The Role of Family in the Indian Horse


The Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese is a book published in 2012 and revolves around Saul’s story. In the novel, the author intends to show the importance of family in someone’s life, and it’s no wonder that even the title of the book Indian Horse comes from Saul’s family’s name (Chicklinski-Cahill, 2019). in the plot of the story, the audience sees Saul as he goes through a series of challenges, including his family member’s death to abuse and the struggle with alcoholism. Even though Saul faces many challenges in life, there is someone there to show him love and give him hope; whether these people are biological family or not, they play a crucial role in Saul’s life. 

Family plays a crucial role in connecting someone to his/her culture. The Indian Horse family hails from a Fish Clan, a native Canadian ethnic group that Winnipeg’s river. The Indian Horse family has always been influential in the clan from his great grandfather, who stories say was a great teacher and healer and, as a result, played a key role as a religious figure (Wagamese 2012). However, this influence is deteriorating as the story’s setting takes the readers through an event that takes place in the 1960s and 70s Canadian society. This was the time that Canadian native traditions were under heavy attack. Laws such as the Indian Act of 1876 were developed, which required all native Canadian children to attend Christian and English-speaking schools (McKegney & Phillips, 2018). To attend school, these children were separated from their families and were forced to unlearn all their native traditions and replace them with Christian ones. “We will honor him in the old way” (Wagamese 2012). These were the words of Saul’s grandmother after Benjamin’s death. She wants him to be buried traditionally, but Saul’s parents object and decide to take him to a nearby priest for a proper burial. To show the importance of culture in someone’s life, Wagamese tells the audience that after the parents walked out of their traditions and opted for new traditions, they never returned, and Saul had to live with his grandmother till death. In the whole story, Wagamese shows children struggle in Christian schools as they try to maintain the relationship with their cultures and family as some are beaten to death. Others take their lives due to their inability to let go of their cultures and family ties (McKegney & Phillips, 2018). In Saul’s case, he maintains some of his cultural traditions while adopting part of the new customs.

In the Indian Horse, the concept of family is depicted as an important part of a person’s belongingness. According to psychological research, the need for love and belongingness is a need for all human beings, similar to the need for food and shelter (McKegney & Phillips, 2018). When one successfully acquires the sense of completion and belongingness, one gets over emotions such as loneliness and abandonment. These negative emotions can harm a person’s performance in life and health, and thus getting away from them helps increase a person’s chance of improving his/her life. As the story opens, Saul’s family goes through many tribulations (Chicklinski-Cahill, 2019). However, even in these trying times, they stick together and help each other. For example, even after his parents and brother’s death, Saul’s grandmother stuck with him till she froze to death. When Saul was going through trying times at St. Jerome’s, a new family comes to his rescue (Wagamese 2012). As he leaves with the Family, Father Leboutilier tells him that Hockey would save him, but in the real sense, Kelly’s family had saved him from the miseries of St. Jerome’s. When he becomes part of the family, Saul finds love and support from the family, which helps him become even better at playing Hockey (McKegney & Phillips, 2018). Kelly’s son Virgil does not become jealous of his hockey prowess; in fact, he takes him into his team and trains with him. Even though Saul becomes better than Kelly’s son, there is not time that they felt jealous of him as he was family. Kelly and the family encourage him to carry on and get to greater heights, such as the time he needed to move to Toronto; they did not hold him back even though he was having a hard time leaving them. The family wished the best for him.

A family is a place where one can always go back when all other things fail. Society fights Saul with racism, and the memories of abuse back in St. Jerome’s still haunt him. However, Martha and Fred knew their place in Saul’s life. Saul states, “Fred and Martha Kelly were good to me. They didn’t try to be parents. They settled for being friends, and Virgil and I grew close. He was my greatest ally” (Wagamese 2012). Unlike society, Kelly’s family understood Saul’s past, and they were ready to hold his hand and help him as a friend. The use of the term “settled for” symbolizes that despite offering him the help that he needed, the Kelly’s knew that they could not replace Saul’s biological family but were ready to stay with him as a friend and help him like a family (Chicklinski-Cahill, 2019). To this end, when Saul comes from the rehab, and all is lost, he goes back to the Kelly’s, and they receive him like a family and give him another chance to use his talent.  

In a nutshell, the family is where an individual clings for support and hope in life. The theme of family is key in the Indian Horse as even the name of the book comes from the name of the protagonist’s family. The family is portrayed as an individual’s connection to culture and traditions. It is through the family that a person’s belongingness need is fulfilled. The family is also the place where one gets back to heal after the worldly struggles are over. 



Chicklinski-Cahill, K. (2019, July 27). ‘Indian Horse’ a ‘small but Huge Story.’ The Journal.

McKegney, S., & Phillips, T. J. (2018). Decolonizing the Hockey Novel: Hockey, 97-110.

Wagamese, R. (2012). Indian Horse. D & M Publishers.

Abnormal psychology


Research Article Critique

Part 1: Introduction


Twenge, J. M., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2002). Age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and birth cohort difference on the children’s depression inventory: A meta-analysis. Journal of abnormal psychology111(4), 578.


The study by Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) conducted a within-scale meta-analysis on 310 children between 8 to 16 years in response to the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI). The research found that girls’ depressions overall scores were steady at the ages of 8 to 11 but later increased at 12 years old. In contrast, Boy’s CDI scores were relatively stable between 8 to 16 years, but they scored higher when 12 years old. The girls’ scores were significantly lower than that of boys during their childhood but got higher as their age increased, mainly from 13 years. The study also suggests that socioeconomic status did not affect the outcomes, and there were no profound differences between the Black and White samples. Nonetheless, Hispanic children had higher scores on the CDI. Analysis for birth cohort also showed decreased CDI scores in boys over time while there are no changes in girls.


The authors for this report have the academic qualifications authority to conduct the research. More specifically, Jean M.Twenge has a Ph.D. and is a professor at the Department of Psychology at the College of Sciences at San Diego University. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema was a well-known psychologist and writer whose works significantly explains why women are more likely to get depression than men.


The article provides essential data intended for scholars or learners studying more about depression in different depression. The research can inform clinical decisions made by psychologists and doctors in the treatment of depression in children.

Part 2

Research topic

The author clearly states and defines the main topic investigated in the research. It starts by stating that “Depression in children and adolescents has been a frequent focus of research in clinical and developmental psychology in the last 3 decades.” This statement illustrates that the research will be exploring depression, focusing on children and adolescents and that it will use previously acquired data to show the occurrence of the issue in the stated populations. He also illustrates the importance of conducting the research, especially when depression cases in children are increasing significantly. The authors also identify the variables explored in the research. Some of these variables include ethnicity, age, social class, and gender.

Further, Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) show how these variables relate, contribute, and influence depressive symptoms. According to the article, previous qualitative reviews suggest that the occurrence rates of depression increase from childhood towards adolescence but in girls more than in boys. Based on this statement, as children’s ages increase, they are likely to experience depressive symptoms. However, this is only common among girls. Boys are most likely to experience minimal symptoms of depression. The article also introduces and explains how the CDI sores help in the measurement of depressive symptoms.

Literature Review

Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) provide sufficient or adequate review of different sources, giving profound background information on the studies and issues explored in the study. The article also discusses current research on depression and situates the author’s research using different sources. Here, the article presents different sections about depressions and some of the issues that contribute to the occurrence of depression in children and teenagers. For instance, it shows how race or ethnicity influences depression in children. Appropriately, it found that cultural factors among others lead to higher rate of depression in teenagers than other sample groups. Fundamentally, the article by Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) also state the objectives of the research. Here, it adds the importance of conducting a within-scale meta-analysis for this research. Though the article does not provide a specific research question, it explains the objectives of the research in the abstract and introduction sections.


The authors identify the methodology used in the research associated limitations when using that specific method. As mentioned earlier, the study used within-scale meta-analysis for the research. Nonetheless, this method allows the researchers to examine only one measure, in this case, the CDI. The sample is also described, including 61, 424 children between 8 and 16 years old, 31,787 girls and 29, 637 boys, used in study articles from Canada and the United States, with more 15 than participants not as psychiatric or hospital patients. The CDI measure is also adequately described explaining how it works and the items included and answered by participants to measure depression in children. There are ethical considerations to be considered, however, when using CDI in the research. The researchers must respect individuals’ privacy and ensure anonymity throughout the research. The authors analyzed the results by computing the correlation between CDI scores and time-weighted by sample size. 

Clinical implications of findings

The article by Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) shows the importance of the findings to the research. It also depicts the significant findings of the articles used in the meta-analysis. More importantly, the findings answer and meet the objectives of the study. The authors also use and integrate tables in the text to illustrate the findings from the studies used. 


The article also has a discussion section that interprets and discusses the findings of the research. This section’s content illustrates the study’s findings that validate the author’s conclusions about depression in children between 8 and 16. more precisely, this section explores the variables tested, including age and gender, race, and birth cohort. Throughout the section, the authors illustrate how the results were similar or dissimilar to specific studies exploring depressive symptoms.

Recommendation for future research

The research summarizes and explores data from various respondents, providing normative CDI scores, unconfounded by testing the effects or birth cohort. Nonetheless, at the end of the article, Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) recommend future research that addresses the various testing effects in longitudinal studies and finds strategies to minimize any research biases.


Personal reflection

In my view, the study by Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) gives clear insights into the issues that cause and influence depression in children between 8 and 16 years, making it a suitable read during a period when cases of depression in children are increasingly reported. It is adequate research that gives the reader clear insights into the prevalence of depression in children due to various reasons. The research’s quality is demonstrated in the article, which includes all the aspects of the study from choosing the topic to selecting articles to report the findings and making the conclusions. In my perception, the research is timely and worthwhile as it could help scholars gain more insights into the drivers of depression in children. It also uses an appropriate design that gives precise findings using one measure applicable to the sample. I did not find any errors or omitted data; thus, the research is valid for different purposes. Fundamentally, the article increases my knowledge and understanding of the prevalence of depression in young boys and girls. The article has a good structure with the sections presenting the steps of the research as they occurred. The authors’ style and language are also clear and easy to understand, keeping the readers engaged throughout the article. Lastly, the authors are respectful to the sample and other researchers’ work, where they cite other sources and studies appropriately throughout the paper.


justice system of the United States

The Term Paper is required to be at least 10 pages long, plus a reference, and title page, which
means it should be 12-pages minimum. The Term Paper should examine, explore, and/or
describe the issue/topic in full. The Term Paper must include at least 7 references/sources and
must include in-text citations as per APA format requirements.
Topic: How the U.S Criminal Justice System has failed for black girls and women, and I want to
mainly focus on Cyntoia Brown’s case and discuss more on sex trafficking. Along with other
girls who have been abused and/ or sex-trafficked, Cyntoia Brown's effort to survive under the
circumstances she was in, brought her into the prison passage unreasonably affecting girls of
color. The abuse that is sustained by these women and girls, has led to encounters with the
criminal justice system, and this system treats them as perpetrators rather than as victims and
survivors of abuse/ sex trafficked. Consequently, instead of sheltering, protecting, and providing
resources to these girls and women who have been sexually and physically abused are being
criminalized for surviving their abuse. I chose this topic because I passionately feel there needs
to be a change in the legal system. Cyntoia Brown is not the only victim whom the criminal
justice system has failed and let down.
Look at documentary on Netflix: Use as a reference
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story (2020)
You may use other legal cases that are relatable.




