survey sample pool 1


APA format

12 front new roman

Please answer 1,2,4 on one page. Question 3, on single page

Question 1. —Use attached doc for this question “Data and Information”

How can you be fooled by data? Why/How does the data collected in polls and studies lead us to incorrect conclusions? What impacts do you think polls have or have had on you? Do you pay attention to polls? Do you think national polls impact peoples’ views on a topic?

Question 2. —Use attached doc for this question “ Information and Information Sharing.docx”

A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together. The internet is the world’s largest computer network. This rise in telecommunications and both wired and wireless networks has opened up the possibilities for telecommuting (working typically at home but tethered to the company’s office) and teleworking (working from anywhere using mobile devices and smartphones). Studies have shown that telecommuting can actually increase a company’s productivity. Teleworking, that is, working from anywhere, comes with a potential negative cost – the threat of “always working” and the parallel issue of “always being available or online.”

Would you like to have a job for which you telecommute or telework instead of going in to the office? Why or why not? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages for you as the employee and for the business as the employer in having teleworking or telecommuting an accepted policy?

Question 3. —Use attached doc for this question “ Knowledge Management.docx” Your life is somewhere in a database

Are you comfortable with giving away some of your privacy for increased security? Why or why not? How far would you let the government go in examining people’s private lives? Or how much access should we have to certain aspects of others’ private lives? For example, should States share criminal databases? Many TV shows depict law enforcement personnel accessing readily accessible databases that contain all types of records about individuals –records about everything from address to telephone records to finances, insurance, and criminal history. Specifically, should a database of people paroled or released for crimes be made public? Why or why not? What about those who have committed other types of crimes? Who should have access to the database? Why?

Question 4 —Use attached doc for this question “ CRM.docx”

If you are shopping online, how do you determine whether the merchant is trustworthy? Do you use a different method to determine trustworthiness when you walk into a store and need to use a credit card for a purchase? Who is better positioned to regulate online transactions and handle irregularities or complaints – consumer advocacy groups or the government? You might need to do some research on the purposes and functions of consumer advocacy groups AND the method of filing a consumer complaint with a consumer protection office (government agency).