use MS Word to type your responses. MS Office is available for free to students to download at this website: https://www.csun.edu/it/software. • Your name, course number and title, date of submission, and assignment name in upper-left corner of the first page only (this section is single-spaced) • Title of the paper centered above the body text and in bold (be creative, it ‌‌‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‌‌should not be “Critical Response Paper”) • 1-inch margins (you may need to reset the default settings) • Page numbers in the lower right corner (starting with the first page) • Times New Roman font • Font size 12 • Double-spaced body text • No unnecessary hard returns between paragraphs • Follow the Chicago Style Guide for in-text citations and create a Works Cited page • Works Cited page is single-spaced • Personal information on first page, title, and Works Cited page do not count toward the paper length (must be five complete pages) 2 Grading Rubric ‘A’ (90–100 points) – It shows that you’ve developed your own ideas on the topic, and that you’ve analyzed the topic thoroughly. Your thesis or central argument is clearly stated, and your overall organization is logical. You demonstrated that you understood the literature relevant to the topic, and you used sufficient evidence, including examples and quotes, which you also analyzed. Your language use is clear and concise, with few if any errors. You formatted your paper correctly according to the guidelines. Hi, my name is Jessica and I am currently shooting a movie out of state. I will be here until Mid December and don’t have the time to sit down and write 6 of the papers I have for my classes while working on set for 12 hours a day with no wifi. I appreciate you writing my paper! In this class we have had to write reading journals for two articles in our book every week. I have attatched all of them. they are short and include quotes. For our reading journals, we were asked questions like, “What is the main arguemnt”, “What is the impact or importance of the argument”, “What quote sums up ‌‌‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‌‌the article perfectly” Thanks again!


Culture Creates Gender: People Learn It

Physical characteristics between men and women have been used to create a clear
difference between men and women. Women have historically been taken as different as unequal
with men. Given this fact, gender roles have been granted based on the physical characteristics of
either men or women 1 . To this end, women are given gender roles that society has associated
with feminism, while men have been taught to assume masculine roles. In many cases, however,
most gender roles that have been associated with women have discriminated against them both
socially and economically. As a result, women have been discriminated against by gender and
other factors in society, all of which are created by culture. Therefore, women are victims of
gender roles and intersectionality, both of which construct culture.
Gender Roles and Ideology
The culture and community socially and historically constructed gender roles that a
person comes from. Therefore, gender is a set of social and cultural expectations which leads a
person to learn, assume and perform certain tasks less consciously 2 . Gender roles affect every
person in a certain way, either a positive and negative way. Still, women are the most affected in
many societies as they assume domestic duties that are not associated with making money or are
paid the least wages among all categories of jobs. Gender roles are backed by various religious
believes, such as Christianity. In the Christian system of beliefs, a woman should take care of her
husband and the family, while the husband is supposed to love and cherish their wives. In this
case, women take domestic roles to feed and take care of their families, while men need to work
1 Carla Freeman, "Designing Women: Corporate Discipline and Barbados's Off-Shore Pink-
Collar Sector," Cultural Anthropology 8, no. 2 (1993): 4, doi:10.1525/can.1993.8.2.02a00030.
2 Sherry B. Ortner, "Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?" Feminist Studies 1, no. 2
(1972): 4, doi:10.2307/3177638. Sherry B. Ortner, "Is Female to Male as Nature Is to
Culture?" Feminist Studies 1, no. 2 (1972): xx, doi:10.2307/3177638.