Females of color have lived with racial discrimination for centuries. Several black American women, children, and men have been sentenced for life imprisonment on which on some worst occasion sentenced to death by the same justice system which is supposed to protect them. The Black American fraternity, especially young females of color, traditionally are from a lower economic status. Women who have experienced some abuse and trauma, among others, are vulnerable to any risk of attack by the netizens (whites) since most of them know that there won’t be any form of justice for them. The law on the other hand, has failed tremendously in protecting these young girls.

The justice system of the United States has failed miserably in the protection of women, black American women to be precise. The justice system dates back to the pre-colonial period when the law was purported to protect property owners and their property’s legal interests. Unfortunately, “Property owner” was not meant for everyone. During the colonial period, a white man was the property owner, which means that a black woman was the property. This notion of looking down upon black women and viewing them as a tool for physical molestation and as a resource for gaining wealth dates back to the pre-colonial period. This term paper focuses on the injustices of the law towards Black American women and their daily struggles. It also focuses on women who have been abused sexually and convicted without the law protecting them from the perpetrators who put them in those tight spots.

Many factors facilitate the perpetuation of heinous crimes such as sex trafficking, rape, physical abuse, and even murder. The inequality access to quality education opportunity where the African American society does not access. Poverty, foster care system, and gender bias lead to females of color being vulnerable to sex trafficking, rape, and murder (Page,2020). There have been many scenarios where America’s judicial system sentencing victims of sex trafficking as prostitutes, and they don’t distinguish between adult and youths, and all the convicts are given adult punishments.  

United States of America’s hypocrisy on sex trafficking is quite eminent. The sex business is continuous to flourish within America’s most profound states while the state watches. The victims of sex trafficking suffer at the mercilessness of their bosses. Some contract dreaded diseases such as HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, and syphilis. Some sex enterprises operate legally or are either incorporated as a legal business owned by white men (Territo and Kirkham, 2010). Some company operates as legitimate enterprises such as salons, nails spar, or restaurants, yet what is behind the scene is the molestation of women of color which should be illegal. Many sex enterprises change over time, not only in location but also in their names. Some enterprises are well represented by lawyers, which makes it very difficult for their victims to receive justice. The victims, on ordinary occasions, are the ones who end up behind bars. Other businesses are owned by prominent judges and leaders in the highest ranks of the government. On regular occasions, sex businesses are advertising as a legitimate business in various ways, including print media such as mainstream English language newspapers, pornographic magazines, non-community magazines, sex guides, the Yellow Pages, and billboards, among others.  

The United States military bases are also significant areas for sex trafficking. It is quite ironic that the people who are supposed to protect these young girls are the ones who allow and promote sex trafficking. The sex business hides behind the curtains as massage parlors which most of the victims are women of color. Brothels, sex clubs, and other forms of sex businesses proliferate within the major military bases, whereby some of the sex businesses are either family-owned or prominent local community leaders (Territo and Kirkham, 2010). In serious cases, the sex business can be set up and financed by major organized crime syndicates within America.  

Convicted Cyntoia Brown’s life’s background has been devastating. At the age of 16, Gina Mitchell gave birth to Cyntoia Brown. She lived with her mother, who was an alcoholic. Between six months and three years, Cyntoia Brown had been transferred to countless homes, and at sixteen, she ran away from home, where she landed to a cruel person named “Cut Throat” (Page,2020). Her miseries worsened as the person used her for his sexual pleasures. Being young and naïve, the man manipulated her and introduced her to sexual trafficking. According to (Page 2020), several young ladies who find themselves in the hands of sex traffickers are from a foster home where most probably are not treated right. Sex traffickers target such girls based on providing them with a better lifestyle. Many traffickers offer food, alcohol, clothing, rides in expensive cars regardless of their victims’ age. By the time a victim realizes that all the tantalizing words from their owner are lies, it might be too late for them to exit. Usually, sex trafficker threatens these young girls to harm them or their family member. This leaves them with no choice but to adhere to the set rules of the sex trafficker. 

To ensure that the business of sex trafficking is continuous, the sex traffickers pump the young girls with drugs until they become addicted to them. This leaves them without any choice but to depend on their owner to be supplied with drugs (Page, 2020). Instead of the law to protect females of color, traffickers use it to threaten these young kids. The law does not offer adequate protection. Since most sex traffickers use the law to manipulate their victims from these laws easily, they make them believe e how worthless they are and that no one can never help them apart from the sex traffickers themselves. The law that should protect females of color from statutory rape and sexual abuse of minors instead treats them as perpetrators of crimes and lands them in detention. Instead of the law to apprehend the sex traffickers who perpetrate these heinous crimes, it’s the female of color who end up behind bars. The justice criminalizes the abused children instead of protecting them, arresting their exploiters, and putting them behind bars. 

Cyntoia Brown was back then a sixteen-year-old girl and a victim of sexual abuse by a white man. During the series of events that lead to the white man’s death, Cyntoia Brown feared for her life when she thought that the man who abused her sexually was reaching for a gun when she defended herself and shot Mr. Johnny Michael Allen to death (Gillis, 2020). In 2006 of the fatal shooting, the state convicted Cyntoia Brown of first-degree murder, which she received a life sentence and later deemed as unfair since she was a black American woman.  What if the victim was a white female? It was highly probable that a white girl’s punishment would be more of a week’s then released. In 2019, Tennessee’s governor offered Cyntoia clemency after enormous public pressure. The prosecutor who was elected charged her as an adult. Surprisingly, the judge also approved the charges and was found guilty, leading to two concurrent sentences.

During the proceedings, Brown was not allowed to testify on her own, a situation that depicts the justice system’s unfairness. Brown’s attorneys were also unfair to her since they failed to offer evidence, which indicates that she had a severe neurodevelopmental disorder that resulted from her mother’s habit of being an alcoholic. (Page, 2020). After the sentence, five years later, a filmmaker named Daniel H. Birman produced a film on Cyntoia Brown’s story called Me facing Life: Cyntoia Story. The film shone a light into her case, where the public reacted to it and pressured the judicial system of their failure and biasness to protect females of color. The movie also initiated a change of the law. As the public kept on criticizing the judicial system, new attorneys took on Brown’s case and represented her in the 2012 appeal of the 2006 convictions (Page, 2020). It was then realized that during the court proceedings that her defense team tabled pieces of evidence concerning her fetal neuro-developmental disorder syndrome. The team also tabled her traumatic and violent past, diminished mental capacity, and abusive relationship with “Cut Throat.” After a series of endeavors, the new defense team was able to uphold her conviction and sentence. Brown’s unfair conviction attracted celebrities like Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Amy Shumer, Ashley Judd, who further made Brown’s story worldwide.

The state of Tennessee had imprisoned Cyntoia for fifteen years consecutively. The Supreme Court of America has since then been unfair in their ruling sentencing black Americans to life imprisonment, harsher laws, and judgments.  Cases such as Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), Cumming vs. Richmond (1899), Dred Scott (1856), among others, received unfair sentencing and were the basis of racial discrimination of the black Americans. In 2019, Nicole Addimando was convicted for the second-degree murder of her husband. In her testimonies, Nicole elucidated how her husband sexually abused her.

Moreover, Nicole told the court how long she has persevered to her husband’s physical abuse, which includes biting, burning her with hot spoons (Grillis, 2020). Her husband, who also raped her at gunpoint and threatened to kill her and later himself. Instead of the law protecting Nicole, she was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Another circumstance in which the Supreme Court of America has failed to protect females of color in the case of Marrisa Alexander from Florida. She fired a warning shot during a confrontation with her abusive husband. Alexander was found guilty and sentenced to serve a twenty-year sentence. The jury, James H. Daniel, denied her request for a new hearing under Florida’s stand-your-ground law. The law was amended, and it included firing a warning shot as an imminent threat (Gross, 2015). In July 2014, judge James found that the amended statute “Could not be applied retroactively.” Alexander’s sentencing stands out to proclaim the justice system bias compared to Zimmerman’s acquittal in 2013 (Gross, 2015). Zimmerman, a white male, successfully used the amended statute of Stand-your-ground defense after taking the life of a black American teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012. 

On the other hand, Alexander was denied the same protocol baring her from invoking the same protocol to defend her, yet no one died nor got hurt during the warning shot which she fired. In December 2014, she accepted a plea deal, which consequently sent her to Duval County jail, where she served an additional sixty-five days. The plea articulated that Alexander was to undergo a compulsory two years’ probation under house detention and to wear a surveillance monitor (Gross, 2015). Alexander’s case depicts the politics of protection in which the black women were exempted from invoking the statutory. However, they could not escape the punishment by the same law that ought to protect them. The same direction was structured by the pre-colonial members whose main focus was to priorities enslavers neglecting the slaves, thereby criminalizing Black Americans. Alexander’s case points out the troubling aspects of the relationship between black womanhood, interracial gendered violence, and mass incarcerations. 

The systematic structural impediments have placed women of color at a greater risk for violence and sexual abuse. According to (in-text), in 1999, fifty-seven percent of female state prisons were victims of abuse before the initial conviction. 46.5 percent were physically abused, and 39 percent were sexually abused. (Gross, 2015). Moreover, there has been an exclusionary idea of protection, which has created the need for women of color to trade in extralegal violence for personal securities. The law-abiding female of color, according to (Gross, 2015) were found carrying small knives to protect themselves from sexual assaults at home, work, or in the streets. In 1855, an enslaved woman in Celia, Missouri, was executed to kill her rapist owner. Such acts were forbidden in the slavery eras. The execution was meant to serve as an example for black women. During those periods, Steve Wilf clarifies that “the rape of black women” was not acknowledged by early American law. To express the outcry of Black American women’s frustration, the nurse’s lamentations in 1912 points it out clear. The nurse lamentation stated that on the one hand, they are assailed by white men, and on the other hand, black men assail them, the black men who should have been their natural protectors. They were assaulted anywhere, in the kitchen, washtubs, and any place where their oppressor deem fit.


