Culture Comparison between Germany and United States America
Different nations experience a difference in their culture based on their beliefs, leadership,
family systems, lifestyle and eating habits. Culture affects the prosperity of a nation and also
the relationship between that country with other key stakeholders.
There is a cultural difference between the two nations regarding social classes. In Germany,
the system is highly decentralized since power is in the control of the middle class.
Leadership is based on expertise unlike in the United States where power is monitored by the
rich in the society, and other members feel that they are mistreated. In Germany people focus
on their immediate and direct, but in the United States justice for all prevails and people look
out for each other especially people of the same community.
Another difference is issues related to work and leisure German people work more and spend
less on entertainment activities compared to Americans who spend a considerable amount of
time in leisure activities after working hard, Americans take time to enjoy themselves during
summer which is not the case in Germany (Journal of American Culture, 2003).

Variables from Hofstede Model
Individualism is one of the variable accounting for the difference in culture; this refers to the
extent of interdependence and relationship between human beings. Individualism also
influences society welfare, self-actualization, and social stratification.
The second variable is power distance which accounts for the feelings of the less influential
members of the community about the distribution of power (Abramson, Moran, & Harris, 2017).
This influences issues related to inequality, leadership, and management. Power distance also
reflects on the determination of human rights and communication in the country.
The last variable accounting for the difference is uncertainty avoidance (Woesler, 2011). This
relates with how the country deals with matters about the future on issues development and change. This also deals with risks, and threats people bear as the progress into the uncertain
future. Finally, uncertainty avoidance is useful in determining how people prepare and adapt
to changes as they enter into the future.

Personal Experience
I have cultural clashes with people from different countries on several occasions. For
instance, people from the Middle East are mostly Muslims, and I find myself conflicting with
their beliefs especially on the consumption of pork since it’s my favourite meal. Also, I have
worked with Muslims in different capacities, but I always find it inconvenient since they do
not work on Fridays which is a typical business day, but for them it’s Sabbath.


Abramson, N., Moran, R., & Harris, P. (2017). Managing Cultural Differences.
The Journal of American Culture. (2003). Blackwell Pub.
Woesler, M. (2011). A New Model of Cross-Cultural Communication: Critically Reviewing,
Combining and Further Developing the Basic Models of Permutter, Yoshikawa, Hall,
Hofstede, Thomas, Hallpike, and the Social Constructivism = Kua Wenhua Mokuai
Bijiao Ji Guojihua Nengli De Goujian.