to provide for their families. Women, therefore, turn into caregivers while men turn into
providers. In conservative societies such as the Catholics in Mexico, these roles are well
established, that trying to make some changes in them is perceived a taboo. Therefore, people
stick to their gender role to maintain respect in society and get God's blessings.
Preparing women for the role of womanhood denies women opportunities that are readily
available to men. To some society, the greatest role that a woman can play in society is to be a
wife and reproduce. To these communities, reproduction is seen as important in the community
as it is the one that leads to the continuation of the community and its culture 3 . Therefore, women
are mainly trained on becoming wives taking care of their husbands and children, and
reproducing. These roles do not need education, and thus girls are denied formal education. Even
when they get educated, many of them just get basic education, which does not equip them with
some employable skills that would allow them to get better jobs. As a result of these
discriminatory cultural circumstances, women in places such as Barbados find it hard to find
well-paying jobs despite foreign direct investment in the area 4 . These international companies
believe in gender equality and wish to employ both men and women but face a major challenge.
Women are uneducated and do not have the skills required for high paying jobs. As a result,
these companies create pink color jobs to fit for unskilled women. To many men, these low wage
jobs have an annoying routine which is not fit for them. However, this is a golden opportunity
for the women to work beyond unpaid domestic work, which makes them happy 5 . These women
do not have much choice due to limited opportunities in the local market. Pink color jobs are the
only way that they can earn a living.
3 Kath Weston, "Do Clothes Make the Woman? Performing in and Out of Industrial
Time," Gender in Real-Time, 2018, xx, doi:10.4324/9781315865676-3.
4 Freeman, " Designing Women," 6.
5 , Freeman, " Designing Women," 5.

Stereotypes that have been used historically to explain gender roles have also been
backed by science. Society is growing and changing daily, and people are leaning towards
science for evidence and explanations of various aspects of life. Males have been taken to be
generally good in mathematics and science. This has brought a mentality that women are not
good in these technical courses, and this has made many women grow thinking that they can
only perform in other courses and not the ones that have been associated with males. In this line,
even though science is meant to create solutions for society, but in this case, it has continued
with the same trend of gendered roles that the previous society held. Science has based its
argument that women are emotional, which makes them weak in science, grounded on pure facts.
This allegation is only true in certain conditions, and thus discriminating against all women
would be wrong 6 . According to research studies, when women are presented with threat
conditions, their mathematic and scientific tests' performance remains retrained. In contrast, in
tests where women were involved in tests with non-threat conditions, they performed better than
all groups, including men. The difference between the two tests is the thereat conditions where
women were given a simpler test in the first test than men. Thus their performance was
restrained to these standards, while in the second test, all people were assured that the test was
equally hard for all women who worked hard like everyone else. The culture of stereotyping
gender roles seems to take shape in science. With the roles that science plays in society, this
mentality could go a long way in setting new standards for gender roles in the future society.
Gender is among the forms of discrimination that many women face in their lives in a
globalized society. Women not only face challenges base on their genders but also due to their

6 , Freeman, " Designing Women," 19.

culturally constructed limitations. For women who migrate to western countries are
discriminated against due to their race and gender, among other factors. for example, for
Mexican migrants who move into the US, in their homes, they acquire feminine roles as mothers
and wives and submit to their husbands 7 . When they are in society, they are discriminated against
according to their race and denied equal access to jobs. Many white women in the west have
found some freedom in a society where they have been given some equality level. The white
women in western countries have moved into formal employment and thus leaving domesticated
jobs open. Homes have to be taken care of, and this calls for new domestic labor. For the less
skilled migrant women who do not have much of an option, they occupy the jobs that have been
left blank by their fellow women who are white and have a better opportunity. Even though
working in these jobs is an upgrade from working in their homes for free, it still lands them in
gendered roles 8 . This is evident as other migrant-men do not work in domestic jobs as they work
in manual blue color jobs, which are considered more masculine. Nevertheless, even though
these domestic jobs give them some financial freedom that is not available in their cultures, it
does give it in a gendered and the pay is not as good as that of the men who work in manual jobs 9
. Besides, these women work in other people’s homes and still work in their homes, making them
perform gendered responsibilities. This position that migrant women find themselves in is
creating the society back at home and in the west. Many cultures have associated manual work
with men, while household chores are associated with women.

7 Maid in America, directed by Prado Anayansi. (2005; Impacto Films, 2005), Film.
8 Maid in America
9 Freeman, " Designing Women," 10.