Another instance in which females of color are lack proper and quality education. According to (Adridge, 2018) Desree Waston, who was just six -years old, was handcuffed by two police officers in an Elementary school in Avon Park. The young Black American girl was taken into custody, fingerprinted, and had her mugshot taken. The poor young girl was then charged with a felony, battery on a school official, and two misdemeanors to disrupt school functioning and resist the law. Such an event is not as unique as young women of color are criminalized for some simple mistakes. The probability of females of color receiving expulsion from elementary, high-school, or university is very high compared to their whites counterparts. The same young girls should be protected and are only trying to live their lives to their full potential. Yet, the same law criminalizes them. These young girls may find themselves considering some other avenues of making money since most of them have developed brains that may not understand the complexity that life may have on them.  

Most of the interviews conducted with the sex victims indicate that they always have high expectations of getting money to take care of their mothers’ siblings or even further their studies. They later find themselves at the mercies of sex traffickers.  In a report conducted by (Adridge 2018), she points out that African Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders account for at least two-thirds of the youths in juvenile correction facilities. She points out that most women of color have classified education systems as “School-to-prison,” in which there is a high chance to which they might be convicted over small mistakes done during schools as compared to the native Americans. Studies indicate that as Black American Women and Men share a common racialized risk of punishment in schools, black women face a statistically more significant chance of suspension or expulsion than other students of the same gender. For instance, according to (Adridge 2018), between 2011 and 2012, black male students were suspended three times as often as their white classmates while the female of color was suspended at least six times as frequently as white girls. 

In 2000, Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) was passed into law to ensure that young girls and women of color are protected under the TVPA from the trafficking of persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, or slave-like conditions. The united states court also acknowledges that human trafficking is the latest form of slavery and sex trafficking. The United States created a T visa that allows victims of sex trafficking to become temporary United States of America residence to assist the victims in protecting traffickers. In 2003 the act established a right for victims of human trafficking to file civil lawsuits against traffickers. During the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal, it added more substantial amendments to the legal remedies for victims in 2011 when it held the TVPA permits recovery of punitive damages (Maioriello, 2019). However, the Trafficking Victims of Persons have been underutilized by the state’s judicial system. It still has some flaws. The TVPA is still centralized and focused around the prosecution of traffickers. Such an application compromises the enacted law its ability to protect the victims of sex and human trafficking.

TVPA only favors the native Americans (white females), and the female of color are exempted. The TVPA statutory needs to be critically analyzed and readdressed to protect women of color like Patty Hearst. Patty Hearst was convicted when she was put on trial for assisting a Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) in a bank robbery (Weigel, 2019). Patty Hearst argued that the terrorist group forcefully abducted her, brainwashed her, beat, starved, and raped her. Instead of the TVPA law shielding Patty from the harsh sentencing, she was not exempted and sentenced by the same law, which ought to have protected her. The SLA group had committed countless acts of crime, for instance, murdering superintendent Marcus Forster (Gilbert, 2020). Her sentencing calls to the table issues of Stockholm syndrome, brainwashing nuances of class race, and gender discrimination.



Aldridge, S. (2018). Criminalization and discrimination in schools: The effects of zero tolerance policies on the school-to-prison pipeline for black girls. Aisthesis: Honors Student Journal9(2), 1-7.

Gilbert, D. A. (2020). The Logic of Coercive Kidnapping (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).

Gillis, C. (2020). Domestic Violence and Self-Defense: Respecting Women’s Autonomy by Creating a Woman-Centered Law of Self-Defense.

Gross, K. N. (2015). African American women, mass incarceration, and the politics of protection. Journal of American History102(1), 25-33.

Maioriello, R. L. (2019). The Trafficking Victims Protection Act: The Prosecution of Traffickers, Prevention of Trafficking, and Protection of Victims of a Severe Form of Human Tracfficking.

Murder to mercy: The Cyntoia Brown story (2020). (2020, April 29). IMDb.


Territo, L., & Kirkham, G. (Eds.). (2010). International sex trafficking of women & children: Understanding the global epidemic. Looseleaf Law Publications.

Weigel, C. M. (2019). Trafficking Cults: Why Courts Should Adopt a Broad Reading of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act to Ensure Protection of Cult Victims. Geo. Mason UCRLJ30, 269.


Small Business Versus large Enterprises in Customer Satisfaction

Business Administration/ Reading and writing class
Customer Service The importance of customer service to business. Small size businesses vs. larger size businesses. we can still pick any topic that is the easiest to write on and talk about.
Use figures, graphs and diagrams where applicable 


Small Business Versus large Enterprises in Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of every business as it guarantees success, whether to a small or large organization. Both business levels have similar ultimate goals of customer satisfaction, but how they achieve it is different from each other. Small and large enterprises are also different in many aspects, making them differ in offering similar comprehensive services to their customers. Large business organizations achieve success mainly through economies of scale. This means that they focus on the amount being sold to consumers to get more income either through retail or wholesale (Hill & Brierley, 2017). The small and medium businesses mainly rely on personalized services with their customers and utilize every interaction made to enhance loyalty. This means that their success relies on the number of customers who visit their shops on a daily basis. This paper focuses on the differences between small-scale businesses and large-scale businesses and their advantages and disadvantages in attaining customer satisfaction. 

Advantages of Small Business over Large Organizations


There are several aspects that small businesses possess and make them advantageous over large companies. However, it is every small business owner’s dream to have it grow to a huge enterprise that is known all over the world. This is mainly due to the large finances that these organizations make annually. .small businesses have key benefits to their employees and customers as compared to large companies. One of these benefits is the culture that is developed within the business firm (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). When a business has been run by the same people over a long period, the employees develop some commonness in their behavior at work. They become part of the company and live under a common culture like a singular family. The employees take pride in being part of the story of the origin and growth of the business. As a result, culture could result in becoming a significant influencer to the brand name and thus attract more customers. 

Large business organizations also have cultures that they require their employees to follow while offering services to their customers. However, it is relatively difficult to maintain a culture in these organizations due to the regular changes and new employees being employed. There are few people in most organizations that have been there since inception or over ten years in the company to enhance the maintenance of culture. Due to this, most cultures are altered, resulting in a lack of uniqueness in service delivery (Hill & Brierley, 2017). It is difficult to educate a large number of employees on the culture of a large organization, and it would cost a lot of finances and time on them. Therefore, large organizations rely on existing employees to teach new workers about the culture that is followed there. For these large companies, they develop policies to be followed, making the worker appear to be following a culture. 

Communication is an integral part of the development of any business towards attaining its goals. It is enhanced by the kind of management being followed. For small and medium businesses, they mainly use the bottom-up management system where the employees provide solutions or ideas to the manager for improvement and efficiency of service delivery. Small businesses operate as a family, and the employees have direct access to the managers. This enables the communication between the boss and the workers (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). Customers appreciate such a model where they can get an immediate response from the business owner on the needs and gain satisfaction. Issues are easily addressed with immediate effect, unlike the large corporations. 

Large companies have a top-down approach due to the many levels of management. Employees do not have direct communication with senior management, and thus, it is difficult for their ideas or demand to be heard immediately. In most cases, the bosses dictate what is to happen, and the workers do not have anything to say. This makes the employees consider a job like any other and not like a family. Customers usually interact with employees, and this is where they raise their grievances. Since there is a hierarchy of management levels, the grievance takes a long from the employee, supervisor, department manager, coordinator, up to the top management. Due to this, customer satisfaction is fairly difficult.

The growth of a business comes with more duties and expansion of the services. This leads to compartmentalization, where there are different departments are formed to function differently. As a result, new positions are formed, and workers are placed in specified duties different from other departments. Multiple layers of management are developed from the supervisor to the boss. The departmentalization helps to increase the efficiency of service delivery on a large scale (World Bank, 2015). However, it denies employees flexibility and agility in different areas of the business. They only do one job and become experts in that but become unfamiliar with any other task in the organization. For instance, if an employee works as a storekeeper, he will not be familiar with where different products are kept on the shelves in a hypermarket. 

For small-scale businesses, every employee is engaged in almost all areas of the business, from storage to the point of sale. The worker is more flexible and agile to work in any department when a need arises. A customer can get all the answers from one employee instead of constantly being directed from one person to another for each service being sought. It is relatively easy to make changes rapidly and thus meet the demands of the customers. For instance, the business owner can easily convene an emergency meeting and get a solution from his employees without wasting much time (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). The proposed changes can be implemented immediately. When there are markets changes, small businesses adapt faster as they do not have to relay the information to the different departments and wait for implementations. 

As indicated earlier, large business organizations are highly departmentalized, leading to specialization for the employees. These workers gain experience in only one department and have little to none for the other departments. Due to a lack of engagement with other key departments, they have a challenge when transitioning to another job in the same or different business firms. In a small business setup, the employee works in almost all departments of the business leading to expounded experience and expertise. Such an employee has an easy time going to another large organization that has departments (Hill & Brierley, 2017). He can work in any of the departments with ease and be more productive. In managerial positions, employees who have been working in small businesses are better at performing as managers than their counterparts as they understand how each sector operates. They have a strong experience background to enable them to deliver what each department wants. 


Why Customers Prefer Small Businesses

Debates on why customers prefer to visit and make purchases on small businesses, have been on the rise. Large businesses such as malls and supermarkets provide customers with almost everything they are looking for. These organizations provide a one-stop-shop to their consumers and offer products at a discounted price. There are several reasons for the preference of small and medium enterprises, one of them being convenience. Small businesses are found in almost every corner of the country. Unlike them, large enterprises are less in number and offer a wide variety of products (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). However, customers prefer small businesses as they are closer to them, and they do not have to queue in long lines so that they can pay for what they require. Customers get exactly what they want and do not have to take long searching for the shelves where the products are. Sometimes, large organizations frustrate customers with a variety of similar products, and the consumer may purchase the wrong product.

The kind of services offered in small businesses is different from large businesses, and this makes customers prefer to shop there. When a customer visits a shop, she gets attended to by one person. The employee is vastly knowledgeable about different products, and thus he can offer advice on the best product to buy and the reasons for that. For large business organizations, due to departmentalization, it is difficult for one employee to respond to all the questions about various products. This leads to seeking assistance from other employees, and ample time is lost. Due to this, customers may view the employees in large businesses as incompetent with their work, but it is as a result of being skilled in one area only. With small businesses, the employees appear to be highly competent, and thus, the customer will likely come back for more services. 

Since the owners of the small business are mostly available and interact with the customers, these consumers gain some sense of acceptance of the business as belonging to one of theirs. This leads to the development of loyalty, and they will usually come back more often. Most of the workers in the small-scale businesses are normally the locals, and thus the society appreciates having their own working closer to them. For large organizations, the owners are rarely seen as they are only involved with decision-making processes for the organization and not the day-to-day activities. Due to this, the owners of these businesses are considered to be proud and socially distancing themselves from society, which gives the customers. The businesses usually source for managers from outside the community, and this influences the preference of the customers (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). It makes customers view the business as intended to get their money and invest elsewhere. Without proper care in employing the workforce, large businesses face the challenge of being boycotted. 

In small scale businesses, customers have the bargaining power for various products they wish to purchase. The small businesses place slightly higher prices than large enterprises, but due to the ability to seek the lowering of the prices, they feel that they are in control of the pricing. Most of the products do not have fixed prices, and having a price cut is enticing to many customers. For large enterprises, their products have fixed prices, and you cannot bargain with anyone (Hill & Brierley, 2017). Their consumers only have the ability to choose from a variety. However, the prices are slightly lower, and hence the consumers visit them to economize on what little they have. However, they employ some marketing strategies such as discounts and free gifts on different goods and services so that the customers can be attracted to buy more and return in the future. 

Importance of a Good Customer Service to a Business

The market is full of competition as every business tries to attract more customers than the other. With a good marketing plan, it is easy to capture the eye of the customer and make her come to purchase your products. However, the kind of service that she will receive determines the satisfaction level experienced. Poor customer service will result in dissatisfaction, and the customer will not buy from you again (World Bank, 2015). Therefore, it is essential for every business, whether large or small, to ensure that customer satisfaction is given the first priority at all times. There are various reasons that explain why the services offered to customers are essential in attaining satisfaction. 


When customer service provision is enhanced, the consumers are satisfied and gain trust with the business. This leads to retention and loyalty to the business brand as they come back to get the experience again. In large businesses such as supermarkets, their customers get serviced well when the payment process is fast. If there are long queues, the customers will likely not come back and waste their valuable time there. Small businesses have an easier time providing the best time and service to their customers. The employees dedicate ample time to each customer, responding to every request (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). Due to clear explanations given to the customer, he makes the right decision on a product. When the product meets the expected results as advised, the customer will gain trust in the small business and will likely come back for more services. A large enterprise cannot manage that as there are many people who would require exactly the same treatment. 

Another reason is to increase the chances of customer referrals to the business. The increased interest in the small businesses by many customers over the large enterprises has been accelerated by the number of referrals other regular customers have been making. When a potential customer tells a friend of a bad experience she had in a large business, she is likely to be given an alternative choice is usually a small business venture offering similar products. Referrals are essential for the growth of small businesses as they increase sales and thus raise the financial levels of the business. They cost almost nothing to the business as it is normally done by word of mouth (World Bank, 2015). However, a business venture can provide their loyal customers with gifts or discounts for every referral they make successfully. 

Good customer service is enhanced by a good culture. As stated earlier, culture is highly promoted and maintained in small businesses as compared to large enterprises. The culture is translated in how the employees handle their clients to ensure that they get what they want. When customers understand that they will get a service in a certain manner they like from a business, they are likely to become more often. Happy employees at the workplace are highly productive, and this is due to the culture that exists (Hill & Brierley, 2017). The happiness is transferred to their customers who feel appreciated and deserving to be there. When customers are happy, the business’s reputation is built. Experts term small-scale businesses as small companies with big services. Their services are what make them make more profit through increased upsell opportunities.



How to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Since all businesses, whether small, medium, or large, are competing to attain maximum customer satisfaction through their services, it is necessary to understand how to improve satisfaction. Listening to customers is crucial as it allows you a chance to understand what they need. It has been found that 65% of customers are likely to talk ill about the experiences they get from a business. These negative talks can be used by managers as a source of information on what satisfies different customers and thus develop appropriate strategies (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). It is difficult for large businesses to listen to their customers as the management rarely interacts with their customers. For small businesses, the manager is always there working with the other employees. He is able to monitor what customers are saying and take immediate action. 

It is necessary for the management of any business to be proactive in handling various issues raised by the customers and those caused by changes in the market. If a customer requests for a product that has not been stocked, it is important to honor that request and ensure that the good reaches the client in good time. Being dishonest and lying to customers leads to a lack of trust and dissatisfaction. Practicing honesty is critical in gaining trust and getting more referrals and thus sells more. Customers have different personalities and demands, and it is the role of the business owner to understand his customers (Hill & Brierley, 2017). Customer satisfaction is attained when they are understood, and their demands are met either partially or completely. Any efforts that are made with the intention of meeting the demands of the customers make them feel that they have a significant role in the business, and thus, they will draw closer. 

Businesses have heightened their operations to feature them on online platforms. These platforms have become vital branches in the growth of any business, whether small or large. Customers are migrating to the ecommerce, and thus the need to incorporate technology in the operations. Through the internet, it is possible to understand what customers want or are saying. Providing them a chance to give their views while retaining anonymity is detrimental in enhancing their satisfaction (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009). It is easier to analyze the online comments as they can give good ideas to implement in your business and thus satisfy your customers with good services. Through online platforms, business owners can ask people some questions about the services offered. From the feedbacks, they can identify what they are doing right and wrong and make appropriate adjustments. 


Customer satisfaction attainment is a major challenge to most businesses, especially large enterprises. However, small businesses are able to achieve satisfaction relatively easily due to the simplicity of management and departmentalization. They are also able to maintain a strong culture as compared to large enterprises and thus attract more customers. Communication in small-scale businesses is direct between the boss and the employees, but in large businesses, it has to go through several levels of ranks to reach the top management. This causes inefficiency in relaying what customers are demanding. The convenience in small businesses has led to increased preference by customers. The interactions between the employees and the customers have also led to the shift. Customer services require be enhancing and promoting as they lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Attaining customer satisfaction is achieved by keenly listening to the customers’ feedbacks and takes the necessary actions immediately. Delays in this lead to loss of customers to the competitors. 



Grigoroudis, E., & Siskos, Y. (2009). Customer satisfaction evaluation: Methods for measuring and implementing service quality. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hill, N., & Brierley, J. (2017). How to measure customer satisfaction. Taylor & Francis.

World Bank. (2015). The big business of small enterprises: Evaluation of the World Bank group experience with targeted support to small and medium-size enterprises, 2006-12. World Bank Publications.

Leadership Style

 This paper must compare leadership styles in how the US Military teaches and grows leaders compared to Civilian companies. Which is better and cited proof as to why. What are some areas each is missing and what areas can they improve? Paper must be in APA 6 format and use the below books for reference Schein, Edgar. Organizational Culture and Leadership, 5th ed. New York: Wiley, 2016. Kellerman, Barbara. Professionalizing Leadership. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018  


Comparing Military Vs. Civilian Leadership

Leadership styles refer to the approach that team leaders give to a particular group of people to implement plans and accomplish set goals by providing direction. Leaders carry out various roles, such as training and educating young leaders in their organizations. According to Kellerman (2018), teaching people how to lead is considered the world’s oldest profession. She believes that good leadership requires the leader to build a relationship with their followers. It also requires them to apply leadership styles as a form of training.  Both the military and civilian companies teach and grow leaders through the use of different leadership styles. However, their leadership styles differ in many aspects. This paper will compare leadership style in how the U.S military teaches and grows leaders compared to civilian companies. It will also look at the type that provides better leadership training.

Leadership in the military includes transactional and transformational leadership styles (Gonzales,2016). Transactional refers to those leaders who are in charge of giving orders. At the same time, transformational leadership involves leaders convincing subordinates to put the organization’s needs first before their own needs. It also requires them to follow orders without questioning the authority. Transformational leadership consists of a team leader’s role in ensuring the growth of his/her subordinates. Studies show that transformational leadership, as applied in the military, results in positive associations that yield better results among the associates (Gonzales,2016). The leaders are also able to build identities with their respective teams. Subordinates can find satisfaction in their training, enabling them to develop into great leaders. At the same time, it allows superiors to instill values in young leaders at an early stage. Conducting leadership training in the initial stages makes transformational leadership effective in producing the most capable leaders.

Contrastingly, transactional leaders focus on giving commands to subordinates. When a leader issues an order, the assistant can perform the assigned task and gain more experience. Transactional leadership, as opposed to transformational leadership, is more concerned with commitment than job satisfaction. Training subordinates using this method also proves to be effective during training but results in decreased performance compared to transformational training, especially since the assistants may experience a decrease in attitude towards the supervisor (Gonzales,2016). This type of leadership style can, therefore, have adverse consequences during leadership training. It also leads to a decrease in the level of workplace cohesion. Decreased levels in workplace cohesion create an unfavorable environment for both superiors and subordinates. Increasing the levels of cohesion during training will result in quality performance and bring up influential leaders who can transfer better leadership skills to the next group of trainees in the military.

In the U.S Army, the leaders are trained in a way that allows them to apply different leadership styles, therefore making military leadership unique (Gonzales,2016). Compared to civilian companies, the military takes time to groom the soldiers. Individuals in the military become qualified in their duties as they carry and learn leadership skills during training. By examining the military structure, it is evident that it is a type of hierarchy. The reason behind it is that there is a clear distinction between the superiors and the subordinates. Individuals are categorized based on their ranks. Their bosses give the subordinates tasks and instructions that they must follow and show respect by completing each task as instructed by their leaders. This type of leadership works based on giving commands, and it is a type of authoritative leadership style.

The military focuses on leadership development through training. Subordinates are carefully trained and guided on how to complete missions. They are also trained on how to handle difficult situations. The training process allows the growth of the team members in developing leadership skills and values. The military structure will enable individuals in training to move up in a rank after completion of training to gain responsibility. The superiors are tasked with teaching and training their subordinates on leadership skills to groom them for promoting them to higher ranks that will require them to apply the appropriate leadership styles. 

During training, some individuals demonstrate high levels of leadership characteristics than others. Their different personality traits may facilitate or influence some individuals to be more suitable in leadership roles than others (Gonzales,2016). Each person’s personality plays a vital role as a high determinant of leadership potential and outcome after training. During leadership training, the superiors can evaluate each member’s potential by looking at common leadership traits. Therefore, superiors can select candidates that can exhibit high levels of leadership potential.