In a nutshell, gender is a key concept in the study of anthropology. In anthropology, sex
and gender are defined differently. Sex means the perceived physical differences, while gender
entails all cultural constructions that are learned, assumed, and performed in various societies.
Despite the differences between the two, sex has been used to assign gender roles in society.
Thus, some roles have been taken to be feminine or masculine, depending on the community's
culture. To this end, women have generally been assigned feminine roles that are either unpaid or
have low wages than men's jobs. For a long time, this has denied women financial freedom, and
thus they are made to depend on men for their providence. From a young age, girls are taught to
assume roles that are associated with womanhood. These roles are culturally constructed to make
a woman into nurturers, and wherever they go, these roles follow them. Despite being
discriminated against in gender roles, women are also discriminated against on other grounds,
which are also cultural constructions leading to intersectionality. Therefore, all effects that
gender has on women are created by culture and not their nature.


Freeman, Carla. "Designing Women: Corporate Discipline and Barbados's Off-Shore Pink-
Collar Sector." Cultural Anthropology 8, no. 2 (1993), 169-186.

Maid in America. Directed by Prado Anayansi. 2005. Impacto Films, 2005. Film.

Ortner, Sherry B. "Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?" Feminist Studies 1, no. 2 (1972),
5. doi:10.2307/3177638.

Weston, Kath. "Do Clothes Make the Woman?: Performing In and Out of Industrial
Time." Gender in Real-Time, 2018, 56-89. doi:10.4324/9781315865676-3.

Response to Objection Essay

Philosophy: Response behalf of Sachs to Objection Essay that goes against Sachs
 Instructions Writing Assignment # 3 Response to an Objection Things to note: worth 10% of final grade. due on Nov. 26 at 11:30 pm The Assignment: In this assignment, you will respond, on behalf of Sachs, to the objection that you raised in the last assignment. This assignment should be about 1 page in length, double-spaced, in a 12 point font of your choosing. 
Use a citation format that is to your liking, but make sure that you cite the authors you refer to. How to write this assignment: 1. Start by revising the objection you wrote for the last assignment. Make sure to take into account the feedback you received. 2. Construct a response from Sachs to this objection. (It might be helpful to review your notes on Sachs before writing the response.) – In constructing the response, you should explain in detail how Sachs might reply to the objection you raised. After all, not every objection is a good objection; Sachs might be able to come up with a very convincing reply! Use what you know about Sachs’ general position to construct a reply that is consistent with other things he has said, as well as with his original argument. Client Note: Use the Jeffery Sachs PDF and use evidence from the first 20 pages and create an argument response that goes against the objection essay


Response to Objection Essay

Africa has consistently suffered from poor governance, poverty, and frequent corruption
cases. However, even well-governed African countries are still stuck in poverty traps. They are
poor to attain high economic growth levels, and some are severely poor completely (Sachs et al.,
2004). Therefore, extreme poverty causes low saving rates that result in low or negative
economic growth rates. This implies that Africa requires a big push from foreign investments to
revive its economy.
However, some critics argue that most Africans cannot acquire additional money to start
saving. They also say that Africans struggle to feed their families, and raising savings would be
hectic. Nevertheless, savings does not merely saving money. Africans can save resources by
economically using the already available natural resources to grow their economies. Resource-
saving is vital compared to cash. The more Africans save and preserve natural resources such as
minerals, forests, and large water bodies, the more additional income acquired from these
Furthermore, direct aids and donors indeed increase poverty rates in Africa. This is
because most people fail to work with the hope of receiving free assistance from donors.
However, indirect aid such as the construction of health centers, learning institutions, student
sponsorships, community development, and people empowerments are crucial to pushing Africa
to greater levels. For instance, educated or literate Africans will easily create local solutions to
reduce poverty rates, but this is impossible if Africans are abandoned to solve their problems
while illiterate.
Moreover, critics argue that foreign investments only help politicians rather than Africa’s
economy. However, adequately channeled investments can improve Africa's economic growth.

For example, instead of delegating the work of supervising foreign investment to politicians,
donors should fully participate and ensure that everyone is incorporated. The donors can be sent
representatives to various nations to manage and ensure project completion. Corruption and
nepotism can be stopped through proper channels of foreign investments that would eliminate
poverty. Therefore, a country's local problems, such as corruption, laziness, and reduced
monetary savings, cannot hinder foreign aid's success in enhancing Africa's growth. These
problems can be solved since foreign donors have absolute power over the projects.



Sachs. J. et al. (2004). Ending Africa’s Poverty Trap. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.