Some leadership styles used by superiors in the military allow subordinates to follow through with the leaders’ examples. Such characteristics fall under the decisive and action-oriented leadership style (Gonzales,2016). Most team members seek this type of leadership style since it makes them satisfied with their leaders and their training methods by setting up good examples that can be emulated by them. Some of these traits the leaders possess include careful processing of decisions and high natural decision-making levels.

According to Schein (2016), most civilian companies make assumptions about appropriate ways to train their leaders without bringing in any outside assistance. He further states that most civilian companies’ leaders send conflicting signals to their organizations in a situation whereby they have not faced their own internal and unconscious conflicts. This leadership style reflects on the leader’s biases and unconscious conflicts (Schein, 2016). Schein gives recommendations on this type of technique by stating that leaders need to encourage others while remaining open to critical information. Most organizations fail to consider their teams’ needs when they are not directly involved or when it does not affect the organization’s image.

In his book, Schein describes three defensive responses that are a result of the change in companies. The difference involves learning anxiety among the members who are experiencing growth. The defensive reactions consist of denial, scapegoating, and maneuvering. In most cases, civilian organizations’ leadership styles fail to provide psychological safety. Such can be accomplished through proper training, engaging in support groups, and training the members. Members of the organization also require guidance on how to handle change.

Schein further describes the leadership styles of most companies as cultural and multi-faceted. According to his theory concerning culture and leadership, it is evident that group learning plays an essential role in leadership building. He believes that through socialization, members can learn the organizational culture. As leaders, they can be made aware of a group’s consciousness in training and see how each member aligns with it. Some civilian companies end up giving regular practices to their members. They fail to institute appropriate methods necessary to assist members of their groups in dealing with anxiety, resulting in individuals seeking ways of excavating their subconscious beliefs.

The Most Effective Leadership Between the Military and Civilian Leadership

Military leadership is better and more effective in teaching and growing leaders than civilian companies in many aspects. First of all, military training focuses on producing great leaders compared to civilian companies that focus more on organizational performance (Schein, 2016). Military leaders aim to create influential leaders who can take over their leadership roles by providing a platform for them to get higher ranks. They take time to build relationships with their subordinates, enabling them to implement their leadership skills effectively.

The military leaders’ training is based on the subordinates’ responsibility and ensuring that they master leadership skills. They value individual training since they are accountable for how the associates will handle challenging missions. They end up implementing the best leadership styles to produce influential leaders as compared to civilian companies. According to Kellerman (2018), good leadership requires the leader to lead by example, as seen in military training. The military’s leadership styles make them unique and better compared to how the civilian companies teach and educate their members concerning leadership. 

Missing Leadership Styles

Military leadership and civilian leadership are both missing a democratic leadership style. The democratic type of style involves a leader seeking the opinion of his or her subordinates. They seek to consider the view of the deputies while making decisions. The benefit of this type of leadership style is that it promotes team spirit and builds on trust between a leader and his followers. It also allows subordinates to do what needs to be done as per instruction from the superiors and give them a chance to use methods that put their needs into consideration. Both military and civilian companies can work towards applying the democratic leadership style.

Civilian leadership lacks an affiliative type of leadership style. This technique allows the people’s needs to come first, such as training leaders for individual benefit rather than an organizational advantage. The affiliative type involves the leaders working on ways to be close to his or her team members. Such a leader can pay attention to the emotional needs of the individual team member. This style encourages harmony and is very useful in the case of conflict in the organization. It can significantly improve the performance of the individual members and enable them to develop into great leaders. It can also boost the confidence of each individual member.

In a nutshell, leaders are responsible for bringing up influential leaders who can take over after them in military and civilian companies. The leaders need to apply the appropriate leadership styles to meet the set goals and objectives. By comparing military leadership and civilian leadership, we can conclude that military leadership styles are more effective in teaching and growing leaders. The military is mainly focused on the individuals and enabling them to become influential leaders, while in civilian companies, the main goal is to meet the organizational goals and objectives. The methods used by such companies lead to the organization’s growth but fail to meet the aim of training and educating leaders. Besides, both military and civilian leadership lacks a democratic leadership style. Civilian leadership also needs to put the individual needs of members into consideration.



Gonzales, J. (2016). Leadership Styles in Military Settings and Their Influences on Program Satisfaction.

Kellerman, B. (2018). Professionalizing leadership. Oxford University Press.

Schein, E. (2016). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 5th ed. New York: Wiley.

Conditions of Learning Well

 Gagne suggested that certain conditions must be present in order for knowledge acquisition, retention, and retrieval to occur. His nine events are intended to describe learning conditions which can then inform a teacher’s ability to unpack a lesson plan/unit. Review p. 222, Table 5.5 in the Shunk text. If you need a little more insight into Gagne’s approach, please access the site, Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction and Robert Gagne′s nine events of instruction: In addition, this Robert Gagne video link may also be helpful: Gagne’s nine events include aspects of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Examine each of Gagne’s nine events and consider whether it best illustrates a philosophy from the behaviorist approach or the cognitive approach. In your paper, list the event and justify why you think it best fits a behaviorist or cognitive approach. Then, create one strategy or one classroom practice that illustrates the event. The strategy or practice you create should reflect the principles of the behaviorist or cognitive approach. It is not necessary to apply both approaches to each of the nine steps; apply only one.. Submit a paper which is 3-4 pages in length (no more than 4 pages), excluding the References page. Your paper should be double-spaced and cite at least 2 outside sources in APA format. Your paper should be free from grammar, spelling, and content errors. Be sure that you have properly cited (in APA format) all resources used. References Available: 1. Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Read- Ch 3 pp 71-116 & Ch 5 pp 163-227 This portion of the text discusses the main principles, concepts, and applications of behaviorism and the information processing model as these approaches apply to key theories of learning and teaching. 2. Northern Illinois University. (n.d.). Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction. Retrieved from This document provides an explanation of Gagen′s 9 events of instruction and ways to incorporate them into classroom instruction. 3. Berkeley Lab. (n.d.). Robert Gagne′s nine events of instruction. Retrieved from: This website provides an explanation of Gagne′s 9 events. It includes a linear diagram and examples of how to apply them in some cases. 4. McLeod, Saul. (2018). Jean Piaget′s Theory of Cognitive Development. Simple Psychology. Retrieved from This article introduces Jean Piaget′s theory of Cognitive Development, its basic components, and how it differs from other learning theories. 5. 1. Catio23. (March 3, 2015). Robert Gagne. Retrieved from: 6. Khan Academy. (n.d.) Piaget′s Stages of Cognitive Development. Retrieved from



According to Gagne, learning conditions are imposed by the information processing view of learning and memory (Northern Illinois University, n.d.). He assumes that different learning types exist and that learning requires different types of instructional conditions for them to be effective. Gagne came up with nine events of instructions, which he defines as a set of events external to the learner, which were designed to support the internal processes of learning (Catio23, March 3, 2015). This paper will focus on the nine events of instruction while considering aspects of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. 

The first event in Gagne’s nine events of instruction is to gain the attention of the students. This event requires the instructor to demonstrate the relevance of what they are learning and provide a platform for them to participate in activities by introducing a stimulus that captures their attention. The response that learners demonstrate the following environmental stimulus makes it a behaviorism approach (Schunk, 2012).  Stimulating students with elements of surprise is one strategy that can be used.  The second event is to inform the learner of the course’s objectives, which allows them to understand what is expected and required of them as continuous learning. Describing the criteria for standard performance makes it a cognitive type of approach. Including course objectives on the assessment prompt is a strategy that can be used for the event. The third event is to stimulate recall of prior learning. The learners are guided on ways to process new information and connect the new skills with what they already know, thus making it a type of cognitive approach (McLeod, 2018). The event implemented by relating information from previous courses with current courses and various topics. 

The fourth event in Gagne’s nine events of instruction is to present the material. It involves presenting the content in different ways, thus making it a behavioral approach. The course content can be presented using lectures, case studies, as well as other teaching aids. The fifth event is providing learning guidance to the learner. The learners are guided on various strategies to go about their learning objectives, making it a behavioral approach. The students can be guided through the use of rubrics. The sixth event is eliciting performance. Under this event, students can practice and apply their new knowledge to demonstrate their understanding level, thus making it a behavioral approach (Schunk, 2012). The strategy used for this event is by using assessments, presentations, and projects.

Providing learners with feedback is the seventh event in Gagne’s nine events of instruction. Here learners are provided with timely feedback on their performances, allowing them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, making it a type of cognitive approach. The event can be done through peer-evaluation and self-evaluation. The eighth event is to assess performance. The learners are evaluated to provide information on their progress, making it a cognitive approach. It can be accomplished through short active learning activities—the ninth and last event in enhancing retention and transfer, which is a cognitive approach. Learners are guided on applying course concepts to real-life situations. The method for implementing this event is through reviewing lessons.

Gagne’s nine instruction events give a clear guideline on the conditions of learning well. Each of the nine events demonstrates the psychological aspects of the behavioral and cognitive approach. They also make it easier to combine external instructions with an internal learning process and memory. 



Catio23. (March 3, 2015). Robert Gagne. Retrieved from:

McLeod, Saul. (2018). Jean Piaget′s Theory of Cognitive Development. Simple Psychology. Retrieved from 

Northern Illinois University. (n.d.). Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction. Retrieved from  

Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories an educational perspective sixth edition. Pearson.

How does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Homeless and Single-Parent Households Digitally

How does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Homeless and Single-Parent Households Digitally

  1.       Problem Statement

Different regions worldwide have experienced numerous disasters, such as tsunamis, drought, political wars, and economic crises. Nonetheless, apart from global warming, Covid-19 is another issue that has affected the world entirely in both developed and developing countries. In addition to the coronavirus’s health impacts, the pandemic has had profound impacts on individuals’ lives in employment and education throughout 2020 (Mahdy, 2020). The disease forced nationwide schools and libraries’ closure to prevent the spread of the virus, but this has led to an exacerbated learning crisis. Currently, individuals engage in digital or distance learning but have everybody been able to adopt this change (Mahdy, 2020).  COVID-19’s impact on the way libraries traditionally engage with the public has resulted in some less than orthodox methods for maximizing response to community needs, such as taking library programming online or offering curbside pickup and electronic resources as an alternative to in-person visits. However, limited or zero access to much-needed services such as computer access, educational training, technology support, and assistance alongside the social safety net libraries provide for marginalized and underserved populations has impacted the ability of libraries to offer equitable distribution of resources while also contributing to a widening of the digital divide.

  1. History

On March 17th, 2020, the American Library Association’s Executive Board issued an emergency bulletin recommending all physical libraries’ temporary closure due to the unchecked spread of COVID-19. According to the bulletin, the decision was influenced by challenges impacting the ability of libraries to practice social distancing to the degree recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well an overwhelming concern that libraries “not serve as vectors for a fast-moving pandemic” (ALA Executive Board recommends closing libraries to the public, 2020).  Following this ALA missive, a survey conducted by the Public Library Association (PLA) of 2,545 public libraries from March 24-April 1 indicated that 98 percent of respondents had closed their doors to the public (Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Survey of Response & Activities, 2020). These drastic measures were tempered by individual libraries’ steps to maintain some continuity of services, which included, in many cases, an expansion of both online services and digital products. 

III. Significance of Research Area

Findings from a Pew Research study found that, since the start of the pandemic, over fifty percent of Americans consider internet access essential (Vogels et al., 2020).  Library closures negatively impact access to technological resources for those who demonstrate the most need. Despite the growth and expanded access to online resources during such a crucial time, research reflects a correlation between socioeconomic factors and the use of online library resources with disparities in the use of digital resources among families divided along the lines of education and income (Jaeger & Blaabaek, 2020). We propose to (1) evaluate the digital divide created by the absence of neighborhood branches allowing patrons access to computer and internet services within the physical library, focusing specifically on the distance learning technology needs of younger patrons for school use, (2) explore the ramifications of the contradictory effect expanded online access have had on the ability of public libraries to provide continuous equitable access to library resources during the pandemic, (3) examine the ways in which outreach has evolved to meet the needs of those who are physically isolated and for whom digital access was difficult prior to the onset of COVID-19, and (4) explore how the closure of public libraries, in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease, has impacted vulnerable, disenfranchised and underserved populations.

  1. Distance Learning

Since the onset of Covid-19, students have been pulled in and out of schools as infection numbers rise and fall (Van Lancker et al., 2020). While many students have the resources to access their classes online, others are being left behind without access to the internet, compatible devices, or technologically literate adults to help facilitate online learning (Poletti M. 2020). It has been well documented that students that do not have the resources to reinforce the knowledge acquired at school, on average, lose a tenth of that knowledge during extended breaks, known within the education and information professions as the summer slide (Cooper, H. et al. 1996). With some students being out of class going on eight months since the beginning of shutdowns in the United States, we should be concerned with an extended corona slide’s repercussions. 

With these barriers presented by the coronavirus, can public libraries act as a piece of the solution to act as a bridge across the ever-expanding digital divide? By putting into practice creative solutions like that of the Kansas City Public Library spearheading a mobile Wi-Fi bus program(Evans, T. 2020) or that of the Chippewa River District Library system who have purchased more powerful routers so that patrons may use the Wi-Fi outside of the library and began offering mobile hotspots to their patrons(Haiderer, G. 2020), can we create a new way to interact with our patrons that allows them the ability to stay connected despite the barriers attributed to the coronavirus?  As each library faces its own unique issues brought on by the coronavirus, we must take the initiative to determine the steps we can take to assure that none of our students are left behind due to a lack of technological resources? 

  1. Project Goals and Objectives

The projected areas of concern, described in the section above, show an absolute need for research to get clear insights into how the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect the education sector in the United States with the schools and library closure. According to Fregni (2020), homeless children in big cities such as New York cannot meet the current digital learning requirements. Many cannot afford technological devices to support distance learning, which will greatly impact their future. In essence, this project will investigate how the pandemic has affected learning among marginalized groups, mainly the homeless and single-parent households in the United States following digital or distance learning during the pandemic. It will also investigate how public libraries can apply specific strategies to minimize the digital divide between the homeless and low-income families, and other employed individuals. It will also examine the initiatives that libraries and schools can take to ensure that none of the United States students are left behind due to a lack of technological resources or access to the internet.

  1. Research Questions

Specifically, this project aims to answer two questions, including

  • How has COVID19 affected the homeless and single-parent household digitally?
  • What can schools and libraries do to minimize the digital divide between low-income and rich families and ensure that all children have access to digital learning in the United States?

VII. Benefits and Limits of the Study 

Children are not necessarily the face of the coronavirus pandemic. However, they are at risk of being among its biggest victims. Though they have been greatly spared from the direct health impacts of the coronavirus, the disaster has had profound effects on their other aspects of lives, including social, physical and psychological lives (The United Nations, 2020). Children in the United States and other nations have been greatly impacted, especially those from marginalized populations and the poorest neighborhoods. The effects of the pandemic on children are estimated to be lifelong. The project presents certain benefits to the academic sector and the nation of the United States. More precisely, it will help individuals get a clear picture of how the pandemic has impacted individuals’ lives, especially children. Further, the project will provide an understanding of the current digital learning practices and how it has been accepted or implemented in different neighborhoods. Here, it will also help to get clear insights into the effects of the pandemic on homeless individuals and single-parent households in a time when digital learning will determine the type and quality of education that a child can get. The project will also help understand how libraries and other learning institutions respond to the lack of digital learning devices for children from homeless and single-parent families. 

Nonetheless, this project also has some limitations that may affect the outcomes and desired benefits. First, with all individuals, especially children, staying indoors or secluded to avoid getting infected, it will be difficult to recruit participants for the study. The willingness of the individuals’ to participate will also affect the efficiency and validity of the findings. It will also be difficult to recruit homeless individuals to participate in the project. To an extent, the team may have to compensate them substantially for their participation. Regardless, the project will ultimately give insights into the effect of Covid-19 on homeless individuals and single-parent households digitally.

VIII. Literature Review

With over 129,000 students (Ready, J. 2020) in Florida’s Duval county, there has been the question of how to educate students while keeping them and school staff safe during the pandemic. In fall 2020, 25,000 students are signing up to attend school completely virtually (Ready, J. 2020).  How many more families would choose to sign their children up for virtual classes but have not due to a lack of access to resources such as the internet or computer access?  If schools must close again due to the pandemic, how many students will be left without a way to access school virtually?

Homelessness and Single-parenthood

Homelessness has been a growing phenomenon in the United States, with more families and youths becoming homeless for various reasons. According to Morton et al. (2017), millions of children and youths are homeless in the U.S. and are at risk of exposure to mental and physical health problems, violence, and substance abuse. More importantly, homeless families cannot afford to take their children to school or even acquire devices that they could use to study online in the current Covid-19 pandemic when learning has become increasingly digitalized (Morton, 2017). Single-parenthood has also become more common, with more couples getting divorced while others choose to have kids without getting married. About a quarter of children in the U.S., below 18 years, live with one parent (Amato, Patterson, and Beattie, 2015). Single parents provide all the essential needs of a child and ensure that they get a good education regardless of the financial strains. However, the pandemic increased single parents’ financial issues, mainly for those whose pay was cut or lost their jobs. As a result, single parents cannot provide the necessary devices and pay for the internet to support digital learning during the pandemic.

The issue of school closures

According to Wim Van Lancker and Zachary Parolin‘s analysis COVID-19, School Closures, and Child Poverty: a Social Crisis in the Making, 80% of students worldwide have been affected by the shutdowns brought on by the spreading coronavirus(2020). Without access to the resources, space, and support structure to facilitate effective learning, students are losing the skills and knowledge they acquired at school at an alarming rate as determined by the 1996 study The Effects of Summer Vacation on Achievement Test Scores: A Narrative and Meta-Analytic Review (Cooper, H. et al.) noting that under-resourced students lost nearly a months worth of learning progress attained from the previous school year. The Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research, surveying nearly 1,500 families with school-age children, discovered 37% of those families earning less than $25,000 a year do not have the resources to engage in distance learning. Many others have the resources to access distance learning but not enough to engage fully (Polikoff, M. et al.2020).

Failure of Access

The Rand Corporation recently analyzed the American Instructional Resources Survey conducted between May and June of 2020. This survey questioned 6,000 teachers specifically inquiring about the effects of the Coronavirus on their students’ ability to learn (Stelitano, L. 2020). The survey found that of teachers who taught in schools identified as serving the most impoverished students, “Only 30 percent of teachers in schools in the highest category of school poverty (76–100 percent of students eligible for FRPL) reported all or nearly all of their students had access to the internet”(Stelitano, L. 2020 Pg.3) 

Steps libraries are taking 

With the stark discrepancy of children being left without the resources to maintain their educational careers, what steps are being taken that can be evaluated and analyzed for use within the Jacksonville Public Library system? On August 25th, 2020, the Boston Public Library announced its outdoor Wi-Fi program, which expands their router capability for patrons to access the internet outside of the library. (City of Boston, 2020) Considering the extra burdens put on families throughout the coronavirus pandemic, it appears evident that any resources that can support children’s development should be applied and evaluated to maximize all students’ ability to thrive, especially during difficult times such as these. 

The role of public libraries is changing as society moves towards an increasingly technology-centered orientation; however, libraries cannot get hung up on trends. Instead, they must instead explore the relationships various user demographics have with the technologies and services offered (Mcallen et al., 2017, pg. 1). The reality is that library users engage with technology on their own terms. Applying a one-size-fits-all solution can have an adverse impact on libraries’ ability to provide equitable outcomes. The existing correlation between socioeconomic factors and the use of online services extends to library resources as well. Research completed by the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Sociology, which included “more than 55 million observations of families’ daily library takeout” (Jæger & Blaabæk, 2020, pg. 1), revealed disparities in the use of digital resources among families at opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. Those more educated and better off financially being more knowledgeable and inclined to utilize such resources. Public libraries’ expansion of online access is indicative of the significance placed on internet technologies and the subsequent advantages online users gain from their financial and technological capabilities. Beaunoyer et al. warn, “Differences exist between individuals and social groups in terms of access to technologies but also in terms of their capacity to obtain benefits from their use of technology” (Beaunoyer et al., 2020, pg. 1).

Libraries are not an indulgence but can have transformative powers, particularly for the lonely, disenfranchised, and the marginalized (Clink, 2020).  Libraries have not only raised national literacy levels but have also supported families and reached out to the communities to make them both strong and cohesive. According to Elizabeth Schweitzer of the University of Calgary (2018), closing public libraries would mean closing the community’s most valued asset, which would negatively impact the community. A study by Peter Miller of the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2015) shows the effects public libraries’ closure would have on communities and families, including single-parent households in the US. During this study, over sixty percent of respondents said that it would significantly negatively affect the community if their local libraries were closed.  Miller also found that the library was a perfect place to read and access various resources. Therefore, it was crucial to keep as many libraries open for as long as possible to be used significantly to serve everyone in the community.  

Libraries worldwide have implemented and offered innovative ideas for reaching people where they are and informing them of what the library has to offer.  Some examples include zines in Washington state (Smith et al., 2020, pg. 18) and suggestions of Zoom talks with historians and gardeners in South Africa (Mouton, 2020, p. 36).  The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) suggests contacting local offices of Agencies on Aging to see if federal funds are in place to make it possible to provide Wi-Fi and devices directly to seniors in the community with the idea that “just one person with one idea can create a community of seniors through activities and space” (NNLM, 2020, 7:33).  Operating under a similar premise, librarians in Washington state seek to reach those who do not have access to the internet by encouraging patrons to document their stories as a way to help cope with the crisis now and inform generations to come.  Inspired by diaries from the 1918 flu epidemic, librarians Kelsey Smith, Sarah Peté, Linda Johns, and Abby Bass request their community submit stories that document the fears, joys, and feelings of isolation during the crisis through not only email and scanned images but through snail mail.  These stories are compiled into Quaranzines.  Zines are accessible to almost everyone, and “their celebration of the tactile, analog world” adds to their magic (Smith et al., 2020, p.18).

  1. Methodology

Methodological Issues

Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that anybody can get when they come into contact with an infected person. Thus, researching the Covid-19 pandemic poses various issues both to the participants and researchers. More specifically, as shown in the participants’ section, the study mainly targets children and their learning experiences while undertaking distance learning during the pandemic. Interacting with different individuals during the research project increases the risk of individuals getting infected. Due to their young age and lack of experience in other studies, some people may also not understand the procedure used in the study, which may affect the overall findings. It will also be difficult to create a questionnaire, incorporating items easily understood and answered by school-going children. Also, the data collection methods used on single-parent families may not effectively collect data from homeless individuals. Homeless families, mainly children, live in bad conditions, and this problem has increased during the pandemic. In essence, they are at high risk of acquiring mental or psychological issues that may affect their studies and their overall well-being. Also, the libraries have closed most of the time. Thus, the researchers need to make an appointment to meet the employees or managers, delaying the data collection process. The project should consider these issues and choose the best methods to acquire data from both groups in the study, and make appointments in advance.

  1. Ethical Considerations

Research and projects on different issues affecting the education sector and children’s learning pose different ethical concerns. Thus, studies should be conducted within an ethical framework that respects the participants, values and the importance of the findings (Fouka and Mantzorou, 2011, p.3). More specifically, this research will focus on various ethical considerations to protect the participants and acquire the desired outcomes. This research’s major ethical concerns include informed consent, beneficience, respect for confidentiality and anonymity, and respect for privacy. The researchers will get an informed consent form signed by the participant or their guardian, allowing the use of the information they provide for the research. The project will ensure that the participants do not experience any harm related to the research, emotionally and psychologically. It will also ensure that all the personal information including their names, home addresses, and phone numbers remain anonymous and confidential throughout the research. Lastly, it will respect the participant’s privacy without pressuring them to answer questions they do not wish to answer.

  1. Data Analysis

After collecting data relevant to the research question, the researchers will then analyze the information. This will help identify the patterns, themes, and similarities among the participants and issues under research. The project will use a content analysis approach to analyze the data. Here, the approach will help acquire similar themes in the data gathered and gatherng the ideas to find the similarities and differences in the participants’ responses. In this case, the project will analyze the similarities and differences in the digital effects of Covid-19 among homeless and single-parent families, as illustrated by the participants. An SPSS software will also help to analyze the collected data. Measurable and descriptive data will be analyzed to establish patterns or trends of the effects of Covid-19 on homeless and single-parent households digitally.

XII. Conclusion

Ensuring the safety of the most vulnerable portions of the population during the COVID-19 pandemic through emphasizing programming and outreach requiring a digital connection may further widen the digital divide.  The pandemic has made it even more evident that internet access is a necessity, not a luxury.  With the shift to virtual learning, families and school districts rallied quickly to connect students with laptop distribution, but any solution short of universal internet access is inadequate.  Families without in-home internet access and other portions of the population that relied on the library for internet connection for homework, job prospects, recreation and shelter are even more vulnerable as many libraries remain closed for public safety.  Without access to the internet at local libraries or access to library buildings, new problems developed.  The homeless population and some children that consider the library a safe place no longer can find refuge within the walls of the library.  This study will research how the library can serve the most vulnerable and marginalized portion of the population during and after the pandemic by studying the effects of both digital and limited hand-on programming and by evaluating the avenues to internet access for students and those heavily affected by the digital divide despite library closures. 



Amato, P. R., Patterson, S., & Beattie, B. (2015). Single-parent households and children’s educational achievement: A state-level analysis. Social science research53, 191-202.

Fouka, G., & Mantzorou, M. (2011). What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? Is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing?. Health science journal5(1), 3.

Fregni, J. (2020, July 1). What homeless students lose when schools go digital. Teach For America.

Mahdy, M. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Academic Performance of Veterinary Medical Students.

Morton, M. H., Dworsky, A., Matjasko, J. L., Curry, S. R., Schlueter, D., Chávez, R., & Farrell, A. F. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of youth homelessness in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health62(1), 14-21.

The United Nations. (2020). Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on children. United Nations Sustainable Development Group.

Research Proposal : Gold the precious metal

 In one or two well-developed paragraphs explain your topic and purpose for the research paper. Include mention of what specific points or topics you envision including in your research paper, what kind of research you think you will need to find and your tentative thesis statement. Your main objective is to explain how you envision the paper coming together for you. This will be half a page to a page long using our standard formatting guidelines from previous essay assignments.



Pure gold is shiny, metallic, and melts to form different shapes. More importantly, it does not corrode, rust, or decay, hence being referred to as the world’s most precious and valuable metal. Out of all the minerals in the world, gold is also the most useful. The mineral’s usefulness is derived from the diversity of its special properties. Gold was first discovered in South America by the Spanish. Since then, almost all cultures interacting with the mineral perceive it as a symbol of power, purity, beauty, and accomplishment (Schoenberger, 2011). Fundamentally, gold’s unique characteristics enable the production of a variety of products in different industries. Today, individuals make objects such as Olympic medals, wedding rings, money, crucifixes, and ecclesiastical art using gold. Thus, the research will examine and discuss gold uses that make it a significant and prominent substance in society.

First, gold is used in the jewelry industry to make different types of jewelry. Most of the mined and recycled gold today, about 78%, is used to make jewelry (King, 2020). Gold is highly valued in different cultures and also in limited supply. Thus, it is also used as a medium of exchange or money. Thirdly, it is used in the electronics industry. Many electronic devices use low voltages that corrode or tarnish easily and quickly at the contact points. Gold is an efficient conductor possible of carrying small currents without corroding. As a result, gold is used in many electronic devices globally, including calculators, phones, global positioning units (GPS), and personal digital assistants. Lastly, it is used in the medical or health sector to treat multiple medical problems. Pieces of radioactive gold isotopes are medically implanted in body tissues to produce radiation when treating certain cancers. With this in mind, gold is a precious and significant substance used in different industries to make various products that support the human race’s survival and growth.



King, H. M. (2020). Uses of gold in industry, medicine, computers, electronics, jewelry. Geology and Earth Science News, Articles, Photos, Maps and More.

Schoenberger, E. (2011). Why is gold valuable? Nature, social power and the value of things. cultural geographies18(1), 3-24.

Grigore dolvet, Monica.À la recherche de miracles.Pèlerines, religion vécue et la Roumanie postcommuniste, ottawa, Les presses de l′Université d′Ottawa, livre

 Directions pour la recension : Bonjour, mon nom est Jade et ma langue française est maternelle. Je devais faire une recension dans mon cours de sociologie sur le livre de Grigore Dolvete : À la recherche de miracles. Pèlerines, religion vécue et Roumanie Postcommuniste. Je n’aie pas le temps puisque j’ai beaucoup de cours et je suis dans la danse. Tu dois absolument lire les grandes lignes (le livre est 126 pages) et rédigé une recension de 1650-1900 mots. Il faut inclure deux citations du texte ou hors texte en fesant des liens avec la sociologie. Je t’enverrai le texte en format pdf et la page couverture (le document Word que tu devra continuer quand tu répondera à ce message. Merci beaucoup d’avance et si tu as des questions n’hésites pas!  

echerche de miracles. Pilgrims, Lived Religion and Post-Communist Romania de Grigore Monica, publié en 2020, est un livre qui examine la religion dans une nouvelle version des autres études. En commençant le livre, elle dit à ses lecteurs que depuis que la Roumanie a obtenu sa démocratie à la fin de 1989, elle est passée par divers processus cruciaux, y compris la revitalisation religieuse. La revitalisation religieuse a attiré l’attention de nombreux chercheurs qui ont tenté d’expliquer pourquoi les Roumains se sont comportés de manière contraire aux théories de la modernisation. Cependant, le livre de Monica entend critiquer les autres recherches qui le présidaient en enquêtant sur la religion vécue au lieu de la regarder d’un point de vue théorique. Le livre souhaite examiner comment le peuple roumain comprend, exprime, pratique et expérimente la religion dans sa vie quotidienne. Pour atteindre les objectifs fixés dans sa thèse, Monica divise son livre en six chapitres distincts. Elle plonge dans les différents aspects de la religion concernant la façon dont elle affecte le peuple roumain. L’essai suivant passera en revue le livre de Monica pour comprendre la religion et son rôle dans le peuple roumain d’un point de vue sociologique.  

Pendant de nombreuses années dans l’histoire, toutes les sociétés et leurs dirigeants ont utilisé des récits, des pratiques et des traditions religieux pour donner un sens à l’univers. La religion a été définie comme «divers systèmes de croyance et de pratique qui définissent ce que les gens considèrent comme sacré ou spirituel» À cette fin, Monica présente aux lecteurs la religion chrétienne orthodoxe pratiquée en Roumanie. Elle commence son introduction du christianisme à un moment crucial pour l’Église et le peuple roumains. Elle commence sa recherche de la religion vécue lors des célébrations de Pâques lorsque l’Église célèbre la mort et la résurrection du Christ. Pendant ce temps, les gens sont occupés à préparer le grand festival avec différents aliments et des femmes lavant leurs maisons. Ils s’engagent également dans certaines pratiques cruciales, telles que s’occuper du cimetière en ce qui concerne leurs proches et aller à l’église. Elle montre également aux lecteurs les rôles que la religion donne aux gens lorsqu’ils la pratiquent et la vivent. Tout d’abord, elle écrit cela; «Les fleurs obtenues vendredi à l’église protégeraient la famille.» Malgré la conviction que la religion est un moyen pour une fin qui est le paradis, la religion donne au peuple roumain un sentiment de sécurité. Prendre les fleurs qu’ils obtiennent lors des fêtes de Pâques est une mesure pour leur assurer la sécurité avec leurs familles. La religion régit également leur gouvernance en tant que pays et peuple roumain. À ce sujet, Monica dit que le sermon du prédicateur a pris une direction nationaliste et antisémite. Il parle des choses qu’il considère comme un nouveau mal en Roumanie, comme l’imposition de la liberté de religion à la Roumanie par l’Union européenne. Pour le peuple roumain, la religion chrétienne qui a raison en Roumanie est l’Église orthodoxe. Chaque culture a sa religion unique, caractérisée par des croyances, des festivals et des services uniques. Dans cette ligne à l’orthodoxie roumaine pense que leurs pratiques sont sacrées tandis que celles des catholiques sont profanes. Ainsi, la pratique du catholique en Roumanie est considérée comme mauvaise. Les deux chapitres un et deux traitent des croyances et des pratiques religieuses au sein de l’Église orthodoxe roumaine.

Le chapitre trois, cependant, se penche sur une question plus litigieuse dans la société modernisée. La question du destin, que beaucoup dans la société contemporaine considèrent comme une croyance de vieilles femmes, selon Monic. Les gens croient que c’est l’action de leurs mains qui détermine leur progrès ou leur échec de l’avenir, et la logique dicte la même chose. Cependant, certaines personnes au sein de la religion chrétienne croient au destin. Les deux côtés opposés provoquent le débat sur l’action ou la démission. Pour examiner le concept du destin du point de vue de son fonctionnement chez les gens concernant la religion en Roumanie, Monica met un visage sur le débat. Elle donne l’histoire de Tamara, qui représente le point de vue des femmes en face. Tamara croit au principe du destin de la résignation selon lequel les reliques d’un certain saint peuvent guérir leurs infections. Dans les rituels, on montre aux femmes qu’elles imaginent l’apparence physique des saints qui parlent d’elles comme chaleureuses et vivantes afin qu’elles puissent être apaisées et accorder le miracle qu’elles recherchent. La religion a donné au peuple roumain la possibilité d’interpréter la maladie et d’autres problèmes mondiaux d’un point de vue religieux. Dans cette ligne, ils associent des maladies telles que le cancer au péché et cherchent une solution religieuse au problème. La cause des maladies croit que cette maladie représente une punition pour un péché personnel ou familial qui peut arriver “à la troisième et quatrième génération”. Par conséquent, les maladies dont souffre la génération actuelle pourraient avoir été les péchés de leurs ancêtres. De cette façon, la religion offre aux gens des réponses pour comprendre quelque chose que ni la logique ni la science ne peuvent donner la cause de la solution au problème. Par conséquent, la religion offre un certain espoir aux personnes qui font face à de grands défis dans la vie, comme le cancer. Comme Tamara l’admet, il est difficile pour les personnes atteintes de maladies chroniques d’être seules. Ces personnes ont besoin de ressentir un sentiment d’appartenance et d’espérer qu’il y a une solution à leur problème, et un jour elles pourront être guéries. Donner des péchés qui dépassent sa génération donne aux femmes de nombreux péchés à se repentir en espérant que si elles le font correctement, peut-être un jour, elles finiront par guérir. Pour eux, la religion est un ensemble de croyances et une solution à certains de leurs problèmes que les moyens du monde ne peuvent résoudre. Par conséquent, cela leur donne du courage pour affronter des situations difficiles et surmonter la détresse émotionnelle qui les accompagne, sachant que quelqu’un d’autre quelque part s’occupe de leur problème. 

Les fidèles de l’Église orthodoxe roumaine croient qu’il se rend accessible aux croyants par divers moyens matériels. À cette fin, «dans leur dévotion quotidienne, les orthodoxes utilisent un arsenal d’objets religieux: eau bénite, pain sacré, croix à l’huile sacrée, livres de prières ou objets qui sont entrés en contact avec des reliques et des icônes miraculeuses».Ces artefacts jouent un rôle crucial pour déterminer comment la religion est pratiquée. Croire en leurs capacités miracles, et donc les intégrer à leur vie. Par exemple, le rôle critique que joue l’eau bénite dans la manière dont la religion est pratiquée. Il a été utilisé dans l’exécution de plusieurs pratiques importantes qui sont importantes pour les habitants des villes, telles que la purification des bassins et la bénédiction de l’eau des pompiers. Les gens croient ainsi que l’eau qu’ils boivent est purifiée et exempte de germes. L’eau bénite est utilisée dans divers rituels religieux tels que le baptême et l’exorcisme, qui élèvent la foi des croyants.

Les saints de prison sont le dernier chapitre du livre de Monica, qui traite le thème de l’histoire, de la mémoire et de la religion. Dans ce cas, les saints étaient les prisonniers politiques qui sont morts en prison pendant les violences survenues sous le régime du régime communiste 1948-1964. Ici, la religion est liée à l’histoire du peuple, et elle peut être associée à une partie de son histoire politique, estimant que ces saints décédés sont morts pour un bon cours. Malgré leur dévouement, l’Église orthodoxe meurt sans les reconnaître comme saints. Cependant, ils ont été appelés les saints de la prison pour rappeler les maux des communistes dans la Roumanie post-communiste. Même si l’Église orthodoxe ne respecte pas le dévouement des saints de prison, il y a toujours un lien entre eux et la façon dont la religion est vécue en Roumanie. La religion est toujours un guérisseur du passé douloureux de quelqu’un ou d’un groupe de personnes. Bien que les saints de la prison servent de rappel et d’avertissement du passé horrible dans le voyage politique du pays, leurs souvenirs restent dans l’esprit de beaucoup. Ils ont besoin de surmonter ce terrible passé, et la religion leur offre une certaine force et l’espoir de le surmonter. La religion est donc liée à l’histoire du peuple car elle les met également en garde contre les mauvaises actions qui ont conduit à la mort de ces innocents martyrs.

En un mot, le livre se penche sur la vie religieuse au sein de la société roumaine. Dans cette ligne, les gens pratiquent la religion à travers divers festivals tels que Pâques. Monica décrit également la religion dans ce pays comme ayant un rôle essentiel dans la formation de l’opinion politique de la société. L’Église orthodoxe considère qu’un péché est mauvais pour le pays, considérant qu’il prend plus de 80% de ses membres religieux. La religion joue également un rôle clé pour rendre la vie des gens confortable, comme leur donner la garantie de la sécurité contre le danger. De cette façon, les gens vivront avec plus de confiance en sachant qu’eux-mêmes et leurs familles sont pris en charge par un Dieu omniprésent. En utilisant l’étude de cas de Tamara, Monica enseigne à son public l’orthodoxie et le destin. Elle vise à recevoir une guérison miracle après avoir répété tous les péchés qui lui étaient liés. La possession matérielle d’artefacts considérés comme saints joue également un rôle clé pour faciliter la façon dont la religion est vécue. En passant par là, il est utilisé pour bénir et purifier les personnes, les objets et les animaux. Les saints de prison ont été une question controversée au sein de l’Église orthodoxe. Même si l’Église ne les reconnaît pas, ils relient les gens à l’histoire à travers leurs souvenirs. En un mot, Monica décrit les membres de l’Église, en particulier les femmes, comme vivant une vie chrétienne bien remplie, car une religion touche presque tous les aspects de leur vie sociale, culturelle et politique. 





Lumen Learning. « L’approche sociologique de la religion | Introduction à la sociologie ». Production de livre simple. Dernière modification 2018.

Monica, Grigore D. À la recherche de miracles. Pèlerins, religion vécue et Roumanie post-communiste. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2020.

Humor in The Canterbury Tales 


The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer are tales based on the narrations of 31 pilgrims, including Chaucer himself. The general prologue introduces the audience to what transpired so that the tales came to be. The narrator joins other pilgrims at the Tabard Inn. This group comes from different backgrounds and travels to Canterbury, where the shrine of martyr Thomas Becket is situated. Each of the characters represents a unique occupation, position, and personality. Using the different classes of people, Chaucer gives the picture of an entire society. In doing this, he applies some humor in depicting the gap between what the character should be and what he/he is.

The first character in Chaucer’s narration is the knight, who is presented as an ideal character. For this reason, he is admired and loved by everyone in society. He is depicted as a nobleman who struggles to fight for what is right. His life as a knight has been victorious with some extended travels. He is a modest, simple, and generous character, and all these traits make him a complete and ideal character. The striking humor comes from the speaker’s description of the knight’s contrasting traits “He was a perfect gentle knight” (Chaucer, line 72). This comes as a surprise as the speaker wants to make the knight an ideal person who is gentle and, at the same time, victorious in wars that are filled with bloodshed and death. In a way, the knight’s description leaves some mystery into the person that he is away from the speaker’s naïve description in Chaucer’s poem.  

Squire is another character whose description gives humor to the readers. Squire is the son of a knight who, according to the description of the narrator, is so young and handsome. These two descriptions give the impression of a character who every woman would die for. His age and handsomeness form a clear picture in the mind of a masculine man. However, in reality, this is not the man that Squire is. Further description of Squires gives the impression that Squire is childish and feminine in various ways. He had long curly hair, which is a direct contrast to the true traits of masculinity. Like a woman, he is full of flowers and likes to wear short gowns. He also loves to sit and watch the sky and play his flute (Chaucer lines 84-87). Given that he is a knight and supposed to be a clear example of masculinity, the ideal and the reality around Squire are the sources of humor in Chaucer’s narrations.  

The nun is a character who serves as the direct opposite of the ideal. Everyone expects the nun to be a holy person, given her ties to Christianity and her faith in it. The stereotypical assertion of the society about key religious figures such as nuns is that they should be loving to other people, concentrate on their religious duties, and minimize secular activities. The reality in the nun’s life offers the direct opposite to society’s expectations. She loves drinking and taking part in sports, which are not traits associated with nuns. “For French of Paris was to her unknow” (Chaucer line 126). She speaks French, has jewelry, wears expensively, and loves flowers indicating an elegant life, which is not an ideal character of a servant of God.  The nun is obsessed with animals that she loves them over the human beings that she serves as a nun, which leaves the reader with the question of why she is not a nun for the animals anyway as she does not fit to be a nun to her fellow human beings. 

In a nutshell, Chaucer uses various characters’ tales to contrast the ideal and reality. He uses characters from various backgrounds and occupations and backgrounds to indicate the difference between the utopian ideal people that these characters should have been and the imperfect people they exist to be. This sharp contrast offers readers some sense of humor as the ideal and reality are sometimes so opposite that one could anticipate.


Works Cited

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Wordsworth Editions, 2002.